Government Documents Round Table (GODORT)

2002 GODORT resolutions


RESOLUTION CONCERNING EXECUTIVE ORDER 13,233, FURTHER IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS ACT WHEREAS, the people's right of access to government information is the cornerstone of our democratic society; and WHEREAS, public access to government information is vital to maintaining governmental accountability; and WHEREAS, the public's right of access to information concerning the activities of its government is better served when ownership of the records of public officials is vested in the public; and WHEREAS, the Presidential Records Act of 1978 (PRA), 44 USC 2201-2207, establishes the...

Government Information Competencies


The Education Committee's Government Information Competencies are targeted to beginning government information librarians and to general reference librarians. The Competencies document includes a survey and separate parts for federal, state, & international competencies. Survey: Results and Analysis for GODORT Competencies Survey Pt. 1 - Federal Government Information Competencies and Guide Approved at ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual 2011 Pt. 2 - State Government Information Competencies - State Agencies Databases. Since state information varies widely, the State and Local Task Force decided proficiency in using...

IDTF Agency Liaison Reports


Agency Liaison Reports (February 2018) Agency Liaison Reports (June 2017) Agency Liaison Reports (January 2017) Agency Liaison Reports (June 2016) Agency Liaison Reports (January 2016) Agency Liaison Reports (June 2015) Agency Liaison Reports (January 2015) Agency Liaison Reports (June 2014) Agency Liaison Reports (January 2014) Agency Liaison Reports (June 2013) Agency Liaison Reports (January 2013) Agency Liaison Reports (June 2012) Agency Liaison Reports (January 2012) Agency Liaison Reports (June 2011) Agency Liaison Reports (January 2011) Agency Liaison Reports (June 2010) Agency Liaison...

2003 GODORT resolutions


RESOLUTION ON WITHDRAWN ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT INFORMATION WHEREAS, permanent public access to government information, including information on Federal government Web sites, is essential to an informed public; and WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the Federal government to ensure permanent public access to that information; and WHEREAS, information published by an agency, regardless of format, is a federal record; and WHEREAS, for various reasons federal agencies removed, without public notification, information and publications from their Web sites; and WHEREAS, many federal records removed...

2004 GODORT resolutions


RESOLUTION COMMENDING THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) CLEARINGHOUSES FOR THEIR SERVICE TO THE EDUCATION COMMUNITY, THE LIBRARY COMMUNITY, AND THE PUBLIC Whereas the Clearinghouses of the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) have provided invaluable support for the work of educators and information professionals in schools and libraries around the world for more than three decades; and Whereas the professional staff members of the ERIC Clearinghouses have actively sought to provide extensive information services to every constituency for education information...

2005 GODORT resolutions


Resolution on Access to National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Publications WHEREAS, open, unfettered, and no-fee access to information collected, compiled, or funded by government is a basic tenet of a democratic society; and WHEREAS, the Department of Defense’s National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) announced in the November 18, 2004 Federal Register (69 FR 67546) its intent “to remove its Flight Information Publications (FLIP), Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File (DAFIF), and related aeronautical safety of navigation digital and hardcopy publications from public sale and...

2006 GODORT resolutions


Resolution on Protecting the Toxics Release Inventory Program WHEREAS, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) program has been in existence since the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) was enacted in 1986; and WHEREAS, Congress enacted the Pollution Prevention Act in 1990, requiring additional data on waste management and source reduction activities be reported under TRI; and WHEREAS, the TRI is widely acknowledged to be among the most efficient and successful EPA programs, resulting in significant reductions in pollution; and...

2014-15 Directory


Executive Committee | Committees | Task Forces | Special Officers | Liaisons & Contacts Steering Committee GODORT Elected Officers/Executive Committee Chair Helen Sheehy (2016) Assistant Chair/Chair-Elect Stephen Woods (2017) Secretary Linda Spiro (2015) Treasurer Michael Smith (2015) Immediate Past Chair Suzanne Sears (2015) Councilor Bill Sudduth (2016) Publications Committee Chair Marianne Ryan (2016) GODORT Task Force Coordinators Federal Documents Task...

2015-16 Directory


Executive Committee | Committees | Task Forces | Special Officers | Liaisons & Contacts Steering Committee GODORT Elected Officers/Executive Committee Chair Stephen Woods (2017) Assistant Chair/Chair-Elect Sarah Erekson (2018) Secretary Jill Vassilakos-Long (2016) Treasurer Michael Smith (2017) Immediate Past Chair Helen Sheehy (2016) Councilor Bill Sudduth (2016) Publications Committee Chair Valerie Glenn (2018) GODORT Task Force Coordinators Federal Documents Task Force...

2016-17 Directory


Executive Committee | Committees | Task Forces | Special Officers | Liaisons & Contacts Executive Committee Chair Sarah Erekson (2018) Assistant Chair/Chair-Elect Shari Laster Immediate Past Chair Stephen Woods (2017) Secretary Laura Sare (2017) Treasurer Michael Smith (2017) Councilor Bill Sudduth (2016) Publications Committee Chair Valerie Glenn (2018) Back to top Committees Awards Kirsten Clark, Co-Chair (2017) Kelly Smith, Co-Chair (2017)...

