Acquisitions Committee



To serve as a review and advisory committee for all matters concerning the acquisitions of resources (print, electronic and potential future formats); to act as a clearinghouse for issues of mutual concern to libraries and the information resources industry; to identify, study, and make recommendations or referrals on issues concerning the acquisition of resources in all formats; to gather, organize and disseminate information about advances in the acquisitions field; to communicate committee findings through appropriate channels; to identify and suggest formal liaison with other 精东传媒committees.

This committee is part of the Metadata & Collections Section.


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Displaying active committee roster as of 07/01/2018. Last retrieved on 09/20/2024. Refresh now.



About this Committee



  • Ongoing communication of issues related to libraries and the continuing resources industry
  • Recommendations or referrals on issues concerning the acquisition of continuing resources
  • Organize and disseminate information about advances in the continuing resources acquisition field

Expected Time Commitment

  • 2-4 virtual meetings a year

Desired Skills, Knowledge, and Experience

  • Interest or experience in acquisitions and continuing resources
  • Familiarity with other groups in this interest area