ࡱ> WYRSTUV#` `bjbj _=WNn n n n n n n :::d @`0F@aG+t$hn laalln n l& n n lxn n  pKyT: E{H[d0@{\n F  |@llll ~v* v n n n n n n  Government Documents Roundtable of the ý Midwinter Meeting, January 2008 International Documents Task Force Agency Liaison Reports Agency Liaison reports are presented at the IDTF Meeting during each Annual and Midwinter Meeting of the ý. They are also available under IDTF Business on the IDTF web page, which is found on the GODORT page on the ý site. The Coordinator for the Agency Liaison Program is Susan Bennett White, who welcomes your comments and suggestions. She can be contacted at sbwhite@princeton.edu. _______________________________________________________________________________ Agencies Included in this Report Bernan Canadian Official Pub Council of Europe ECLAC Human Develop. Report InterAmerican Dev. Bank ILO IMF LexisNexis - CIS MyiLibrary OECD OAS Readex Renouf The Stationary Office UN Depository Libraries UNIFEM / INSTRAW UNEP UNICEF UNHSP Habitat UN Publications World Bank WHO World Tourism Org. _______________________________________________________________________________ Bernan Publishing Bruce Samuelson ( HYPERLINK "mailto:bsamuelson@bernan.com" bsamuelson@bernan.com) from Bernan will be at the IDTF meeting for the ýMidwinter Meeting in Philadelphia. He invites everyone who will be at the conference to stop by Bernans exhibit in booth #658. When looking at global issues such a immigration at the domestic level, a useful new tool is Bernans comprehensive web directory for federal, state and local government called MyGovernment. It is focused at the public and school library level, but anyone who is interested in seeing a demo and/or having a free trial can stop by the exhibit booth or contact Bruce directly. Publication News Several United Nations yearbooks have experienced publication delays, but recently Bernan received confirmation from the UN that the following titles will be available in the first quarter of 2008: UN Yearbook 2005 Statistical Yearbook for Asia-Pacific 2005 ICJ Yearbook 2003/04 Statistical Yearbook 2006 International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2005 International Geneva Yearbook 2006/07 Other recently released publications of special interest available from Bernan include: International Marketing Data and Statistics and European Marketing Data and Statistics published by Euromonitor International Latin American Economic Outlook 2008 published by the OECD State of Food and Agriculture 2007 published by the FAO Nordic Statistical Yearbook 2007 published by the Nordic Council of Ministers Intellectual Property Law GuidebookChina published by Bernan Press The International Migration of Women published by the World Bank Newsletter Bernan encourages all IDTF members to subscribe to Bernans Government Publication News, a free monthly email newsletter that focuses primarily on new and forthcoming international agency publications. You can sign up online at  HYPERLINK "http://www.bernan.com" www.bernan.com, email at  HYPERLINK "mailto:gpn@bernan.com" gpn@bernan.com, or call toll-free at 1-800-274-4447. Report submitted by Brett Cloyd, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008  HYPERLINK "mailto:brett-cloyd@uiowa.edu" brett-cloyd@uiowa.edu Brett Cloyd is at the University of Iowa Libraries _______________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Official Publications The very positive news about official Canadian publications continues to be movement to electronic format resulting in increased access. Senate Committee Proceedings The Library of Parliament indexing section announced that the indexes of Senate committee proceedings are being put online. See the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Forestry as an example:  HYPERLINK "http://www.parl.gc.ca/common/Committee_SenProceed.asp? Language=E&Parl=37&Ses=3&comm_id=2" http://www.parl.gc.ca/common/Committee_SenProceed.asp? Language=E&Parl=37&Ses=3&comm_id=2 [enter on one line] Committee Indexes  HYPERLINK "http://www.parl.gc.ca/common/index.asp?Language=E" http://www.parl.gc.ca/common/index.asp?Language=E To find committee indexes from the more general Canadian Parliament site:, go to Committee Business, Committee List, Choose an Option which allows you to select an older parliamentary session, and then select Committee Proceedings, and, if available, select Index. Health Research Publications The Canadian Institutes of Health Research are instituting a new policy of open access to health research publications which will apply to all grants awarded after January 1, 2008. The CIHR will require its researchers to ensure that their original research articles are freely available online within six months of publication. Researchers are directed to several options such as depositing the article in PubMed Central or an institutional repository or by publishing in an open access journal. See:  HYPERLINK "http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/34851.html" http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/34851.html Library and Archives Canada (LAC) Initiatives Canadian Digital Information Strategy.  HYPERLINK "http://www.collectionscanada.ca/cdis/012033-1000-e.html" http://www.collectionscanada.ca/cdis/012033-1000-e.html LAC in 2005 initiated a broad-based discussion centering on digital issues, consulted with over 200 stakeholders and hosted a 2006 National Summit that ultimately resulted in the creation of the Canadian Digital Information Strategy. Government of Canada Web Archive  HYPERLINK "http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/webarchives/search/index-e.html" http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/webarchives/search/index-e.html. Starting in December 2005, under the provisions of the Library and Archives of Canada Act, LAC is collecting representative samples of Canadian websites. Access is available by keyword, department name, and URL searching. It is also possible to search by specific format type, e.g. .pdf. At the time of its launch in Fall 2007, approximately 100 million digital objects (over 4 terabytes) of archived Federal Government website data was made accessible via the LAC website. For more information, see: HYPERLINK "http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/webarchives/index-e.html;jsessionid=C2AAD78D487243CE5931DF7B211B5E3A" http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/webarchives/index-e.html;jsessionid=C2AAD78D487243CE5931DF7B211B5E3A The Initiative for Equitable Library Access (IELA). Library and Archives Canada has been asked to develop and cost a strategy for implementing nation-wide partnerships, activities and services to meet the long-term library and information access needs of Canadians with print disabilities. This will be completed over the next three years. More information, including the implementation strategy, background reports, and key activities are available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.collectionscanada.ca/accessinfo/005003-3000-10-2007-e.html" http://www.collectionscanada.ca/accessinfo/005003-3000-10-2007-e.html Report submitted by Linda Johnson, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008 <  HYPERLINK "mailto:Linda@cisunix.unh.edu" Linda@cisunix.unh.edu> Linda Johnson is at the University of New Hampshire Library ________________________________________________________________________________ Council of Europe Catalogs and Online Access Official Publications - Council of Europe official publications: http:// HYPERLINK "http://www.coe.int" www.coe.int . Catalogue of Publications -  HYPERLINK "http://book.coe.int" http://book.coe.int or through U.S. sales agent Manhattan Publishing at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.manhattanpublishing.com" www.manhattanpublishing.com. European Court of Human Rights: http://www.echr.coe.int/echr/ European AudioVisual Observatory: http://www.obs.coe.int. Established in 1992, gathers and disseminates information on the audiovisual industry in Europe. A unique European public service agency 36 Member States and the European Community, represented by the European Commission. Notable publications from 2007 Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Proceedings. Series continuing to be published on a regular basis in 2007 Documents Official Report of Debate Orders of the Day Texts Adopted Activities of the Council of Europe 2006 report. Council of Europe: 2007 Format A4. 119 pp. ISBN 978-92-871-6173-4. Asylum and the European Convention on Human Rights. Council of Europe: 2007. 16x24cm 600 pp. 16x24cm. 149 pp. ISBN 978-92-871-6217-5. Can Excessive Length of Proceedings be Remedied? Science and Technique of Democracy Series, no. 44. Venice Commission: the European Commission for Democracy: 2007. 16x24 cm. 370 pp. ISBN 978-92-871-6245-8. European Audiovisual Observatory: Statistical Yearbook 2006 European Audiovisual Observatory: 2007. 3 v. Extradition European Standards. Council of Europe. 2007. 16x24cm. 167 pp. ISBN 987-92-871-6076-8 . The Fight Against Terrorism : Council of Europe Standards, 4th ed. Council of Europe: 2007. 16x24cm. 600 pp. ISBN 078-92-871-6277-9. Freedom of Religion in European Constitutional and Conventional Case Law. 2006. Council of Europe: 2007. 16x24 cm. 180 pp. ISBN 978- 92-871-6201-4. Guantanamo: Violation of Human Rights and International Law? Series: Papers of the Parliamentary Assembly and of the Venice Commission. Council of Europe: 2007. Format A 5 110 pp. ISBN 978-92-871-6294-6 Guide To Preparation, Use and Quality Assurance of Blood Components 13th ed. Council of Europe: 2007. 16x24 cm. 271 pp. ISBN 978-92-871-6137-6. Human Rights in International Law Collected Texts 3rd ed., Council of Europe : 2007. 707 pp. ISBN 978-92-871-6281-6 National Minority Standards. Council of Europe: 2007. 16x24cm. 149 pp. 16x24cm. 338 pp. ISBN 978-92-871-6220-5. Qualifications Introduction to a Concept [on academic qualifications] Council of Europe: 2007. 16x24 cm. 274 pp. ISBN978 -92-871-6125-3. Reconciling Labour Flexibility with Social Cohesion the Experiences and Specificities of Central and Eastern Europe. Series: Trends in Social Cohesion no. 17. Council of Europe: 2007. 