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Some of the key points of the presentation were: Criteria for inclusion/exclusion in the survey Definition of a Hispanic owned business (owning 51% of the equity) Growth of Hispanic businesses (31% increase in number of firms and 19% increases in receipts) Patterns of Hispanic businesses in the country Forthcoming changes in the 2007 Survey of Business Owners, which will include nineteen new questions, and the option to specify some other race for ethnicity Dr. Kilger of Simmons highlighted the findings of the National Hispanic Consumer Survey conducted by Simmons. The survey measured Hispanic demographics, consumer behavior and utilized special segmentation systems. The presentation is full of fascinating information and it is worthwhile to view the PowerPoint presentation attached to this forum topic. Some of the highlights of the presentation are: Measurement of Acculturation Impact of product placement on consumer behavior Shopping psychographics Engagement with multimedia Integration of Nielson and Simmons data to create Behaviorgraphics"! Simmons Local Model that projects data down to block, zipcodes and congressional district level Mr. Schwartz presented an effective visual presentation demonstrating how to use SimplyMap, an easy to use GIS tool to create thematic maps. Please see the PowerPoint presentation attached to this forum topic. He demonstrated how to use SimplyMap for instance to find potential market for Hispanic food delivery services in the New York city area. Mr. Schwartz listed the future improvements, which include the addition of a data set called Dun & Bradstreet Points of Interest, launch of a new discussion forum, addition of historical census data, ability to perform ring studies and ranking features and an international version that will provide macro-economic data such as the World Bank dataset. Question & Answer Session: Q. [SimplyMap] Many countries destroy census data periodically according to their soverign laws. How are you dealing with access issues to that data? A: SimplyMap is not including census data from other countries. At the beginning, only macro economic indicators similar to World Bank and United Nations data will be available. Q. [For SimplyMap] Are you planning to include Psychographic data from Simmons? A. Mr. Schwartz and Dr. Kilger seemed open to the idea of discussing it further. Q. [SimplyMap] Is it possible to cross-tabulate in SimplyMap? For instance, how many Hispanics eat at McDonalds? A: It is really difficult to cross-tab with the sample size at the local level. Q. [Census] According to the Census, who is an individual business owner? A: It depends on whether a federal tax form had to be filed. If a business owner filed a federal tax form, that business owner will receive the survey. Q. [Census] American FactFinder does not have indentation and thus it is difficult to read. A. The American FactFinder is an evolving tool. In the long run, the plan is to get data into query format. Q. [Simmons] Is there a better way to receive customer support? A: Simmons is currently re-organizing its account services and Dr. Kilger welcomed participants to contact him directly. Q. [Simmons] When will Simmons become web-accessible? A: This is in the works for while. Q. [All] how are you taking undocumented workers into consideration? These are a large part of the consumer base and become missing demographics. A: Simmons takes it into consideration. Hispanics are usually not aware of what market research is and what the significance of marketing research is. Thus, the survey is sent out with a booklet that explains the marketing research process. Q. [SimplyMap] Is it possible to import data into SimplyMap? And how will it be executed? A: SimplyMap is working on making it possible for users to link tables with data that they import into their own account. Currently, data sets can be imported into SimplyMap at the institutional level and those data sets will be visible for all users of that institution. Q. [Simmons] How long does it take for Acculturation? Any comments on how young Hispanics are living in both worlds? A: Hispanic culture is more visible in movies and music. Hispanics retain their culture and adopt US culture. This is a big trend. Q. [Census] SBO collected data in 2002. Did Census receive good funding for the 2007 survey? A: The Census has received full funding. A couple of new questions have been added, for example, what language is the business conducted in, availability of capital and questions about additional characteristics. Q. [Census] What is the difference between a respondent marking Chicano versus Mexican? A: This is a regional difference and older generations tend of think of them differently. Q. [Census] The Census includes an other9kp| % 6 7 7  o bdf$&(@MPÿÿ緯ۯ~zh4reh b hHEhHE hHE\hHEhHE\ hHEh68%h68%h68%5\h68%huhM?hM?5hM?hu5h[hvhhM?h5hRhbhM?h1'h1Ihh[h(A5CJh[h1I5CJ0:W| & ' 7 U q 7 f  6  & Fgdvgd[,, l f&(STop ^_"#mcgdsH-gdM? & Fgd68% & FgdugdJ`TPTnopt~&lm bcm cd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,¾h1'0JmHnHuh1' h1'0Jjh1'0JUh)jh)UhJ`Th:1huhHEh{UhG[hEhanhs9:hRhSh%VxhN^h[xhsH-5h[xhHE5hM?6{mnP4  d<,,,,,,,gdsH- category for ethnicity. How does Simmons handle that data? A: Simmons is trying hard to collect this data and SimplyMap would love to see further breakout of this other category.     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