2017-18 Directory


Executive Committee | Committees | Task Forces/Interest Groups | Special Officers | Liaisons & Contacts Executive Committee Chair Shari Laster (2019) Assistant Chair/Chair-Elect Hallie Pritchett (2020) Immediate Past Chair Sarah Erekson (2018) Secretary Renee Bosman(2018) Treasurer Rebecca Hyde (2019) Councilor Bill Sudduth (2018) Publications Committee Chair Robbie Sittel (2019) Bylaws Coordinator Vicki Tate (2018) Back to...

Past directories


2023-24 directory 2022-23 directory 2021-22 directory 2020-21 directory 2019-20 directory 2018-19 directory 2017-18 directory 2016-17 directory 2015-16 directory 2014-15 directory 2013-14 directory 2012-13 directory 2011-12 directory 2010-11 directory 2009-10 directory 2008-09 directory 2007-08 directory 2006-07 directory 2005-06 directory

Past Award Winners by Year


1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s | 2010s | 2020s Year Award Recipent 1976 James Bennett Childs Award James Bennett Childs 1977 James Bennett Childs Award Bernadine A. Hoduski Lexis-Nexis/GODORT/¾«¶«´«Ã½"Documents to the People" Award Joe Morehead 1978 James Bennett Childs Award Mary Elizabeth Poole Lexis-Nexis/GODORT/¾«¶«´«Ã½"Documents to the People" Award Lois Mills 1979 James Bennett Childs Award Catharine J. Reynolds Lexis-Nexis/GODORT/¾«¶«´«Ã½"Documents to the People" Award Yuri Nakata Back to top 1980 NewsBank/Readex/GODORT/¾«¶«´«Ã½Catharine J. Reynolds Research Grant Award No award given 1981 James Bennett...

2018 GODORT Award Winners


James Bennett Childs Award The 2018 James Bennett Childs Award is posthumously awarded to Karen M. Russ, who served as Government Documents Librarian at University of Arkansas (UA) Little Rock for over twenty years and was the 2017 Depository Library Council Chair. The Childs Award is a tribute to an individual who has made a lifetime and significant contribution to the field of documents librarianship, and is based on stature, service, and publication. Known as the “Fed Docs Guru” for her expertise and unwavering dedication, Karen’s leadership was pivotal in the Arkansas Documents Consortium...

About Awards


GODORT presents six awards annually: three awards to recognize achievements by documents librarians, one award designed to encourage participation in professional study or publication, a scholarship for those pursuing a library science degree, and the Larry Romans Mentorship Award, presented jointly by GODORT and the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Rainbow Round Table (RRT). Awards are presented at the ¾«¶«´«Ã½'s Annual Conference. Further information about the various GODORT awards is listed below. To see recent and past GODORT awards recipients, please choose a link from the menu on the left side of...

Past Award Winners by Award


Award and scholarship recipients by award: James Bennett Childs Award ProQuest/GODORT/¾«¶«´«Ã½"Documents to the People" Award NewsBank/Readex/GODORT/¾«¶«´«Ã½Catharine J. Reynolds Research Grant Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship Margaret T. Lane / Virginia F. Saunders Memorial Research Award Larry Romans Mentorship Award James Bennett Childs Award 1976 James Bennett Childs 1977 Bernadine A. Hoduski 1978 Mary Elizabeth Poole 1979 Catharine J. Reynolds 1980 No award given 1981 Margaret T. Lane 1982 James Adler 1983 Bernard M. Fry 1984 No award given 1985 No award...

GODORT Conference Schedules


2024 Annual conference schedule 2022 Annual conference schedule 2022 Midwinter conference schedule 2021 Annual conference schedule 2021 Midwinter conference schedule 2020 Annual conference schedule 2020 Midwinter conference schedule 2019 Annual conference schedule 2019 Midwinter conference schedule 2018 Annual conference schedule 2018 Midwinter conference schedule 2017 Annual conference schedule 2017 Midwinter conference schedule 2016 Annual conference schedule 2016 Midwinter conference schedule 2015 Annual conference schedule 2015 Midwinter conference schedule 2014 Annual conference schedule...

2018-19 Directory


Executive Committee | Committees | Task Forces/Interest Groups | Special Officers | Liaisons & Contacts Executive Committee Chair Hallie Pritchett, North Dakota State University (2020) Assistant Chair/Chair-elect Susanne Caro, North Dakota State University (2021) Past Chair Shari Laster, Arizona State University (2019) Secretary Julia Frankosky, Michigan State University (2019) Treasurer Rebecca Hyde, Saint Louis University (2019) Publications Committee Chair Laura Sare, Texas A&M...

Governing Documents


GODORT is governed by its Bylaws and the Policy and Procedures Manual (PPM). To view one of GODORT's governing documents, please choose its name from the navigation menu on the left.

Exchange Subject Guides


A page for shared subject guides created by government information librarians, organized by topic.