16x24 cm. 205 pp. ISBN 978-92-871-6151-2. Reports of Judgments and Decisions. European Court of Human Rights: Latest volumes published 2007: Volume 2005/II through 2005/IV Treaties. Council of Europe: 2007. There were no new treaties in 2007 Council of Europe Publications Contact: U. S. Sales Agent for Council Publications Tom Johnson Manhattan Publishing Co 2036 Albany Post Rd. / P.O. Box 850 Croton-on-Hudson NY 10520 Phone 888-686-7066 Fax: 914-271-5856 Email: coe@manahttanpublishing.com On the web: www. manhattanpublishing.com Report submitted by Chelsea Dinsmore, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008 Chelsea Dinsmore is the International Documents Librarian at the University of Florida in Gainsville. ________________________________________________________________________________ United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ECLAC The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, on the web at  HYPERLINK "http://www.eclac.org" www.eclac.org, one of the five Regional Commissions of the United Nations, works to ensure that its publications are freely available to the public. In order to comply with this requirement, all of the Commissions publications are available in full-text on its website. Publications can be downloaded and information on how to order a printed copy is also provided. The policy of the Commission is to maintain indefinite access to all digital copies of ECLAC publications. If necessary, due to space constraints, access might be to an online publications archives. Spanish language publications are posted on the web site immediately on publication; English translations are also posted as soon as they are available., ECLAC Documentation Database http://www.eclac.org/biblioteca/ The database developed by the ECLAC Library to maintain and control ECLAC Documentation identifies documents published by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, since 1948, at ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, Chile, or at ECLAC subregional headquarters and national offices in Latin America and the Caribbean. Questions regarding the publications and/or documents of the Economic Commission for Latin America, can be addressed to Ellen Schaffer at  HYPERLINK "mailto:ellen.schaffer@cepal.org" ellen.schaffer@cepal.org Report submitted by Ellen Schaffer, ECLAC Agency Liaison January 8, 2008  HYPERLINK "mailto:ellen.schaffer@cepal.org" ellen.schaffer@cepal.org Ellen Schaffer is the Chief Librarian of the ECLAC Library in Santiago. ________________________________________________________________________________ Human Development Reports Human Development Reports, on the web at: http://hdr.undp.org/reports/ have been issued through the United Nations Development Program annually since 1990, with CD-ROM and web based compilations of both reports and data spanning all years.. This was the first major international series which gathered macroeconomic and social data, and presented all of that in a usable format, for all nations. Today there is an overall Global Report, and many national and regional reports as well. Most of the countries in the world are documented, analyzed, and spotlighted in the Human Development Report Series. The global Human Deverlopment Report for 2007 - 2008 is titled: Fighting Climate Change: Human Solidarity in a Divided World. The global report and most national and regional reports are available for free download in pdf format on the UNDP website. The global report is also available for purchase from Oxford University Press. Reports are often available in English, French and Spanish editions, as well as the language of the country where that is different from one of the three. Human Development Reports at the national level are a treasure for information on many developing countries across the globe where it is otherwise difficult to find up to date information and statistics. At the global level, they bring together such a broad range of current measures that they can be seen to have no equal as a first level resource for any type and size library academic, public, or research, large or small, which has an interest in international affairs. They are also either free or inexpensive, and so readily available to anyone who has Internet access. Human Development Reports are arguable the most underutilized resource not only in the world of international documents, but also in the study of international affairs generally balanced, sound, and comprehensive, they should be much better known for students and teachers at all ages and levels from Middle School through University. Report submitted by Susan Bennett White, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008 Susan White is the United Nations Librarian at Princeton University ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Inter-American Development Bank IADB / IDB The Inter-American Development Bank has changed its web site little in the last few months. However, the Bank continues to add to its collection of databases noted in earlier reports. One new area of interest is the environment. A new report, A Blueprint for Clean Energy in the Americas is a 669-page document outlining the global biofuel market, the various technologies being considered and a country by country analysis. This analysis includes discussion of government policies that encourage renewable energy, the current mix of fuels being used and what research and development is being done, if any. The analysis is not limited to Central and South American countries but includes North America, Europe, Asia Africa and the Middle East. There is a separate section on Brazil as the report was originally to identify opportunities for that country. This resource is an excellent overview of the topic. Report submitted by Diane K. Campbell, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008 Diane Campbell is at Rider University ________________________________________________________________________________ International Labour Organization - ILO Notes from Reliable Sources The Publications page on the ILO web site is presently being re-organized and early signs show this to be a promising development. ILO Insight is an electronic collection of more than 1700 ILO titles. Information on web site. Renouf provides a full range of ILO publications, including backfiles. Visit Renoufs booth # 1118 at ýin Philadelphia to learn more about ILO publications. . E-News  HYPERLINK "http://www.ilo.org/dyn/asist/asistdocs.home" ASISTDOC bibliographic database of some 8,000 documents relating to labor based technology, and also local level planning, produced by the ILO as well as its partners. Labordoc is a free database which references journal articles, books, and other materials on a global basis. An increasing number of materials are hot-linked to electronic sources.on work, all aspects of labor, and income. Both social and economic aspects are covered. On the web at  HYPERLINK "http://labordoc.ilo.org/" http://labordoc.ilo.org/ Recent Titles of Special Note: ABC of Women Workers Rights and Gender Equality, 2d ed. International Labour Office (ILO); 2008. 208 pp. ISBN 9789221196228 US$22.95. Gender equality in the workplace for both women and men is covered in alphabetic entries which reference applicable ILO standards and other legal instruments, relatively unknown by many workers who could benefit by their application. This 2008 second edition is expanded and updated with new treaties and other developments in the near decade since the first edition in 2000, on issues such as sexual harassment, the glass ceiling, and women in development, reflecting national and international developments in the area The Decent Work Agenda in Africa, 2007-2015. Report of the Director-General, Eleventh African Regional Meeting, Addis Ababa, International Labour Office (ILO); 2007. 72 pp. ISBN 978922119570 US$11.50. Also available in French edition. Decent Work is an emerging concept in labor markets around the world which balances the needs and obligations of both the worker and the employer. . Economic growth is balanced with care for the worker, and workers rights are ensured. Particular aspects of Decent Work are highlighted here. The Impact of Global Food Chains on Employment in the Food and Drink Sector. Issues Paper for Discussion at the Tripartite Meeting to Examine the Impact of Global Food Chains on Employment, Geneva, 2007. International Labour Office (ILO); 2007. 28 pp. ISBN 9789221196303 US$12. Globalization can seem far removed from the minimum wage worker who is cooking fast food or serving in a general food establishment. This assumption is denied in this volume which connects workers and the food chair in all its aspects. A greatly interconnected world is documented here. The Production of Electronic Components for the IT Industries: Changing Labour Force Requirements in a Global Economy. Geneva, 2007. Report submitted for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on the Production of Electronic Components for the IT Industries. .2007. International Labour Office (ILO), Report TMITI/2007. 120 pp. ISBN 9789221194590 US$11.50. Also in French and Spanish editions. This report estimates that some 18 million people globally are employed in IT industries. The challenges of fair employment for them is raised here, along with questions of adequate training and fair wages. The place of corporate social responsibility in the IT industry is also examined Rural Road Maintenance: Sustaining the Benefits of Improved Access. Chris Donnges, Geoff Edmonds, and Bjorn Johannessen. International Labour Office (ILO); 2007. 110 pp. ISBN 9789221197232 US$14. The construction, upgrade, and maintenance of rural roads can be overlooked in developing countries where roads linking urban areas, transport hubs, and manufacturing, service, medical and educational centers are a first priority. The lack of adequate road networks can limit access in rural areas to health acre, water supply, education, and marketing opportunities. Finance is one aspect of road maintenance, but there are both technical and institutional matters which much be considered as well. This volume examines all aspects in balance, and suggest solutions to inadequate roads for economists and policy makers. Working time and Workers Preferences in Industrialized Countries: Finding the Balance. Jon C. Messenger, ed. International Labour Office (ILO), 2007. 231pp. ISBN 9789221196976 US$40. Recent working time legislative changes, shifting trends of hours in particular industries, globalization, along with the presence of more women in the labor force have made dramatic shifts in patterns and times for working in the Industrialized Countries. All together, the work-lift balance is dramatically shifting, with striking economic and social implications. Report submitted by Susan Bennett White, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008 Susan White is United Nations Librarian at Princeton University Library ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ International Monetary Fund - IMF Climate Change Climate change has become the focus of the IMF. Its October 2007 issue of  HYPERLINK "http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2007/02/index.htm" World Economic Outlook analyzes the implications of climate change, with an even more in-depth study planned for the April 2008 edition. Fiscal implications are also being raised and will be discussed by the Executive Board.  