Amanda Roper

Amanda Roper headshot
Describe yourself in three words

Empath, feminist, nerd.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?


I'm in between books at the moment. I'm picking up "Ghosted" by Rosie Walsh on the recommendation from a friend. I have been listening to an audio book of "The Hobbit" with my kids and we're really enjoying it.

Describe ACRL in three words:

Innovative, reflective, responsive.

What do you value about ACRL?


I value that ACRL encourages and promotes discussion within the profession. I would like to hear more from my fellow community college librarians and I think ACRL has a great platform for fostering discussions important to community college librarianship.

What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus?


I am the liaison for our returning adult students and as such I focus on outreach and instruction for this population. Currently, I'm working on creating a family friendly study room and seeking other ways to make the library welcoming to non-traditional students. I supervise the library on nights and weekends, coordinate our outreach and marketing efforts, and I'm on several campus committees. My favorite task is making memes and buttons to promote our library events. This year, I've focused on collaborating with other departments for events. For example, a colleague and I held an LBGTQ+ Zine workshop for National Coming Out Week and we've held pop-up libraries at poetry readings, global film screenings, and faculty events. Increasing collaboration with faculty and staff across campus is successful in promoting library resources and programs.

In your own words


I don't take myself seriously, but I take helping students very seriously. On weeknights, you can find me at the front desk practicing Tik Tok dances with our student employees, dreaming up memes to promote events, working with students on research projects, designing library displays, and thinking of ways to make sure our library is inclusive and welcoming. I'm happiest when I'm working with students, but collaborating with our stellar faculty and my library colleagues are a close second.


Title:Evening and Weekend Librarian

Workplace:Chattanooga State Community College

Location:Chattanooga, TN