Capacity Building Webinar Series: Basic Building Blocks Librarianship


The ¾«¶«´«Ã½IRRT Webinar Committee in association with the ¾«¶«´«Ã½ (ALA) International Relations Round Table (IRRT) Mission Enhancement Project present a series of FIVE (5) webinars to support capacity building of library employees (non-professionals).

Topic and presenters:

1st webinar - March 14, 2024
Reference Services - , Academic Engagement & Reference Librarian, Suna Kirac Library, KOC Universitesi, Turkey.
(350 MB)

PowerPoint presentation (PDF format)

2nd webinar - March 28, 2024
Information Resource Organization - , Course Coordinator & Lecturer, University of South Australia.
(725 MB)

LINKS shared during presentation

3rd webinar - April 4, 2024
a) Collection Development and Management - , Manager: Collection Management and Copyright Services, University of South Australia.
b) Collection Building Using Open Educational Resources (OERs) - , Academic Librarian (OERs), University of South Australia.
(488 MB)

4th webinar - April 11, 2024
Information & Digital Literacies - , Assistant Professor, , The Ohio State University, USA.
(468 MB)

  • PowerPoint (PDF format)
  • Presentation Slides:
  • Definitions and Models: ;
  • Research Process Diagram:
  • Teaching Research and IL:
  • Choosing and Using:

5th webinar -Thursday, April 25, 2024, Singapore (UTC +8): 3:00 pm | 3:00 am Eastern (US and Canada)
Basics of Research Methodology for Librarians - , Retired Professor, University of Malaya, Malaysia (Pro-bono).
(408 MB)


Webinar Series Moderator: Gina de Alwis Jayasuriya, PhD
CPD Researcher & Program Coordinator

Background to the Webinar Series: In 2019 Gina initiated a research project on the status of capacity building opportunities for LIS professionals in selected countries. The focus is on countries that had conducted limited research on the LIS sector, and specifically, on Continuing Professional Development for LIS professionals. Two country studies have been completed to date on the Maldives and Cambodia (). Capacity building programs Gina has undertaken with a view to bridge the CPD gaps include a series of webinars presented in 2021/22 under the auspices of the National Library of Maldives which featured LIS professionals from around the world, a in Singapore in 2023; and, a series of (opens a YouTube window) in collaboration with KAPE, to support school librarians. Gina is the recipient of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½ IRRT Mission Enhancement Grant 2023 for this project to address capacity building for librarians. She was head of Singapore Institute of Management Library for over 25 years.

The IRRT Mission Enhancement Grant established in 2016 funds member-initiated proposals for international projects and partnerships which contribute to ALA’s role in international librarianship.

Gina de Alwis Jayasuriya, PhD
20 February 2024