HYPERLINK "http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/survey/so/2007/NEW1214A.htm" http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/survey/so/2007/NEW1214A.htm Civil Society Representatives of various groups, including disabled people, pygmies, and others, had an opportunity to have their say at Civil Society Organizations Town Hall Meeting with IMFs outgoing Managing Director Rodrigo de Rato and World Banks new President Robert B. Zoellick. The transcript can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www.imf.org/external/np/tr/2007/tr071018a.htm" http://www.imf.org/external/np/tr/2007/tr071018a.htm. That is part of a larger IMF Civil Society web page  HYPERLINK "http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/cs/eng/index.htm" http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/cs/eng/index.htm reflecting its attempts at increasing engagement with civil society. Online Data Online data sources both free and available on subscription are featured on  HYPERLINK "http://www.imf.org/external/data.htm" http://www.imf.org/external/data.htm Report submitted by Vida Margaitis, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008  HYPERLINK "mailto:margait@fas.harvard.edu" margait@fas.harvard.edu Vida Margaitis is at Harvard. ________________________________________________________________________________ LexisNexis - formerly CIS LexisNexis provides important information and services to the International Documents Community in several ways. Lexis Statistical provides the only comprehensive index to the broad range of statistical publications from international agencies, and also full text in the corresponding Microfiche Set. still a treasure when complete acquisition of international materials containing statistics is so hard to be sure of, or not within the scope of a library where those statistics sill are important for research. Also, important materials are found through its flagship LexisNexis Academic and other web-based Lexis and Nexis research services. Information on LexisNexis products can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www.lexisnexis.com/" http://www.lexisnexis.com/ Online News LexisNexis Statistical DataSets LexisNexis Statistical DataSets provides access to more than 750 million data points from licensed and public domain datasets in an easy-to-use interface. Researchers can scan the contents of the Lexis Statistical Collection, select subjects and variables of interest, and view data in side-by-side tables and charts. LexisNexis Statistical DataSets is available as a module within LexisNexis Statistical or as a stand-alone service. For more information or to get a free trial, please call 800-638-8380 or e-mail  HYPERLINK "mailto:academicinfo@lexisnexis.com" academicinfo@lexisnexis.com. Hot Resources LexisNexis Wiki for Higher Education Part product guide, part research guide, the wiki is intended to facilitate academic research in the social sciences using primary sources, news, government information, statistics, business, and legal sources. It will be a place for librarians, teachers, and LexisNexis staffers to share their knowledge and support students and each other. The LexisNexis Wiki for Higher Education is a place to find user guides, answers to frequently asked questions, and general information on LexisNexis products including Lexis Statistical and UPA Collections. Research Help sections cover research topics related, but not limited, to LexisNexis products. The main page is updated weekly to highlight different resources and share tips for more productive use of Lexis products. Here librarians and teaching faculty can share research methods, instructional materials, and advice on common classroom assignments, either by contributing to articles or by providing links to existing materials. For students, the wiki will provide a quick reference guide on how to use LexisNexis products and practical, task-based advice on common areas of research. The wiki is available on the open web at:  HYPERLINK "http://wiki.lexisnexis.com/academic" \o "http://wiki.lexisnexis.com/academic" http://wiki.lexisnexis.com/academic. Collection News Praeger Security International Online Praeger Security International Online iffers information on terrorism and security, covering regional security, humanitarian and peace operations, weapons of mass destruction, armed forces, intelligence, military history, defense and national security, and military affairs. Interdisciplinary and diverse in political perspective, it ncludes some 600 titles, along with commentary, analysis, primary documents, and an annotated bibliography. Analysis of security issues is from highly respected scholars of Oxford Analytica, For more information or a free trial, call 800-638-8380 or e-mail  HYPERLINK "mailto:academicinfo@lexisnexis.com" academicinfo@lexisnexis.com. (With appreciation to Marina Azariah, LexisNexis, for her assistance in preparing this report.) Report submitted by Suzanne L. Holcombe, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008 < suzanne.holcombe@okstate.edu > Suzanne is at Oklahoma State University. ________________________________________________________________________________ MyiLibary Electronic Publications Service MyiLibrary, on the web at  HYPERLINK "http://www.myilibrary.com" http://www.myilibrary.com is represented by Ingram Digital Group in North America, and is a product of Coutts Information Services. MyiLibrary distributes and hosts numerous electronic books, journals and other content from a wide range of publishers. Of particular interest to the International Documents Community is their service in providing electronic access to the publications of an increasingly comprehensive body of international organization including World Bank, ILO, UN, UN AIDS, WHO, IOM, OECD, IMO and IAEA. MyiLibrary has in 2007 re-aligned the pricing structure for its international documents, and is now quite competitive with other electronic services. Many libraries may now find this service will be within their budgets. An added enhancement to subscription is that Coutts offers good quality full Marc catalog records for all individual titles at no additional cost with a MyiLibrary subscription. For more information on this beautifully repackaged service, contact: Mark McQuillan Senior Manager, Sales & Content Development MyiLibrary, Ingram Digital Group Phone: Office 720.406.6971 Cell: 720.684.8132 MyiLibrary will be at Ingram Digital Group Booth #1839 at the 2008 ýMid-winter Meeting in Philadelphia. Report submitted by Jackie Druery, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8 2008  HYPERLINK "mailto:drueryj@post.queensu.ca" drueryj@post.queensu.ca Jackie Druery is at Queens University in Ontario ________________________________________________________________________________ Organizaton for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD The expanding membership in OECD continues and the following three sections of the Council resolutions adopted May 2007 list particular countries and areas in which the Council is interested. The Council has invited the Secretary-General to strengthen OECD co-operation with Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa through enhanced engagement programs with a view to possible membership. The Council will determine whether to open discussions on membership in light of the willingness, preparedness and ability of these countries to adopt OECD practices, policies and standards. The Council has decided to open discussions with Chile, Estonia, Israel, the Russian Federation and Slovenia and has invited the Secretary-General to set out the terms, conditions and process for the accession of each of these countries to the OECD for subsequent consideration and adoption by Council. Separately, Council may raise issues of a political nature which the Secretary-General will convey to the countries concerned in the context of the discussions on accession. Council has invited the Secretary-General to explore and develop recommendations to Council on how to expand the OECDs relations, including through enhanced engagement, with selected countries and regions of strategic interest to the OECD, identified by Council. In light of its growing importance in the world economy, priority will be given to South East Asia with a view to identifying countries in that region for possible membership. SourceOECD OECD has begun a program of three rolling releases that will provide new dissemination services with many new features to its users. The first is OECD.Stat which will allow users to search across its many databases. Toby Green, Head of OECD Publishing, says that The launch of OECD.Stat. . .is the first step in an extensive project to enhance OECDs publishing services for users. This beta version has three new features; they are discovery, mix and merge, and improved metadata. Users can search for complex data across OECD databases with one click access to the datasets themselves from the research results. Users can extract data from across all 50 databases and then gather and assemble data from various datasets in customizable tables. The improved metadata down to the level of each data point will allow users to understand the origins of each number and its overall context. Report submitted by Lynne Stuart, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008 lstuart1@jhuadig.admin.jhu.edu> Lynne Stuart is at John Hopkins University Library ________________________________________________________________________________ Organization of American States - OAS The Organization of American States web site at http://www.oas.org/ has a polished new look, and can now be navigated in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French. The main page when comes up as each language is invoked is in a elegant format with a sparse look, but functionality is not lost since a listing of subcategories is seen on mouse-over of each general category. Of Special Note: The Publications Page has a rich array of resources for purchase or available on the web site. The page for the Headquarters Columbus Memorial Library in Washington D.C. is found under Cultural Resources, with the direct address of http://www.oas.org/columbus/. The Reference Shelf in the Library is pared down and an interesting model of volumes to support work with international government documents at http://www.oas.org/columbus/refshelf1.asp Report submitted by Susan White, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008  HYPERLINK "mailto:sbwhite@princeton.edu" sbwhite@princeton.edu Susan White is at Princeton University ________________________________________________________________________________ Readex Publications Readex, a division of Newsbank, Inc., provides comprehensive indexing of United Nations materials from 1945 to the