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TodayТs program is being co-sponsored by IASSIST, the International Association of Social Science Information and Technology, WESS, the Western European SpecialistТs Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries, and BRASS, the Business Reference and Services Section of the ╛л╢л┤л├╜Reference and Users Services Association. So to the task at hand Ц I have been hoping that GODORT would sponsor a program on international data for several years. This is not only because I feel the subject is important, but also because reference and collection development in this area is often fragmented and poorly understood. Government information librarians need to be proficient in many subjects, and international data is just one of these. But there are other subject specialists, particularly data and business librarians, who provide statistical information to our users. Often these librarians speak a different statistical language, use different sources, and have different assumptions about user needs. Most unfortunately for us, these librarians are often located not just in other departments, but sometimes in other buildings. So what I hope you will gain from this program is not just an awareness of international statistical sources, but also a sense of what these colleagues can offer, when to refer users to them, and perhaps even when to combine services points. It is sometimes said that medical specialists would rather share each otherТs toothbrushes than each otherТs terminology, and unfortunately this can be true of librarians as well. Many of us have been pushing for combined government information and general reference service points for some time. I would like to suggest that we take this a step further, and consider integrating data and business information into our public service philosophy also. Another topic we will address is data from the viewpoint of governments and users in other countries. We are fortunate to have with us speakers from both Canada and the United Kingdom, whom I think will offer some refreshing perspectives. What methods are used, for example, to harmonize data from hundreds of different countries? To what extent should we collect data from other governments, as well as International Organizations? European Union statistics are especially challenging, and data from IGOs can get recycled into different formats by both national governments and private commercial vendors. How to come to grips with this increasingly complex statistical world is the benefit I hope you take away from this program. 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