ࡱ> 7( / 0DTimes New Roman(0LL~0DArialNew Roman(0LL~0" DMonotype Sorts(0LL~0@  @@``  @n?" dd@  @@`` F>x4N@        !"#$%&'(-./0123456789:;<=>ABCDEFGHIJS ~1?`̙f@8g4(d(dX~0Pf 0ppp@  <4!d!db ? O  W-B:International Statistical Data: Trends, Sources and IssueshBobray Bordelon Princeton University July 9, 2000 GODORT Program - ý Annual iic  *Depositories (United Nations and partners)++$tUnited Nations - 44 in the USA FAO - 14 in the USA ILO - 2 in the USA UNESCO - 2 in the USA World Bank- 3 in the USAu@Au  )Asian Development Bank Depository Program  introduced in January 1994 in response to a growing public demand for information about its activities. Under the program, selected ADB publications are deposited regularly in key libraries in its member countries. (8 in USA)@A Types of Commercial Services (CDistributors Indexing/Abstracting/Full text Repackagers AggregatorsD@AD$+   Distributors (select examples)$Oxford University Press (African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, World Bank, UNIDO, UNDP, UNEP) Bernan (various UN, IMF, UNESCO, World Bank, ILO, EC, OECD publications) Edward Elgar (UNIDO s International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics),@A/>iI2 Indexing/Abstracting/Full text$>Congressional Information Service s Index to International Statistics/Statistical Universe States what publication is about Indexes and identifies source Provides a consistent accession number Documents presented  as is Currently no full text online - this begins to change August 2000&[@A[!Repackagers (a select list)( JChadwyck Healey Congressional Information Services EuroMonitor Oryx PressK@AK$$# Chadwyck Healey(  Gathers publications and puts them into large sets (primarily microform but some electronic)  as is publications primarily historical@A$V!Chadwyck Healey (select products)""(;African Official Statistical Serials, 1867 - 1982 Annual Reports of the World's Central Banks British Government Publications Containing Statistics, 1801 - 1977 European Official Statistical Serials, 1841 - 1984 Latin American and Caribbean Official Statistical Serials, 1821 - 1982 Yugoslav Statistics, 1834 - 1919<XA<%"Congressional Information Services##(Current National Statistical Compendiums on Microfiche  Comprehensive collection of international statistical yearbooks08XAB8 B   EuroMonitor  ( International Marketing Data and Statistics World Consumer Income and Expenditure Patterns World Economic Factbook China Marketing Data and StatisticsXA i & Oryx Press (7Statistical Handbook on Poverty in the Developing World8XA8$Aggregators (a select list)(jRDS - TableBase DRI University Program Datastream International Economist Intelligence Unit Country Watch k@Ak$,  :RDS - TableBase( Pulls together many different publications (over 1,000 sources) fully indexed by specific categories with keyword searching also available problem: finding original sources sometimes tricky since name of table and not article is often given @A$DRI University Program(Fully identifies source in online and printed documentation On screen only gives databank item is derived from Allows mixing and matching of many sources Allows user to download into multiple formats @AMDRI University Program(Very strong on USA coverage Contains a number of IGO sources Contains few sources directly from countries time series do not go away@A$JSelected DRI Databases(DRI International Economic