present in its AccessUN database, as well as microfiche full text of all documents. AccessUN from 1945 through 1984 is the only online index which covers documents from that time period for the main body of the United Nations. Even with online full text becoming a standard for current UN documents, the reliability and stability of microfiche strongly recommend the fiche product. Readex has an exciting new project of digital full text of the Foreign Broadcast Information Service reports. Foreign national information will be readily accessible for a considerable historic period. August Imholz, Readex Vice-President, invites all librarians interested in international documents to stop by Readex Booth No. 1030 at the ýMidwinter Meeting in Philadelphia. Mr. Imholz can also be contacted by phone at (301) 572-5626 or by email at  HYPERLINK "mailto:imholtz99@atlantech.net" imholtz99@atlantech.net. Report submitted by Charles Malone, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008 Charles Malone is at Western Illinois University ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Renouf Publications Gordon Grahame, president of Renouf, will be at the IDTF meeting at the ýMidwinter Conference in Philadelphia. Gordon is available throughout the conference to meet with individual librarians and appointments can be made by e-mail prior to the conference (ggrahame@renoufbooks.com). Visit Gordon at Renoufs exhibit at booth #1118. New e-Updating Service Recently, the company has instituted several upgrades to its web site and has started sending its newly formatted e-Updates. The update provides clients with an easy method to track the publications and documents being produced by the organizations Renouf represents. The complimentary monthly newsletter provides the user with a listing of new publications that have been added to the site during the period. If you have not yet registered and are interested in receiving future editions, sign-up through the companys web site,  HYPERLINK "http://www.renoufbooks.com" www.renoufbooks.com ILO Renouf is the official North American distributor for ILO. New titles available include: Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM), Fifth Edition (Book & CD ROM) (978-92-2-120125-0) This reference tool offers data for over 200 countries for the years 1980 through present. The Interactive Software offers the user instant and uncomplicated access to a vast amount of data on the worlds labour markets. Trade Union Responses to Globalization: A Review by the Global Union Research Network (978-92-2-119860-4) Bringing together papers from some of the leading national and international experts from the Global Union Research Network (GURN), this book provides a valuable overview of how trade unions around the world are responding to globalization. Working for Better Times: Rethinking Work for the 21st Century (978-92-2-117956-6) As patterns of work continue to shift in response to the demands of production and trade in the global economy, major challenges have risen not only in the lives of individual workers, but also for employers exposed to global competition, and for the makers of national and international policy and law. This publication offers unique insights into current thinking and policy options and includes contributions from distinguished scholars such as Amartya Sen, Joseph Stiglitz, Robert Reich, Sir Bob Hepple and Alain Supiot. Working Time and Workers Preferences in Industrialized Countries: Finding a Balance (978-92-2-119697-6) Globalization, demographic changes, increasing number of women in the labour market have resulted in working time arrangements which look vastly different then they did several decades ago and these changes have significant ramifications both economically and sociologically. This publication examines the changing nature of working time in industrialized countries and will be of interest to researchers and academics working on labour economics, employment issues and working time. Yearbook of Labour Statistics, Time Series 66th Edition 2007 (978-92-2-020176-3) and the Yearbook of Labour Statistics, Country Profiles 2nd Edition (978-92-2-020421 Two Volume Set). The Yearbook has established itself as the worlds foremost work of statistical reference on labour questions. Volume 1 continues the time series format of the previous editions and volume 2 provides up-to-date information on global and regional estimates on the economically active population, employment and unemployment. Other New and Noteworthy Titles available from Renouf Canada Yearbook 2007 (978-0-660-19747-0) Published annually by Statistics Canada, this edition includes 31 chapters that feature overviews of the countrys social and economic conditions. It also includes 270 tables and 215 maps, charts and graphs that portray the present and future trends. Europes Environment: The Fourth Assessment (978-92-9167-932-4) Produced by the European Environment Agency, this report provides policy relevant, up-to-date and reliable information on the interactions between the environment and society in 56 countries. Global Environment Outlook 4 (GEO 4) (978-92-807-2836-1) This is the UNEP flagship assessment process and report series which responds to its core mandate to keep the state of the global environment under review and it facilitates the interaction between science and policy making. Guantanamo: Violation of Human Rights and International Law? (978-92-871-16294-6) This book contains all of the Council of Europes Assembly arguments, along with the study but the European Commission for Democracy through Law, which brings all its legal expertise to bear in considering whether the detention of people by the United States in Guantanamo Bay is lawful and if there is a need for a change in international law. Health in the Americas, 2007 Edition (978-92-75-11622-7) The two-volume set provides in-depth regional and country-by-country analyses of the state of health in the Western Hemisphere; its social determinants; diseases and other health conditions; the environment; health policies, systems and services; international cooperation; and prospects for health. Human Development Report 2007/2008: Fighting Climate Change, Human Solidarity in a Divided World (978-0-230-54704-9) This years report shows that climate change is not just a future scenario for increased exposure to droughts, floods and storms is already destroying opportunity and reinforcing inequality. Business-as-usual climate change points in a clear direction: unprecedented reversal in human development in our lifetime, and acute risks for our children and grandchildren. State of the Future 2007 (978-0-97220-516-0) This Report Card on the Future distills the collective intelligence of over 2,000 leading scientists, futurists, scholars, and policy advisors and is produced by the Millennium Project. It assesses emerging crises, opportunities, strategic priorities, and the feasibility of actions. World Education Indicators 2007: Education Counts, Benchmarking Progress in 19 WEI Countries (978-92-9189-049-1) The World Education Indicators (WEI) program helps to assess progress and challenges in national educational systems from an international perspective. It presents statistics on 63 countries including OECD member regions. World Tariff Profiles 2006 (978-92 870-3369-7) A joint publication of the World Trade Organization, International Trade Centre and UNCTAD, it provides a comprehensive picture of bound and applied nominal tariff protection for some 150 countries and territories. World Tourism Factbook is now available as separate online subscription, which may make it more affordable (US$2,300.00) for institutions offering tourism and hospitality courses. It offers access to the most up-to-date statistics on inbound and outbound tourism for more than 200 countries and territories. Report submitted by Brett Cloyd, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008 Brett Cloyd is Reference and Government Information Librarian at the University of Iowa ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ The Stationery Office - TSO British Pharmacopoeia 2008 One of the products TSO highlighted at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October 2007 was the British Pharmacopoeia 2008, abbreviated here as BP, which is the authoritative collection of standards for UK medicines. It became effective on 1 January 2008. It contains approximately 3,100 monographs and provides legally enforceable standards which all medicinal products supplied to or sold in the UK must meet in order to protect public health. The standards are also used in over 100 countries worldwide. Among additions to the 2008 edition are new monographs for traditional herbal medicinal products. Purchasers of the hard copy BP can also order the complete text as an eBook, the first pharmacopoeia worldwide to be available in this format. Consult  HYPERLINK "http://www.pharmacopoeia.co.uk" www.pharmacopoeia.co.uk or TSO ( HYPERLINK "http://www.tso.co.uk/" http://www.tso.co.uk/) for further information. Parliamentary publication alerts TSO is continuing to encourage users to register for Parliamentary publication alerts:  HYPERLINK "http://www.TSOShop.co.uk/SignUp" http://www.TSOShop.co.uk/SignUp, as well as other lists for keeping updated. Contact Brian Tierney remains TSOs contact person. Report submitted by Andrea Singer, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008, HYPERLINK "mailto:singer@indiana.edu" singer@indiana.edu Andrea Singer is at Indiana University Library in Bloomington ________________________________________________________________________________ United Nations Depository Library System A longstanding issue was resolved in 2007, when the UN Publications Board determined that depository libraries wishing to receive Official Records and masthead documents in print may continue to do so. The source of this report is a librarian in the Department of Public Information (DPI). Masthead documents published before 1993, which were issued in their original languages at a rate of roughly ten thousand annually, are absent from the collections of many depositories in any form, and many librarians and researchers await their addition to the Official Document System (ODS). But the same librarian mentioned above stated that it will take about a century to complete this task at the current pace. ODS was implemented in time to make UN masthead documents published since 1993 available online in at least one language. The process of digitizing pre-1993 documents has been slow, but data distributed by the Dag Hammarskjld Library (DHL) at UN Headquarters show that the completion of several series is in sight. The greatest progress has been made in digitizing English language Security Council (SC) documents: As of January 2, 2008, work on the