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Conducts all the duties of an IRRT Committee Chair Consults with and advises the IRRT Chair regarding Committee membership. Corresponds with Committee members and oversees the Committee member assignments. Reports to the IRRT Executive Board at midwinter and annual conferences. Prepares and submits a report following midwinter and annual conferences. Attends the Committee Chair Orientation at midwinter and annual conferences. Provides Committee text and updates for inclusion on the IRRT Website and in International Leads to the editors as appropriate. Chairs the Committee at midwinter and annual meetings. Prepares and distributes the agenda in advance. Sets the time of the meeting during the IRRT All Committee session. If a new Chair, the Chair should communicate with the outgoing Chair to ensure an understanding of the ongoing work of the Committee Members In addition to the Chair, the Committee consists of 4-6 members. Members are appointed by the IRRT Chair-Elect in consultation with the International Poster Sessions Committee Chair and IRRT Executive Committee members. Members serve a one or two-year renewable term. Member responsibilities: Assigned to specific Committee members for implementation Review and evaluate all poster session submissions. Publicize international poster sessions to ýmembership, IRRT membership, and through International Leads and the IRRT website. Assist in setting up and breaking down of international poster session. Processes that are used Summary The international poster sessions are one of four slots for poster session at ALA. The international poster sessions which are accepted must either: Be from librarians or library staff working in countries other than the United States but the poster session itself does not necessarily have to have an international theme Be from librarians or library staff here in the United States but the poster session must have an international focus or theme In order to coordinate the international poster sessions effectively, it is crucial that the chair of the IRRT Poster Sessions Subcommittee be in close touch with the chair of the ýPoster Session Review Panel as well as the ýInternational Relations Office. There are generally 20 slots available for the international poster session. It is common for there to be no-shows at the international session because of travel costs or other unexpected obstacles. Processes The IRRT Committee chair gives feedback to the chair of the ýPoster Session Review Panel regarding wording for the call for poster sessions as well as the final booklet highlighting the poster sessions. The Chair of the ýPoster Session Review Panel sets the various deadlines when submissions need to be made, abstracts need to edited etc. the IRRT Committee adapts their schedule so that these deadlines can be met. The chair for the IRRT Committee contacts the person at the ýInternational Relations Office who is responsible for posting the call for poster sessions to the IRRT website as well as the editor for International Leads. Poster session proposals are submitted through a web-based form that is operated and maintained by the chair for the ýPoster Session Review Panel. In the event that a poster session proposal is sent via email either to the ýInternational Relations Office or to someone on the IRRT poster session Committee, the chair of the Committee is responsible for entering the proposal into the web form. Poster sessions are evaluated with the common criteria used for all ýposter sessions with the exception of proper English grammar. Once submissions have been accepted and notified, the IRRT poster session committee works with international submitters to edit the abstracts for grammar and vocabulary errors and also offers these submitters help editing their poster sessions text before they come to ALA. All IRRT Poster Session Committee members have an opportunity to rank and comment on the submissions. The chair of the Committee is then responsible for compiling their comments and averaging their rankings to enter the final ranking on the web form. The chair for the ýPoster Session Review Panel is responsible for sending out acceptance and rejection letters to the international poster session submitters, and letting the IRRT poster session Committee chair know that the letters have been sent. The IRRT Committee chair notifies the contact person at the ýInternational Relations Office of the sessions which have been accepted. All IRRT Poster Session Committee members participate in helping the international presenters put up and take down their posters on the day of the international sessions. All IRRT Poster Session Committee members have an opportunity to suggest alternative procedures and provide input into evaluating the success of the poster sessions. At each annual ALA, the IRRT Poster Session Committee Chair meets with the chair of the ýPoster Session Review Panel to discuss any changes or improvements that need to be made in terms of processes