STS Statements


Science and Technology Section’s Solidarity Against Anti-Asian/Asian-American Violence

The Science and Technology Section (STS) stands in solidarity with Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities and in strong support of recent statements from the , the and the to condemn racism, violence and hate-crimes committed against Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities. We deplore the long history of racism and xenophobia against AAPI communities, and we further join AP¾«¶«´«Ã½in denouncing increased xenophobia, racism, and violence that has been fueled by false characterizations of the Coronavirus.

We urge members of STS to closely read the statement by AP¾«¶«´«Ã½and , and to educate themselves about xenophobia, racism, and the often unnamed systemic culture of white supremacy that we must dismantle to join together in equitable and just communities. We call on each other to commit to action.

STS commits to:

  • Publicly releasing and distributing this statement
  • Organizing an online program celebrating Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islanders in science librarianship
  • Organizing and promoting an online discussion about a reading, video, or book recommended in APALA’s . At this discussion, we will share resources curated by AP¾«¶«´«Ã½for reporting and fighting anti-AAPI racism and violence and discuss further learning and actions in which participants, including STS members can engage. We will encourage sharing ideas for action for participants to pursue following the program.
  • Beginning and continuing a regular anti-racist leadership training/book club activity for all STS Co-Chairs of committees, discussion groups, and task forces, including STS Executive elected and ex-officio officers.

Submitted by the 2020-2021 Science and Technology Section Executive Committee on March 23, 2021