Database DRI Canadian Primary Source Database IMF International Financial Statistics Database IMF Direction of Trade Database IMF Balance of Payments Database OECD Main Economic Indicators Database OECD National Accounts Database@AL8DRI contains data directly from the following countries:a Belgium, France, Germany Italy, Netherlands South Africa, Spain United Kingdom United Statesb@Ab$&Datastream International ( xStrong country coverage Limited IGO data Allows complex downloading through the use of macros time series do not go awayy@Ay$ODatastream International( Minimal source identification pay per simultaneous user different versions allowing differing degrees of user friendliness and manipulation @A$ NTHIS PROGRAM ENABLES THE MNEMONIC FOR A REQUIRED ECONOMIC TIME SERIES TO BE DETERMINED COUNTRIES AVAILABLE: 7 CANADA 89 EUROLAND (EUROSTAT & ECB) 29 FRANCE 30 GERMANY 31 ITALY 49 JAPAN 55 JAPAN - IBJ/NIKKO DATABASE 58 SWITZERLAND 1 UNITED KINGDOM 6 UNITED STATES 70 OTHER COUNTRIES A TO M 71 OTHER COUNTRIES N TO Z 77 GLOBAL AND MISCELLANEOUS INDICATORS 82 FORECASTS - CONSENSUS ECONOMICS 84 FORECASTS - EIU 86 FORECASTS - OECD 88 OECD HISTORICAL DATA 80 WIIW EASTERN EUROPEAN DATA 97 IMF DATA SELECT COUNTRY REQUIRED:  !<,Some of the other countries covered includes--$KArgentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru,Venezuela Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam Kenya, Morocco, South Africa, Zimbabwe Cyprus, Greece, Turkey Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Slovakia Israel, JordanL@AL"QEconomist Intelligence Unit(compiled from many different sources as well as their own researchers source identification varies; always identified but sometimes only the agency services available in paper, on CD, and via the WEB superb packaging but very expensive@A$# Country Watch(compiled from many different sources as well as their own researchers source identification varies; always identified but sometimes only the agency available via the WEB very inexpensive@A %R(What to look for in a commercial product))(Y$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (Cost of original versus repackaging) Can you get it otherwise? ReputationZ@AZ$&T(What to look for in a commercial product))(HDoes it add value? Interface or medium of presentation User FriendlinessI@AI$'S(What to look for in a commercial product))(mStandardization Manipulation of data Downloading capabilities and formats Is Data kept or does it roll over?n@An$(U(What to look for in a commercial product))(LDocumentation Identification of original source Methodology Customer ServiceM@AM$/H)*+,-./03 4 5 6 789:=>?@ABCDEGHI J!K"P7  ` 3f3ff33` MMMe3f` ___>?" dd@ ?n@d@ d <K@ d` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>>   (  X  0?  @X  0?`` X  0? 0  T+xgֳgֳ ?  L T Click to edit Master title style! !:  T,xgֳgֳ ?` L RClick to edit Master text styles Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level!     S   `-xgֳgֳ ? @ L ]*   `d-xgֳgֳ ?   L ]*   ZD,xgֳgֳf ?` L ]*<  c $? ? MMMe3f  C (C:)  0 d( D,x  X  0?  @X  0?`` X  0? 0  T-xgֳgֳ ?  L T Click to edit Master title style! !  T.xgֳgֳ ?  Pp  L W#Click to edit Master subtitle style$ $   `D/xgֳgֳ ? @ L ]*   `/xgֳgֳ ?   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Their misssions are typically to provide documentation and data to its member organizations to aid in their decision making.k@Ak*m l0mjH $ 0޽h ? MMMe3ft  $,( _qj4 , ,  fILgֳgֳ ?   