and communication. Timeline for Action/Calendar July/August Add new Committee members if necessary. Early September Be in touch with the chair of the ýPoster Session Review Panel about the final text for the call for poster sessions and to discuss any general details. October In conjunction with the ýPoster Session Review Panel, issue the call for poster sessions. Contact the Website Editor and have the call for poster sessions added to the IRRT website. Contact the editor for International Leads and have the call for poster sessions advertised in all upcoming issues until the deadline. Send call for poster sessions to international library associations and any other contacts/organizations that might be interested, including listservs of ýDivisions with International Relations Committees. January 31 Deadline for poster session submissions (all poster sessions to be submitted on the ýposter session web form). February 15 (approximately) ýPoster Sessions Review Panel chair sends URL link to chair of IRRT poster sessions Committee in order to evaluate and rank the international sessions. Chair of IRRT Committee makes excel spreadsheet for ranking submissions and sends this (along with the URL link) to Committee members, asking them to send their rankings and comments back to her/him. Chair then compiles their comments and averages their rankings in order to fill in the ýposter session web form. Beginning to Mid- March (generally three to four weeks after the previous date) Deadline for having comments and ratings filled in on web form. March 15 (approximately) ýPoster Session Review Panel Chair sends acceptance and rejection letters to submitters and lets IRRT Committee chair know that letters have been sent. IRRT Committee chair forwards message to contact person at ýInternational Relations Office. End of March If any abstracts/titles need editing, chair of IRRT Committee (or other committee member as assigned) sends email to author of poster session to suggest changes. Mid-April Send edited abstracts and/or titles to ýPoster Session Review Panel Chair for the poster sessions booklet which will be printed and posted on the web. IRRT Committee chair sends out reminder to Committee members of date, time, and poster session responsibilities for the upcoming annual ALA. April 28 ýprinting deadline. ýPoster Session Review Panel Chair gets materials for poster session booklet to ýoffice by this date. Beginning of May ýPoster Session Review Panel chair sends IRRT Committee chair a copy of booklet draft and the URL for the web booklet for Committee members to send to other listserves in order to market the poster sessions. June (Annual ALA) IRRT Committee members meet at all-committee meeting to discuss Committee business and to prepare for poster session responsibilities. IRRT Committee members go to poster session area (in exhibit hall) a half hour before the poster sessions are scheduled to start in order to help the presenters set up. The ýPoster Session Review Panel Chair leaves a box of scissors, tape, tacks, and poster session booklets (generally under the first table) to use while helping people. Committee members also spend a half hour after the poster session slot in order to help presenters take down their posters. After poster sessions have been completed the IRRT Committee Chair (and any other members of the Committee who are interested) meet with representatives from ýPoster Session Review Panel to touch base and brainstorm any improvements to the communications process and logistics. After ýAnnual Submit meeting minutes as well as committee report to the IRRT Executive Board. Relation to the IRO office (who does what) The chair of the IRRT Poster Session Committee is the primary contact between the Committee and the IRO office. Generally it is the IRO administrative assistant that works with the Committee if any issues arise. The chair of the IRRT Poster Session Committee forwards any important information (call for poster sessions, list of poster sessions accepted, etc.) to the IRO administrative assistant. (Nancy asks: shouldnt we be more explicit about what is important? The IRO administrative assistant posts the call for poster sessions and the link to the web form for submitting proposals to the IRRT website. (Nancy asks: Cant the chair just send this to the Web Editor and bypass Delin? In the event that a poster session participant needs a letter of invitation in order to leave his/her country, the IRO office provides this letter. Forms that are used Forms/Flyers used: (Attached) Call for Poster Sessions Guidelines for Evaluating Poster Sessions Excel spreadsheet for compiling IRRT subcommittee rankings Web form and general poster session information (maintained by ýPoster Sessions Review Committee): http://www.lib.iastate.edu/ala/  .>GHWYqz{ "    2 3 4 U ! T ÿzzrzzzzzjh0CJaJhSjCJaJh#vh"CJaJh#vh'D CJaJ#h'h'D 56B*OJQJphh'h'D 5>*h'h'D >*h0 h'h'D h"h0h'D >*CJaJh'D >*CJaJh'h'D >*CJaJh0>*CJaJh0h0CJaJh0CJaJ( HXY "  4 ! 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