Ann Schaenzer

Ann Schaenzer headshot
Describe yourself in three words

Humorous, curious, kind.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?


I just finished reading "Magpie Murders" by Anthony Horowitz after my murder-mystery loving family recommended it, and I'm planning to pick up "The Winters" by Lisa Gabrielle to indulge in some spooky October vibes. Additionally, I'm listening to the American Hysteria podcast with Chelsey Weber-Smith.

Describe ACRL in three words:

Lifelong learning resource.

What do you value about ACRL?


ACRL allows me to remain informed on the latest happenings in academic librarianship. I especially appreciate the ACRL Presents Webcasts and ACRL-CHOICE webinars. The organization helps me feel connected to my colleagues in the profession.

What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus?


Most of my work revolves around teaching information literacy skills and data literacy skills to students in a variety of different courses. I do my best to make the research process approachable and even fun for the students that I encounter in the classroom and in individual appointments, and I encourage students to ask questions and indulge their curiosity. I also work on a number of committees, including the college's joint Libraries and IT DEI Committee.

In your own words


Whether it's opening all of the fire doors after a power outage, seeing a student's research confidence blossom after an appointment, getting a class to laugh at an unexpected technical difficulty, digging into old census data for a humongous undergrad project, or dressing up in a shark costume for an event... everyday I find more reasons to love the work I am lucky enough to be able to do.

Title:Research & Instruction Librarian for Social Sciences & Data Literacy

Workplace:St. Olaf College

Location:Northfield, MN