ࡱ> lnmq` )bjbjqPqP .H::!\\\\\\\p!!!!!\pkN\"\"\"\"\"7#7#7#MMMMMMM$PhRM\A&7#7#A&A&M\\\"\"M,C(C(C(A&:\\"\\"MC(A&MC(C(nK\\L\"P" C~jnu!{&"L LMrkNL S&S@LS\L,7##^C($Le$7#7#7#MM-(7#7#7#kNA&A&A&A&ppppppppp\\\\\\ OPERATING AND PROCEDURE MANUAL CHAIRS PROGRAM COMMITTEE (Established as a Standing Committee January 2002) The Committee develops, publicizes, and hosts the IRRT Chairs Program, a program focused on some aspect of international librarianship for IRRT members and U.S. and international librarians at the annual conference. The Committee coordinates, with the IRRT Chair, a membership meeting held during the IRRT Chairs Program at the annual conference. Chair term of office Appointed for two years with the option of one two-year renewal as specified in IRRT Article VIII, Section (1) of the Bylaws. Duties of the Chairs Program Committee Chair Oversees development of the IRRT Chairs Program at each Annual Conference Coordinates, with the IRRT chair, inclusion of a membership meeting to be held during the annual program meeting Coordinates recruitment of speakers with IRRT chair, ýInternational Relations Office Director, and committee members Coordinates with the IRO and IRRT Chair the presentation of IRC and IRRT Awards. Submits final program description to ýInternational Relations Office Moderates the chairs program if requested by the IRRT Chair Conducts all the duties of the IRRT Committee Chair: Consults with and advises the IRRT Chair regarding Committee membership Corresponds with Committee members and oversees the Committee member assignments Reports to the IRRT Executive Board at midwinter and annual conferences Prepares and submits a report following midwinter and annual conferences Attends the Committee Chair Orientation at midwinter and annual conferences Provides Committee text and updates to the editors for inclusion on the IRRT Website and in International Leads, as appropriate Chairs the Committee at midwinter and annual meetings. Prepares and distributes the agenda in advance. Sets the time of the meeting during the IRRT All Committee session If a new Chair, the Chair should communicate with the outgoing Chair to ensure an understanding of the ongoing work of the committee Members of Chairs Program committee In addition to the Chair, the committee consists of 4-6 members and the chair-elect, ex officio. Members are appointed by the IRRT Chair-elect in consultation with the Chairs Program committee Chair. Members serve a one- or two-year renewable term. Committee members duties Assist in developing the theme of annual conference program in consultation with IRRT chair-elect and chair Develops and disseminates publicity for conference program Recruits speakers Requests location and coordinates arrangements with International Relations Office Coordinates handouts and distribution tables for program-related materials Assists Chair in the preparation of speaker introductions MAJOR ACTIVITIES IRRT Membership Meeting The annual IRRT Membership Meeting will be held during the IRRT Chairs Program at Annual Conference. The IRRT Chair convenes this meeting and twenty members constitute a quorum. The secretary/treasurers report, as well as other reports requiring vote of the membership, will be presented. The officers for the next program year will be announced. A parliamentarian may be appointed and the ýapproved Rules of Order shall be followed. IRRT Chairs Program The IRRT Chairs Program is held during Annual Conference. The topic will have an international focus and be of interest to IRRT members and those librarians with interest in international topics. Joint programs with other units of ýmay be sought. Timeline for Program Committee Prior to Midwinter Finalize speakers with Chair for program 6 months away Obtain biographical information on prospective speakers Discuss and finalize program theme and possible speakers with Chair-elect for program 1.5 to 2 years away Solicit co-sponsors for program 1.5 to 2 years away Plan publicity for program 6 months away Debrief previous program At Midwinter Committee Meeting For program 1.5 years away Decide with Chair-elect the program theme, suggested speakers, budget needs, size of venue With Chair-elect, develop brief description of program for ýConference Program For program 6 months away Discuss time needed for Membership Meeting with Chair for program at annual meeting Approve press releases for program Discuss placement of publicity with ýInternational Relations Office Director Discuss budget requirements with Chair and ýIRO Director Meet with Membership Subcommittee regarding distribution of membership applications at program Consult Chair and discuss program timing and draft agenda for membership meeting in conjunction with the program presentation At Midwinter Executive Board Meeting Deliver written report on committees progress to Executive Board and be prepared for questions Announce upcoming program theme and speakers Announce following years theme and speakers, if available Solicit ideas for co-sponsorships; request committee members to share information on other units plans for internationally themed programs and distribute the International Program Form Post to listservs of ýDivisions and International Relations Committees After Midwinter Meeting Work with the International Relations Office to finalize room arrangements and publicity for program at the upcoming Annual Conference Send press releases to American Libraries, Library Journal and journals and newsletters of co-sponsoring units Advertise the program in International Leads Request IRO Directors assistance in getting publicity into conference program Request equipment needs from speakers and notify IRO and IRRT Secretary/Treasurer At Annual Executive Board Meetings Deliver report on committees work Announce upcoming program, speakers, and location Announce following years theme and speakers, if available Solicit ideas for co-sponsorships Request information on other units plans for internationally themed programs At Annual Conference Distribute publicity fliers and posters at Conference Send press releases to Cognotes prior to and after program Distribute fliers at IRRT committee meetings Make announcements about program at IRRT Executive Board meetings Moderator introduces the speaker(s) and thanks them at the conclusion of the program After the Annual Conference If a new Chair, the Chairs Program Chair should communicate with the outgoing Chair to ensure an understanding of the ongoing work of the program committee In conjunction with the IRRT Chair, the Chairs Program Committee Chair should: provide details of the planned program to the ýAnnual Conference Program Planning Committee immediately after annual conference arrange for the inclusion of the IRRT program in the ýConference Program prepare and disseminate publicity about the program in conjunction with the Chairs Program committee ensure that appropriate platform arrangements have been made prior to the program Chairs Program Chair writes thank-you letters to speakers IRRT Program Generation Programs are generated from ideas of the Chair-elect, Chair, chairs program chair, Committee members, various committees, and from aspects of librarianship that have an international component. Programs that describe opportunities to work abroad and ways to receive funding to work abroad are popular as are programs that describe international work experience. Ideas can come from anywhere and anyone. Members of IRRT, ALA, or international librarians should submit ideas to the Chair-elect for consideration immediately after elections in order to be sure they are considered. Planning for programs begins nearly two years in advance so it is important to submit ideas early. Relations to the International Relations Office Coordinates recruitment of speakers with the ýInternational Relations Office Director and committee members Requests location and coordinates arrangements with IRO, seeking a venue close to the conference center or the International Librarians Receptoin Discusses placement of publicity with IRO including requesting assistance in getting publicity into conference program Discusses budget requirements with Chair and IRO Works with the IRO to finalize room arrangements and publicity for program at the upcoming Annual Conference Suggested Form for Submission of Chairs Program Ideas Form for Submission of IRRT Chairs Program IdeasDate: Describe Program Idea: Suggested Speaker(s): Contact Information for Speakers: Possible Co-Sponsors & Contact Information: Your Name & Contact Information: Budget Requested? Y/N Amount?   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