L  ,  fHLgֳgֳ ?` L H , 0޽h ? MMMe3ft  $4( 4z,j4 4 4  fJLgֳgֳ ?   L  4  fKLgֳgֳ ?` L H 4 0޽h ? MMMe3ft  $<( `d4 < <  f4Ogֳgֳ ?   L  <  fOgֳgֳ ?` L H < 0޽h ? MMMe3ft  $D( d4 D D  fOgֳgֳ ?   L  D  fOgֳgֳ ?` L H D 0޽h ? MMMe3ft  $0L( D<d4 L L  fOgֳgֳ ?   O  L  fOgֳgֳ ?` O H L 0޽h ? MMMe3ft   $d( X d d  ftOgֳgֳ ?   O  d  f4Ogֳgֳ ?` O H d 0޽h ? MMMe3ft   $l( ,ք|ۄ4 l l  fOgֳgֳ ?   O  l  fOgֳgֳ ?` O H l 0޽h ? MMMe3ft   $t( 4 t t  ftOgֳgֳ ?   O  t  f4Ogֳgֳ ?` O H t 0޽h ? MMMe3ft   $|(  | |  fOgֳgֳ ?   O  |  fOgֳgֳ ?` O H | 0޽h ? MMMe3f  |t (  HWW    ftOgֳgֳ ? <$D 0  O    fOgֳgֳ ?`<$ 0 O H  0޽h ? MMMe3ft  $0(   WW    fOgֳgֳ ?   O    fdOgֳgֳ ?` O H  0޽h ? MMMe3ft  $P( D!W     fOgֳgֳ ?   O    fDOgֳgֳ ?` O H  0޽h ? MMMe3ft  $p(     fdOgֳgֳ ?   O    f$Ogֳgֳ ?` O H  0޽h ? MMMe3ft  $(       fOgֳgֳ ?   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MMM..2 Trends, Sources and Issues   .--900-- MMM"Arial $JwSwgw $ - MMM.2 Y:Bobray . MMM.2 Y Bordelon  . MMM.%2 :Princeton University      . MMM.2 : July 9, 2000  . MMM.2 1:GODORT Program -    . MMM.12 ]:ý       . MMM.2 :Annual .--"SystemwfL  -&TNPP &E՜.+,D՜.+, `     On-screen ShowPrinceton University_U1 "Times New RomanArialMonotype SortsC (C:);International Statistical Data: Trends, Sources and IssuesWe will examine:(Missions of International Organizations+Depositories (United Nations and partners)*Asian Development Bank Depository ProgramTypes of Commercial Services Distributors (select examples)Indexing/Abstracting/Full textRepackagers (a select list)Chadwyck Healey"Chadwyck Healey (select products)#Congressional Information Services EuroMonitor Oryx PressAggregators (a select list)RDS - TableBaseDRI University ProgramDRI University ProgramSelected DRI Databases9DRI contains data directly from the following countries:Datastream International Datastream InternationalTHIS PROGRAM ENABLES THE MNEMONIC FOR A REQUIRED ECONOMIC TIME SERIES TO BE DETERMINED COUNTRIES AVAILABLE: 7 CANADA 89 EUROLAND (EUROSTAT & ECB) 29 FRANCE 30 GERMANY 31 ITALY 49 JAPAN 55 JAPAN - IBJ/NIKKO DATABASE 58 SWITZERLAND 1 UNITED KINGDOM 6 UNITED STATES 70 OTHER COUNTRIES A TO M 71 OTHER COUNTRIES N TO Z 77 GLOBAL AND MISCELLANEOUS INDICATORS 82 FORECASTS - CONSENSUS ECONOMICS 84 FORECASTS - EIU 86 FORECASTS - OECD 88 OECD HISTORICAL DATA 80 WIIW EASTERN EUROPEAN DATA 97 IMF DATA SELECT COUNTRY REQUIRED: -Some of the other countries covered includesEconomist Intelligence UnitCountry Watch)What to look for in a commercial product)What to look for in a commercial product)What to look for in a commercial product)What to look for in a commercial product  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titlesem  9 E M U]emu} _PID_GUID TemplateType GraphicType Compression ScreenSize ScreenUsage MailAddress HomePage Other DownloadOriginal DownloadIEButton UseBrowserColor BackColor TextColor LinkColor VisitedColorTransparentButton ButtonType ShowNotes NavBtnPos OutputDirAN{CD062A0C-5BE6-11D4-80CB-00C04F1ECFED}dbordelon@princeton.edur#http://www.princeton.edu/~bordelontttp  f3 E:\My Documents_BBnRoot EntrydO) ֛*@Current User)SummaryInformation(vPowerPoint Document(U!_1 Ron JoyceRoot EntrydO) G@Current User)SummaryInformation(vPowerPoint Document(U!_1 Ron Joyce  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz{|}Root EntrydO)Current UserSummaryInformation(vPowerPoint Document(UDocumentSummaryInformation8~