SC general series (e.g., S/19801) is complete for 1946-1951 and 1964-1992, and digitization of the verbatim meeting records (e.g., S/PV.1), agendas, and the information series, which encompasses the annual compilation, Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council, is complete for 1964-1992. Work continues on SC documents issued between 1952 and 1962. In addition, digitization of English language documents in the Commission on Human Rights general series (e.g., E/CN.4/353) is complete for 1947-1954, 1983-1985, and 1988-1992. Report submitted by David Griffiths, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008  HYPERLINK "mailto:dngriffi@uiuc.edu" dngriffi@uiuc.edu David Griffiths is at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ________________________________________________________________________________ United Nations Development Fund for Women - UNIFEM United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women - INSTRAW UNIFEM UNIFEM is the womens aid fund at the United Nations which provides financial and technical assistance to programs and strategies to foster womens empowerment and gender equality on a global basis. UNIFEM web site is at  HYPERLINK "http://www.unifem.org/resources/" http://www.unifem.org/resources/ UNIFEM has created the following Subject Portals on their web site Women, Peace and Security http://www.womenwarpeace.org/ Gender, HIV/AIDS http://www.genderandaids.org/ (joint with UNAIDS) Gender Responsive Budgeting http://www.gender-budgets.org/ Gender Equality and the Millennium Development Goals  HYPERLINK "http://www.mdgender.net/" http://www.mdgender.net/ New Publications: Gender Equality and Aid Effectiveness Discussion Papers Discussion papers from consultations with participants from a wide range of institutions, dealing with gender equality and aid effectiveness. These have been led by UNIFEM since November 2005. Representatives from government, donor agencies and civil society explore strategies to ensure that aid effectively delivers for gender equality in the context of political and cultural contexts. http://www.unifem.org/resources/series.php?ProductSeriesID=5 INSTRAW INSTRAW, the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women, is on the web at http://www.un-instraw.org/ This web site provides a feminist perspective on international affairs, ranging from condemnation of the recent assignation of Benizar Bhutto of Pakistan, to news items of support for international agencies and governments for initiative such as implementation of UN Resolution 1325. Resolution 1325 (2000) is the first UN Security Council resolution to address the impact of war on women, and women's contributions to conflict resolution and sustainable peace. Site offers a rich array of news, tools, and an unfortunately limited number of publications, in the rather scant field of documents on the situation of women at the international level. Tools offered there include: A Gender Training Wiki http://www.un-instraw.org/wiki/training/index.php/ Innovative databases on gender methodologies research http://www.un-instraw.org/en/research-methodologies.html Gender Mainstreaming Guide http://www.un-instraw.org/en/gender-mainstreaming.html Global Directory of Gender, Peace and Security Research Institutions http://www.un-instraw.org/en/peace-and-security.html . Report submitted by Amy E. West, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008 Amy West is at the University of Minnesota Library ________________________________________________________________________________ United Nations Environment Program UNEP The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) < HYPERLINK "http://www.unep.org/" http://www.unep.org/> established in 1972, is the voice for the environment within the United Nations system. The mission of the UNEP is to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations. To accomplish this, the UNEP works with a wide range of partners, including United Nations entities, international organizations, national governments, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and civil society. Under UNEP Office, the organization of the UNEP includes the following divisions: Early Warning and Assessment Environmental Policy Implementation Technology, Industry and Economics Regional Cooperation Environmental Law and Conventions Global Environment Facility Coordination Communications and Public Information It also includes Regional, Liaison, and Out-Posted Offices, Collaboration Centers, Conventions Secretariats, and Scientific Advisory Groups. Via its web site, the UNEP provides specific resources organized for governments, scientists, journalists, civil society, business persons, and children and youth. The Publications section of the web site includes recently published, forthcoming, best sellers, and a periodicals section. There is a search engine for UNEP books. The Google search engine searches UNEP titles in addition to other related sites. Other access points include: EarthPrint.com, UNEPs official online bookstore for its publications, so titles can be purchased online. It has general keyword search capability, but can be searched by topic including Air Pollution, Biodiversity, Chemicals, Climate, Desertification, Environmental Law, etc., which list UNEP publications in each of these subject areas. Bestsellers are featured in the middle of the page, such as Policy Directions to 2050: A Business Contribution to the Dialogues on Cooperative Action. Titles feature a brief synopsis. Select titles are available full-text online. Publications offer both reports and statistics. Annual Reports (2000 forward in full-text, .pdf or .html format) Atlases Periodicals (Our Planet, vol. 16 forward available full-text online) Newsletters, most full-text online, including: Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development News Great Apes Survival Project Newsletter Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction from Industry in Asia and the Pacific News Sustainable Consumption Network Newsletter UNEP Chemicals Newsletter The agency web site is well-organized, although has fewer links and materials since this update in December of 2007. As the international producer of information in the critical area of the environment, international documents librarians should keep abreast of all UNEP publications through the various access points on this web site. Recent publications include: Global Environment Outlook4 (GEO4) The fourth report in the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) series from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) provides a comprehensive, scientifically credible, policy-relevant and up-to-date assessment of, and outlook for, the state of the global environment. GEO-4 is published 20 years after the landmark World Commission on Sustainable Developments Bruntland Report of 1987. Global Outlook for Ice and Snow Provides an up-to-date, concise review of the state of the environment and the trends in ice and snow-covered regions (cryosphere) of the world. Vital Ozone Layer Graphics Through high-quality graphics and concise, facts and figures, this publication helps the reader understand the ozone layer depletion issue, the international response under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, successes achieved to date and upcoming challenges. Bestsellers: Planet in Peril: Atlas of Current Threats to People and the Environment (2006) Planet in Peril: An Atlas of Current Threats to People and the Environment offers a holistic and well-researched analysis of today�s global issues and their impact on human population and the environment. Written by an international team of specialists, this Atlas illustrates through text and beautifully rendered maps, graphics and diagrams the interplay between population and the world�s ecosystems and natural resources both in the short and long terms. GEO Year Book 2007 (2007) The GEO Year Book 2007 is essential, informative, and authoritative reading for anyone with a role or an interest in our changing environment. The 2007 Year Book includes global and regional overviews of significant developments over the past year. It highlights linkages among ecosystem health, human well-being, and economic development; examines new thinking on the value of ecosystem services and the threat from ecosystem degradation; and describes recent research findings and policy decisions that affect our awareness and response to global change. Report submitted by Suzanne L. Holcombe, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008  HYPERLINK "mailto:suzanne.holcombe@okstate.edu" suzanne.holcombe@okstate.edu Suzanne Holcombe is at Oklahoma State University Library ________________________________________________________________________________ United Nations Human Settlements Programme HABITAT The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT (UNCHS) , is the United Nations agency for human settlements. UNCHS is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. As towns and cities grow at unprecedented rates setting the social, political, cultural and environmental trends of the world, sustainable urbanization is one of the most pressing challenges facing the global community in the 21st century. The main documents outlining the mandate of the organization are the  HYPERLINK "http://www.unchs.org/content.asp?ID=2071&catid=10&typeid=25&subMenuId=0" Declaration on Cities and Other Human Settlements in the New Millennium,  HYPERLINK "http://www.unchs.org/content.asp?ID=1176&catid=10&typeid=24&subMenuId=0" Habitat Agenda,  HYPERLINK "http://www.unchs.org/content.asp?ID=2072&catid=10&typeid=25&subMenuId=0" Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements, the  HYPERLINK "http://www.unchs.org/content.asp?ID=924&catid=10&typeid=25&subMenuId=0" Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements, and  HYPERLINK "http://www.unchs.org/content.asp?ID=2070&catid=10&typeid=23&subMenuId=0" Resolution 56/206. As a key producer of documentation in the area of populations in urban areas, international documents librarians should be keep abreast of UNCHS publications, namely their two annual flagship titles: Global Report on Human Settlements and the State of the Worlds Cities which vary in their focus each year. The Global Report on Human Settlements is the most authoritative and up-to-date assessment of the conditions and trends in the world's cities. It is an essential tool and reference for researchers, academics, public authorities and civil society organizations around the world. The preceding issues of the Report have addressed such topics as An Urbanizing World, Cities in a Globalizing World and The Challenges of Slums. The State of the World's Cities charts the progress and the challenges we face in this rapidly urbanizing world. With