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III. Minutes from 2008 ýAnnual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Minutes were approved as presented. For the text, see: http://www.ala.org/ala/godort/godortminutes/index.htm. IV. Reports from the Committee Liaisons Agency Liaison Program (White): Susan Bennett White thanked the contributors to the latest round of reports (see:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/ala/godort/taskforces/internationaldocuments/liaisonreports.htm" http://www.ala.org/ala/godort/taskforces/internationaldocuments/liaisonreports.htm for the latest reports). She put the call out for more volunteers to contribute to future Agency Liaison Reports. Cataloging Committee (Malone): Chuck Malone mentioned that the Cataloging Committee is getting an update from GPO. The Committee will be discussing the work being done on RDA (Resource Description and Access). Education Committee (Church): The Committee is working on a defining a set of competencies for government information specialists. Brett Cloyd mentioned that a subgroup of Education is working on these competencies, and it was asked if this group was going to be involved with competencies for international documents. It is a possibility that the group would address international competencies. GITCO (Amsberryaugier): Lora mentioned that GITCO will be discussing the E-Competencies project, along with the other items on their agenda. Legislation (McCrann): Grace-Ellen mentioned that the Legislation Committee is working on getting tribal colleges to become depository libraries. The group is also pushing Congress to allocate full funding for GPO, particularly as the GPO web harvesting project is finding large amounts of refugee documents and GPO does not have the resources to keep up with all of the extra cataloging. The Legislation Committee is also discussing FOIA and the Presidential Records Act. Program Committee (Allen for Coppola): While Elaine Coppola couldnt attend the meeting, Marcy reported on the Program Committee. The Committee is looking for items for the 2009 Annual Conference (Chicago), and those with ideas should get in touch with Elaine. In addition, the Program Committee is working with the pre-conference chairs to finalize plans for the following pre-conferences in Anaheim: Focusing on the Big Picture: Political Information Your Users Will Want this Election Year Going Local: Statistical Resources for Businesses Docs 2.0: Emerging Web Technologies Publications (Jacobs and Church): The Occasional Paper Series project has been approved, and those interested in publishing something in the series should contact Marcy Allen, Jim Church, Barb Mann, or Barb Miller. This series will provide us with another outlet for publishing. Rare and Endangered (Morse): Catherine Morse reported that the Committee is discussing the digitization of rare and endangered documents, and they are also looking at the archiving of state and online publications. IFLA (Allen for Druery): With Jackie Druery not able to attend Midwinter, Marcy Allen spoke about the 2007 IFLA Conference which was held in Durban, South Africa last August. The GIOPS group put on a well-attended program. We are looking for someone to serve as the GODORT representative for future IFLA conferences. Get in contact with Jackie or Marcy if you would like to do this. This year, conference is in Quebec, then Milan (09), and then Brisbane (10). Since there are limited hotels available in Quebec, book early if you are planning to attend. Jennefer Nicholson is the new (starting in September 2008) Secretary General of IFLA. V. Reports/Announcements from Vendors/Agencies: Readex is offering the full-text of the second section of the FBIS reports. Stop by their booth and you can setup at trial. The World Bank is offering a few new products. The first is GEM: The Global Economic Monitor, which now works with IP Authentication. The African Development Indicators Online is coming soon, as is all 30 years of World Development Reports on DVDROM (and possibly online). They are also starting an EIU-like country reports publication series, and the first country available will be Nigeria. Bernan: has launched a product called My Government Online, which is geared towards more of a K-12 and public library audience. Bernan is interested in getting feedback from academics on the product and its possible adaptations to the academic market. UN Publications: The UN is moving more and more towards an electronic publishing platform. They have been digitizing titles, and are selling these digital (.pdf format) titles at a 25% discount. They are working on developing a better online platform for their publications. They would appreciate comments and feedback, particularly on the new website. The UNs move to e-publishing prompted several discussion points, particularly, how this move impact depository libraries. What will be sold, what will be sent on deposit, and will the e-platform be access-only or will libraries actually own the e-copies? This last point was addressed, so purchased e-texts will be owned by the purchasing library. It was noted that depository libraries should receive special consideration in this new model. Renouf provided an update on their continuing efforts to provide their customers with a wide variety of IGO and NGO titles from a diverse set of publishers, groups, organizations, and agencies. LexisNexis provided an update for their new statistical product. This new statistics module can be purchased as a standalone or as a Statistical plugin. VI. Old Business: IDTF Website Redesign: Amy West, our fearless web coordinator, mentioned that it is time to do a bit of evaluation of the IDTF website. Questions to be addressed are: should we pare it down? Beef it up? Maintain all of it, some of it, etc? There needs to be a small group to take a look at this. Also, they will look at what is on the Wiki versus what is on the website, and provide recommendations as to what should go where. Brett Cloyd, Chelsey Dinsmore, James Jacobs, and Chuck Malone volunteered to work with Amy on this. IDTF Program at Annual: As we have decided to keep our business meeting at Midwinter and use our time at Annual, it is time to work on putting things together for this upcoming Annual in Anaheim. Brett Cloyd has agreed to coordinate this, which will be a sixty to seventy-five minute program, so we need to pull together several 15 min presentations. Contact Brett with your ideas by February 1st. Publishing Policies and Practices on our Wiki: David Griffiths mentioned that there are currently only a few IGOs that are profiled on our Wiki, and the IDTF community needs to work together to contribute more content to the Wiki. We should ask agency liaisons to put their content into the Wiki, using the provided template. This work can be accomplished between conferences, and the information can easily be placed online. There has been a few problems with getting accounts setup for the Wiki, so if you are having difficulties in this area, contact James Jacobs and he will get you setup with an account. Cataloging: Chuck Malone mentioned that we are supposed to be working on helping the GODORT Cataloging Committee update the Catalogers Toolbox. VII. New Business If you are interested in becoming the new IFLA Representative, contact Jackie Druery or Marcy Allen. NGOs: Jim Church mentioned that, while our focus on IGOs is critical, it is also critical that we spend time collecting NGO publications. People are seeking and using NGO documentation, and we need to provide the leadership in this area. There are thoughts of creating a new group to deal with NGOs, or perhaps a subgroup of the IDTF to focus on NGOs. Acquisition and preservation of the material is critical. There are some projects in existence that are possibilities: LOCSS, ArchiveIT, and the forthcoming NGO Search Engine. David Griffiths moved that the IDTF form a working group whose charge is to explore the possibility of broadening the mission of the IDTF to include NGOs. This group will be called the Working Group on NGOs. The motion was seconded by Helen Sheehy, and the motion passed on a voice vote. Items from the Floor: Marcy mentioned that we should all take the membership survey. Adjournment of Meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.    ! 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