contributions from some of the world's leading urban scholars, writers and experts, this report carries extensive examples, illustrations and facts that are of use to experts and non-experts alike. First published in 2001, this flagship report of UN-HABITAT now published every two years, represents a further milestone in the efforts of the United Nations to gather, promote, and disseminate information for policy makers and the public at large. UN-HABITAT runs two major worldwide campaigns the Global Campaign on Urban Governance, and the Global Campaign for Secure Tenure. Through these campaigns and by other means, the agency focuses on a range of issues and special projects which it helps implement. This includes the Cities Alliance program with the World Bank and the Safer Cities Programme, also major projects in post-war societies such as Afghanistan, Kosovo, etc. The UNCHS web site includes a publications section that features its Publications Catalogue available in Excel or .pdf format. Publications offer both reports and statistics and are also organized by books, videos, periodicals. The Catalogue is organized by the subject categories which follow, and features the organizations flagship publications and periodicals. Titles can be purchased online and some are in electronic format. Periodicals are available online in full-text at no charge and include: Habitat Debate, Urban Governance, Urban Environment, Urban Observer Newsletter, and Water for Cities. Publications may also be searched by theme on the web site. These categories mirror those in the Catalog for the most part. Information and Monitoring Land and Housing Risk and Disaster Management Social Inclusion/Social Development Urban Development and Management Water Sanitation and Infrastructure Other topics in the Catalog include: Environment, and Economic Development and Finance. A recent notable publication is: Enhancing Urban Safety and Security: Global Report on Human Settlements 2007 This title addresses three major threats to the safety and security of cities: crime and violence; insecurity of tenure and forced evictions; and natural and human-made disasters. It analyses worldwide trends with respect to each of these threats, paying particular attention to their underlying causes and impacts, as well as to the good policies and best practices that have been adopted at the city, national and international levels in order to address these threats. Report submitted by Suzanne L. Holcombe, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008  HYPERLINK "mailto:suzanne.holcombe@okstate.edu" suzanne.holcombe@okstate.edu Suzanne Holcombe is at Oklahoma State University Library United Nations Childrens Fund - UNICEF UNICEF is on the web at  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org" http://www.unicef.org General Updates Two RSS feeds now available:  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/rss/unicef_news.xml"  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.unicef.org/rss/images/rss.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/rss/unicef_news.xml" UNICEF news  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/rss/unicef_news.xml" http://www.unicef.org/rss/unicef_news.xml  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/rss/photoessays.xml"  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.unicef.org/rss/images/rss.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET  UNICEF photo essays  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/rss/photoessays.xml" http://www.unicef.org/rss/photoessays.xml Links to social news and social bookmarking web services such as Digg, Del.icio.us, Newsvine, Reddit, and Ma.gnolia are now included on many UNICEF web pages and users are encouraged to make use of them.  podcasts of UNICEF Radio have been available for the last 2 years; a complete archive is maintained online.  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/videoaudio/video_podcast.html" http://www.unicef.org/videoaudio/video_podcast.html  broadcast quality vodcasts of UNICEF Television are now available; a complete archive is maintained online.  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/videoaudio/video_vodcast.html" http://www.unicef.org/videoaudio/video_vodcast.html Online Resources Includes significant recent updates Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women Contains all of UNICEFs statistical information, including data from the State of the Worlds Children, Progress for Children, as well as the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) and Demographic & Health Surveys. Data is available by geographic area or indicator; SPSS datasets for some surveys are also available.  HYPERLINK "http://www.childinfo.org/" http://www.childinfo.org/ TransMONEE 2007 Data on children in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Contains 154 economic and social indicators divided into ten topics: Population, Natality, Child and Maternal Mortality, Life Expectancy and Adult Mortality, Family Formation, Health, Education, Child Protection, Crime, Economy; data coverage for most areas is 1989-2005/6.  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef-irc.org/databases/transmonee/" http://www.unicef-irc.org/databases/transmonee/ DevInfo Online Much of UNICEFs statistical data (including the MICS) is now available in DevInfo databases for monitoring human development. The software itself was adapted from UNICEFs ChildInfo database technology, but also includes data from the many areas that make up MDGs reporting.  HYPERLINK "http://www.devinfo.info/" http://www.devinfo.info/ Child Trafficking Database Research, data and analysis on child trafficking in various countries. It looks at legislation, policy and current responses to prevent trafficking.  HYPERLINK "http://www.childtrafficking.org/cgi-bin/ct/main.sql?file=search_document.sql" http://www.childtrafficking.org/cgi-bin/ct/main.sql?file=search_document.sql Children in Armed Conflict Database A database that contains documents on children and armed conflict collected by the Innocenti Library, and the research outputs of the European Research Network.  HYPERLINK "http://www.childreninarmedconflict.org/cgi-bin/eccn/ssi_main.sql?file=search_document.sql" http://www.childreninarmedconflict.org/cgi-bin/eccn/ssi_main.sql?file=search_document.sql Print Resources  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/publications/files/Africas_Orphaned_and_Vulnerable_Generations_Children_Affected_by_AIDS.pdf" Africa's Orphaned and Vulnerable Generations: Children affected by AIDS. 2006 42p $15. This publication shows how the AIDS epidemic continues to affect African children. It contains new and improved research on orphans and vulnerable children, including what governments, NGOs, the private sector and the international community can do to better respond.  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/pdf/rc7_eng.pdf" Child Poverty in Perspective: An Overview of Child Well-being in Rich Countries. 2007 48p $10. Comprehensive assessment of the lives and well-being of children and young people in 21 nations of the industrialized world.  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/publications/files/Children_and_the_MDGs.pdf" Children and the Millennium Development Goals: Progress towards A World Fit for Children. 2007 90p. $15. This report provides new information and analysis on the progress the world has made for children and the MDGs in areas such as health, education, and the prevention of violence and exploitation; 121 country and territory reports are given.  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/publications/files/Progress_for_Children_No_6.pdf" Progress for Children: A World Fit for Children Statistical Review. 2007 68p. $20. Examines the status of child-specific targets set by world leaders at the May 2002 UN General Assembly Special Session on Children; more than 35 key indicators in four broad areas are covered.  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/sowc07/index.php" State of the World's Children 2007: Women and Children - The Double Dividend of Gender Equality. 2006 152p. $20. Comprehensive and authoritative annual report on the world's children. Combines analyses, human interest stories, country profiles, maps and statistical data for 195 countries and territories; statistical tables, charts and graphs are now downloadable and can be customized. Additional Information  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/worldfitforchildren/index_41459.html" A World Fit for Children+5  2007 is midpoint in the UNICEF Plan of Action: Achieving childrens well-being in the areas of health, education, protection from abuse and violence, and combating HIV/AIDS.  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/worldfitforchildren/index_41459.html" http://www.unicef.org/worldfitforchildren/index_41459.html The following offer a great deal of background information in these areas, as well as hard to find statistics on related issues: Nattional Reports (some not in English)  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/worldfitforchildren/index_41713.html" http://www.unicef.org/worldfitforchildren/index_41713.html UN Reports  HYPERLINK "http://www.unicef.org/worldfitforchildren/index_41467.html" http://www.unicef.org/worldfitforchildren/index_41467.html Report submitted by Louis Takcs, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008  HYPERLINK "mailto:l-takacs@northwestern.edu" l-takacs@northwestern.edu Louis Takcs is at Northwestern University Library ________________________________________________________________________________ United Nations Publications In 2007 UN Publications (UNP) redesigned its web site. In response to complaints regarding the new sites limitations, UNP Marketing and Product Development Officer Narendra Nandoe stressed the need for improved subject access. A customer seeking books on small arms, for example, on the previous version of this site had to rely on a search engine that targeted words in the title field. Unfortunately, it did not retrieve publications containing material on small arms that lacked these words in the title. For this reason, UN Publications opted to replace it with a search engine that targets not titles but entire texts. UNP also added links enabling customers to identify every title on dozens of topics associated with the organization. Additional options now enable the user to conduct complex searches that limit results by language, issuing department or agency, publication date, and other characteristics simultaneously. The new site also incorporates a link to Google Book Search, which covers more than half of the 4,800 UN publications now in print. When the redesigned UNP site was criticized via the INTL-DOC listserv in October, it was painfully slow. The first time I used it, it was so slow I thought UNP was having problems with its server. Its speed has improved but does not equal that of the old sitea fact bound to irritate many who associate progress with speed. Narendra Nandoe welcomes questions and suggestions and may be reached at nandoe@un.org. Report submitted by David Griffiths, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008  HYPERLINK "mailto:dngriffi@uiuc.edu" dngriffi@uiuc.edu David Griffiths is at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ World Bank World Bank representatives will be present to report on new programs and initiatives at the IDTF meeting at ýMidwinter Conference in Philadelphia, where the World Bank has Exhibits Booth 659. I. Online Resources Update World Bank e-Library and Print Archive The World Bank e-Library is an electronic portal to the World Bank's full-text collection of its own books, reports, and other documents. Includes 4,000 titles and working papers published by the World Bank during the past several years and every new title, about 200 each year. It now also includes all editions since 2001 of World Bank Research Observer and World Bank Economic Review, currently published by Oxford University Press. Watch for new e-Library platform in Spring 2008. World Development Indicators Online (WDI Online), updated twice a year, includes data for over 695 development indicators and time series data from 1960 for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Data can be indexed, graphed, and exported in standard formats including Excel. For more, go to  HYPERLINK "http://publications.worldbank.org/WDI/" http://publications.worldbank.org/WDI/ Global Development Finance Online (GDF Online) offers external debt and financial flow data for the 134 countries that report public and publicly guaranteed debt to the World Bank. Time series data include over 200 indicators from 1970. Updated annually in January. For more, go to  HYPERLINK "http://publications.worldbank.org/GDF/" http://publications.worldbank.org/GDF/ WDI and GDF Online New Features: New Mapping and Charting Options. Results on a World map that can be resized and zoomed to the country level. Multi-Language Interface. Users may choose their preferred language interface. English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, and Chinese are available. New Usage Statistics. Library contact persons will be able to download WDI and GDF Online usage statistics themselves and wont have to send an e-mail request anymore. Africa Development Indicators Online (ADI Online), will provide 1,200 statistical indicators, and time series from 1965 for 53 countries. Data include social, economic, financial, natural resources, infrastructure, governance, partnership, and environmental indicators. Topical essays are included. To be released later in 2008. Preview at  HYPERLINK "http://publications.worldbank.org/ADI" http://publications.worldbank.org/ADI II. Print Resources Update The Complete World Development Report, 1978-2008 . DVD containing every page of every issue of the WDR, from 1978-2008. Fully searchableboth within and across volumesand browsable by topic, Also selected date from World Development Indicators database. Free 60 day trial available. May 2008. Single User DVD. ISBN: 978-0-8213-7270-8. US$250 Multiple User DVD. ISBN: 978-0-8213-7271-5. US$500 World Bank Country Reports Forthcoming new annual series of World Bank Country Reports. These short, country-specific reports will examine the economic, social, environmental, and business landscape of developing countries, focusing on issues critical to development. Nigeriathe first report in the serieswill be published in March of 2008. Nigeria Country Report. 50 pages approx. ISBN: 978-0-8213-7175-6. US$120 Migration and Remittances Factbook 2008 (New Annual Publication) This new annual publication contains statistical snapshots for 195 countries, and 13 regional and income groups. The 200+ tables, each focused on one country, region, or income group, explore immigration, emigration and skilled emigration, and inward and outward remittance flows. Summary reports on the top 10 countries in each category are also included. April 2008 220 pages approx. ISBN: 978-0-8213-7413-9. US$29.95 miniAtlas of Human Security Drawing upon data from the Human Security Report 2005, this miniAtlas of Human Security uses colorful world maps and other graphics to chart the incidence and severity of global violence. This fourth volume in the World Bank miniAtlas series provides a visually-compelling introduction to a dramatic but largely unknown trend: the decline in the number and deadliness of armed conflicts and wars over the past 15 years. March 2008. 67 pages. ISBN: 978-0-8213-7221-0. US$9.95 . III. Orders and Contacts Print Archive through e-Library Libraries subscribing to the World Bank e-Library have the option of adding the e-Library Print Archive to their subscription. This print option costs $2500 per year, including shipping and handling, and represents an estimated 65-70% discount off of list price. This plan allows libraries to offer both print and electronic copies of World Bank titles. Provides one copy of each of the 150-200 books published by the World Bank during the subscription year. Blanket Standing Order Program The World Bank offers a flat 20% on all purchases for subscribers to the WBP blanket standing order program. The 20% discount applies to all print purchases, not just to standing order releases. Individual standing orders are also available for all annual and series titles. Catalog The World Bank has a new catalog designed specifically for libraries. Print and PDF / email formats are available. Any librarian not currently receiving it who would like to do so should e-mail  HYPERLINK "mailto:jdebuerba@worldbank.org" jdebuerba@worldbank.org Exhibits The World Bank will attend the following upcoming exhibits. Visit our booth to see demonstrations, get a free trial card, and enter our drawing for one-year free subscriptions to our online databases. SLA Seattle June 2008 ý Anaheim June 2008 IFLA Quebec August 2008 Contact Information World Bank Online Resources: Pricing information and free trials, consortia relations, contract queries: Malika Khek, Acting Electronic Sales Manager  HYPERLINK "mailto:pubrights@worldbank.org" pubrights@worldbank.org P: 202-473-2497 F: 202-522-2631 World Bank Publications: Jose de Buerba, Sales Manager World Bank Publications 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433  HYPERLINK "mailto:jdebuerba@worldbank.org" jdebuerba@worldbank.org P: 202-473-0393 F: 202-522-2631 Report submitted by Jackie Druery, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008  HYPERLINK "mailto:drueryj@post.queensu.ca" drueryj@post.queensu.ca Jackie Druery is at Queens University in Ontario ________________________________________________________________________________ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION WHO I. General Updates World Health Organization is on the web at  HYPERLINK "http://www.who.int/en/" http://www.who.int/en/ Many hard to find WHO journals and monographs with a geographic focus are now available directly through regional WHO offices. These publications are often unGoogleable and sometimes do not show up in the WHOLIS database or do so only without links to electronic versions: African Region  HYPERLINK "http://afro.who.int/press/periodicals/index.html" http://afro.who.int/press/periodicals/index.html Region of the AmericasPAHO  HYPERLINK "http://publications.paho.org/home.php" http://publications.paho.org/home.php South-East Asia Region  HYPERLINK "http://www.searo.who.int/EN/Section7/Section39/Section2180/Section2185.htm" http://www.searo.who.int/EN/Section7/Section39/Section2180/Section2185.htm European Region  HYPERLINK "http://www.euro.who.int/publications" http://www.euro.who.int/publications Eastern Mediterranean Region  HYPERLINK "http://www.emro.who.int/publications/" http://www.emro.who.int/publications/ Western Pacific Region  HYPERLINK "http://www.wpro.who.int/publications/publications.htm" http://www.wpro.who.int/publications/publications.htm II. Online Resources Includes significant recent updates WHO Regional Office Statistics Each office provides a database with access to regional statistics, demographic tables, health and Core indicators. Some had been available before, but now all regions (including Africa) are fully represented.  HYPERLINK "http://www.who.int/healthinfo/statistics/regions/en/index.html" http://www.who.int/healthinfo/statistics/regions/en/index.html Health System Performance Assessments Tables providing basic tabulations from each of the different modules of the World Health Surveys by country are now available. National reports based on these table results have been prepared by partners in some countries. Each report contains a great deal of statistical data and national policy information not reproduced elsewhere.  HYPERLINK "http://www.who.int/healthinfo/survey/whsresults/en/index.html" http://www.who.int/healthinfo/survey/whsresults/en/index.html UNAIDS/WHO Global HIV/AIDS Online Database This database collates the most recent country-specific data on the spread and impact of the virus, together with information on risk behaviors (e.g. casual sex and condom use). Health sector response information (data on people receiving treatment and coverage of HIV counseling and testing) is also an essential part of this database.  HYPERLINK "http://www.who.int/globalatlas/default.asp" http://www.who.int/globalatlas/default.asp WHO Global InfoBase A data warehouse that collects, stores, and displays information on chronic diseases and their risk factors for all WHO member states.  HYPERLINK "http://www.who.int/infobase/report.aspx" http://www.who.int/infobase/report.aspx III. Print Resources  HYPERLINK "http://www.who.int/gard/publications/GARD_Manual/en/index.html" Global Surveillance, Prevention and Control of Chronic Respiratory Diseases. 2007 148p $40. Chronic respiratory diseases are a killer of nearly 4 million people every year, this report raises awareness of the huge impact that these diseases have worldwide. Numerous statistical tables and charts provide prevalence estimates, morbidity and mortality data, and economic costs.  HYPERLINK "http://www.paho.org/HIA/index.html" Health in the Americas 2007  2007 1210p (2 Vols.) $110. Produced in cooperation with the PAHO, these two hefty volumes cover broad categories of health and well-being for the years 2000-2005. Volume I examines health in the Americas from a regional perspective, focusing on the demographic and mortality trends as well as disease and health trends of this period. Volume II tackles these same issues from a national perspective. Tobacco Control: Reversal of Risk after Quitting Smoking 2007 358p $45. A comprehensive review of the scientific literature and a thorough evaluation, made by an international group of experts, of the evidence for changes in the risk of cancer, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm, peripheral artery disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease observed following smoking cessation.  HYPERLINK "http://www.who.int/whr/2007/en/index.html" World Health Report 2007 - A safer future: global public health security in the 21st century. 2007 95p. $40. Long running WHO publication, this time with expert analysis of the global crisis in public health security (mainly in the area of the transportation of goods). IV Other Resources WHO Library (WHOLIS)  HYPERLINK "http://www.who.int/library/databases/en/" http://www.who.int/library/databases/en/ 30,000+ links to full text documents and 70,000 bibliographic records; most current and many out of print WHO publications can be accessed in PDF here. WHO Documentation  HYPERLINK "http://www.who.int/gb/e/index.html" http://www.who.int/gb/e/index.html Complete documentation (1998-) of WHO Executive Board sessions and Health Assemblies. WHO BookShop  HYPERLINK "http://www.who.int/bookorders" http://www.who.int/bookorders Report submitted by Louis Takcs, IDTF Agency Liaison January 7, 2008  HYPERLINK "mailto:l-takacs@northwestern.edu" l-takacs@northwestern.edu Louis Takcs is at Northwestern University Library World Tourism Organization World Tourism Organization is on the web at  HYPERLINK "http://www.unwto.org" www.unwto.org. The World Tourism Day is commemorated on September 27 of each year, and for 2008 the WTO is promoting the 7th UN Millennium Development Goal (to ensure environmental sustainability) by focusing on the theme of climate change and tourism. Climate Change and Tourism: Responding to Global Challenges is one of its most recent publications. The Organization has also formed a ST-EP programme and has published four items since 2002 oriented toward the additional theme of Sustainable TourismEliminating Poverty. These publications are listed on the Organizations web site Its publications programme has not changed significantly since last reporting on it. Two major sections exist, i.e. the UNWTO Infoshop leads the user to its printed versions of publications, and to the UNWTO Online Library for those interested in subscribing. The Infoshop site allows the downloading or printing of WTOs 2008 Publications & Electronic Products catalog but a link to the List of Depository Libraries of WTO Publications failed to produce results in a recent examination of the site. The Online Library (e-unwto), with academic pricing based on an FTE basis, contains more than 1,000 books, statistical reports and working documents and appears to be the only way to obtain access to the World Tourism Factbook, which gives up-to-date statistics on inbound and outbound tourism to more than 200 countries and territories. WTOs front page continues to lead to excerpts of basic facts and figures, to an excerpt from the latest World Tourism Barometer, to the most recent issue of UNWTO News, to a calendar of international tourism events, and to Infodoctour which provides factual data on national and international tourism information holders and brokers. The WTO Documentation Centre utilizes a Multilingual Thesaurus on Tourism and Leisure Activities, and also offers LEXTOUR, a tourism legislation database that provides bibliographic and textual data on laws and regulations. Searching in LEXTOUR can lead to some interesting free-access sites for various areas of the world. Report submitted by Mary Fetzer, IDTF Agency Liaison January 8, 2008 Mary Fetzer is at Rutgers University Library End of MidWinter Conference 2008 IDTF Agency Liaison Reports. Last updated 10 January 2008 IDTF Agency Liaison Program Master Contact Information Last Updated: 8 January 2008 _____________________ Mary Gay Anderson International Documents Librarian Government Documents Green Library Florida International University 11200 SW 8th Street Miami, FL 33199 Phone: 305-348-2416 Fax : 305-348-3408 Email: andersom@fiu.edu Agency Liaison for: European Union ___________________ Angela Bonnell Government Documents Librarian 217 Milner Library Illinois State University Normal, IL 61790 Phone: 309-438-2354 E-mail: abonne@ilstu.edu Agency Liaison for: Unesco _____________________ Diane K. Campbell Instructor Librarian 332 Moore Library Rider University 2083 Lawrenceville Road Lawrenceville NJ 08648 Phone: 609-895-5729 Email: dcampbell@rider.edu Agency Liaison for: InterAmerican Development Bank _____________________ James A. Church International Documents Librarian 218 Doe Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 Phone: 510-643-2319 Fax: 510-643-6650 Email jchurch@library.berkeley.edu Agency Liaison APEC ESCAP _____________________ ____________________ Brett Cloyd Government Publications Dept 100 Main Library University of Iowa Libraries Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420 Phone: 319-335-5743 Fax: 319-335-5900 Email:brett-cloyd@uiowa.edu Agency Liaison for: Bernan, Renouf ____________________ Chelsea Dinsmore International Documents Librarian Government Documents Dept Marston Science Library University of Florida PO Box 117011 Gainesville FL 32611-7011 Phone: 352-273-0369 Fax: 392-3357 Email: chedins@uflib.ufl.edu Agency Liaison for: Council of Europe _____________________ Jackie Druery Head, Learning & Research Services Joseph S. Stauffer Library Queen's University Kingston, ON K7L 5C4 Canada Phone 613-533-3309 Email: drueryj@post.queensu.ca Agency Liaison for: MyiLibrary, World Bank _____________________ Mary K. Fetzer Government Documents Archibald S. Alexander Library Rutgers, The State Univ of NJ 169 College Avenue, CAC New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1163 Phone: 732 932-7129, ext. 121 Fax: 732 932-1101 Email: fetzer@rci.rutgers.edu Agency Liaison for: World Tourism Organization _____________________ ____________________ Susan J. Golding Government Documents Librarian Government Documents Dept. Samuel Paley Library Temple University 1210 W. Berks Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 Phone: 215-204-3842 Fax: 215-204-5201 Email: sgolding@temple.edu Agency Liaison for: UN High Commissioner for Human Rights _____________________ David N. Griffiths Documents Library 200-D Main Library Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1408 West Gregory Drive Urbana, IL 61801 Phone: (217) 333-6696 Fax: 217-244-4358 Email: dngriffi@uiuc.edu Agency Liaison for: UN Dep Lib, UN Pub, UNCTAD ___________________________ Suzanne C. Holcombe Documents Librarian University Library Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078-1071 Phone: 405-744-9788 Fax: (405) 744-5183 Email: sholcom@okstate.edu Agency Liaison for for: Lexis / CIS, UNCHS, UNEP _____________________ James R. Jacobs International Documents Librarian Green Library Stanford University Phone: 650- 725-1030 Email: jrjacobs@stanford.edu AIM: Librarian James Jabber Agency Liaison for Stat Office, World Trade Organization _____________________ _____________________ Linda B. Johnson Government Documents Dept Univ of New Hampshire Lib 18 Library Way Durham, NH 03824-3592 Phone: 603-862-2453 Fax: 603-862-0247 Email: Linda.Johnson@unh.edu Agency Liaison for Canadian Official Publications _____________________ Anna Korhonen Documents Librarian 110 Olin Library Cornell University Ithaca NY 14853-5301 Phone: 607-255-5762 Fax: 607-255-6110 Email: ank3@cornell.edu Agency Liaison for: UNIDO _____________________ Charles E. Malone Government Information Librarian University Libraries Western Illinois University 1 University Circle Macomb, IL 61455 Phone: 309- 298-2719 Fax: 309-298-2791 (FAX) Email: c-malone@wiu.edu Agency Liaison for: FAO Readex _____________________ Vida Margaitis Documents Librarian Government Documents & Microforms Reference Services Lamont Library, Level 1 Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone: 617-495-2479 Fax: 617-496-0440 Email: margait@fas.harvard.edu Agency Liaison for IMF _____________________ _____________________ Catherine Morse Social Sciences Librarian Selector for Economics, International Documents, Law and Public Policy Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1205 Phone: 734-936-2333 Email: cmorse@umich.edu Agency Liaison for: OAS _________________ David M. Oldenkamp International Studies Librarian Herman B. Wells Library W-121 Indiana University Bloomington Indiana 47405 Phone: 812-856-1746 Fax: 812-855-1649 Email: doldenka@indiana.edu Agency Liaison for: IOM, ITU, IOM _____________________ Ellen G. Schaffer Chief Librarian, ECLAC Library United Nations Casilla 179-D Santiago, Chile Phone: (56-2) 210-2468 Fax: (56-2) 208-0252 Email: ellen.schaffer@cepal.org Agency Liaison for: ECLAC _____________________ Andrea Singer Foreign Documents Librarian and Bibliographer for India Studies Government Information, Microforms & Statistical Services Herman B Wells Library Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana 47405 Phone: 812-855-3726 Fax: 812-855-3460 Email: singer@indiana.edu Agency Liaison for: The Stationery Office _____________________ _________________ Lynne M. Stuart Library Liaison for the Economic Department Government Publications / Maps / Law Librarian Milton S. Eisenhower Library Johns Hopkins University 3400 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 Phone: 410-516-5219 Fax: 410-516-6029 Email: lstuart@jhu.edu Agency Liaison for: OECD ___________________ Louis Takacs International Documents Librarian Government and Geographic Information & Data Services Northwestern University Library 1970 Campus Drive Evanston, IL 60208-2300 Phone: 847-467-3679 Fax: 847-491-8306 Email: l-takacs@northwestern.edu Agency Liaison for UNICEF WHO _____________________ Amy E. West Data Services Librarian Wilson Library 309 19th Avenue South University of Minnesota Minneapolis MN 55455 Phone: 612-625-6368 Email: westx045@umn.edu Agency Liaison for: INSTRAW, UNCSW, UNIFEM ____________________ Susan Bennett White United Nations Librarian Princeton University Library One Washington Road Princeton NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4814 Fax: 609-258-4105 Email: sbwhite@princeton.edu Agency Liaison for: ILO and Human Development Reports Coordinator for Agency Liaison Program ____________________     PAGE  Agency Liaison ReportsIDTF / GODORT Midwinter 2007 Meeting of the ý Page  PAGE 1 PAGE  Government Documents Round Table in the ý International Documents Task Force Midwinter Meeting Philadelphia 2008 Agency Liaison Reports Page  PAGE 28 DMcdc d Z  & ' ? L Q b øøìΐxphc[SKhoPhX5hoPh#5hoPhe5 h]5hoPh;5hoPhl~95hoPhK5hoPh,5hoPh 5 hoPh,h`c6nH tH hoPhtKn6nH tH hoPh 6nH tH h~h5KCJ$aJ$h~h CJ$aJ$ hoPh hoPhR&5PJnH tH hoPh"|5PJnH tH hoPh 5PJnH tH DdZ  ' ? 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