ࡱ> VXWq` bjbjqPqP .6::u%JJJJJJJ^84$^3BB"dddd& ;3=3=3=3=3=3=3$5h8ja3Jdda3JJddv3JdJd;3;30JJ2d6 pfhsuw1;33031688,28J2h(7a3a3/d3^^^$ $^^^^^^JJJJJJ OPERATING AND PROCEDURE MANUAL Membership The Membership Committee is responsible for developing and implementing all membership activities for the IRRT. Membership and Term of Officer As specified in IRRT Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 1, the IRRT Chair-Elect appoints the Committee Chair and 2-4 members to a one-year or two-year term. One member may be reappointed to a second one-year term. Responsibilities Chair Appointed for a two-year term with the option of one two-year renewal as specified in Article VIII, Section (1) of the Bylaws. Chair responsibilities Maintains close liaison with the ýMembership Committee and the ALAs Manager for Membership Development to promote membership within the Round Table and the Association. Advises to the IRRT Executive Committee to update the IRRT membership brochure on a bi-annual basis. Consults with and advises the IRRT Chair regarding membership of the Round Table. Maintains a connection with the ýPublic Information Office for the dissemination of information about the Round Table membership. Receives membership data and statistical reports from the ýInternational Relations Office. Welcomes new members, notifies lapsed members, and follow-up with dropped members through mail, e-mail, and other communication methods. Undertakes promotional activities as are reviewed and/or proposed by the Round Table Executive Board. Provides reports at the ýMidwinter meetings and Annual conferences to the IRRT Executive Board. Provides copy to the editor of International Leads and the IRRT website editor on membership drives or publicity campaigns. Implements membership promotion information at the ýMidwinter meetings and at the Annual conferences. Provides committee information and updates for inclusion on the IRRT website by its editor. Writes regularly for International Leads and for the IRRT web site on the topics related to IRRT membership promotion activities. Requests IRRT membership statistics from the ýMembership Coordinator and presents the information to the IRRT membership through International Leads or the IRRT web site. Delegates the committee tasks to the committee members and follows through with the assignments. Prepares a list of IRRT candidates who run for ýpresident and for ýCouncil each year and sends the list to the International Leads Editor, to the IRRT We Master, and ALAWorld list for publicity. Recruits and maintains the contents for the Notable IRRT Members Column at the IRRT web site. Serves as resource persons for LIS student chapters to help recruit student members. Advises the IRRT Executive Board to send an IRRT officer to the New MembershipRound Table (NMRT) Orientation session at the ýConferences for promoting IRRT. Conducts all the duties of IRRT Committee Chairs Consults with and advises the IRRT Chair regarding Committee membership. Corresponds with Committee members and oversees the Committee member assignments. Reports to the IRRT Executive Board at midwinter and annual conferences. Prepares and submits a report following midwinter and annual conferences. Attends the Committee Chair Orientation at midwinter and annual conferences. Provides Committee text and updates for inclusion on the IRRT Website and in International Leads to the editors as appropriate. Chairs the Committee at midwinter and annual meetings. Prepares and distributes the agenda in advance. Sets the time of the meeting during the IRRT All Committee session. If a new Chair, the Chair should communicate with the outgoing Chair to ensure an understanding of the ongoing work of the Committee Members Assist the committee chair in completing the Committees tasks. Share responsibilities and tasks assigned by the committee chair. Maintain ongoing communication via mail, e-mail, voice-mail, and other means with the committee chair and the committee members. Attend annual committee meetings held at the annual conferences and midwinter meetings. Provide input and suggestions to the committee chair on the matters related to IRRT membership recruitment, retention, and promotion Processes and Timeline for Action The Committee works continuously around the year to carry out decisions made from the Membership Committee meetings at the ýMidwinter meetings and ýAnnual conferences. Revise and update the committee charges and procedures in accordance with the time frame set up by the IRRT Executive Board. Contact the ýMembership Coordinator for the IRRT statistics in May and compile a variety of charts based on the IRRT membership statistics for the IRRT web site in June (prior to the ýannual conferences). Send a welcome-letter to new IRRT members at the end of each month. The list of new members should be requested from IRO in the middle of the month. Send a letter to those who dropped IRRT membership on a quarterly basis. The dropped list should be requested from IRO. Obtain a list of IRRT members who run for ýPresident and ýCouncil through comparing published ýcandidate list with the IRRT membership list in February. Send the list of IRRT members who run for ýPresident and ýCouncil to the International Leads Editor, to the IRRT We Master, and ALAWorld list for publicity no later than March 15. Obtain the date, time, and location of the New Membership Round Table Orientation session at the ýConferences PRIOR to the ýannual conferences to enable the IRRT Executive Board to send an IRRT officer to the New Membership Round Table Orientation session at the ýConferences for promoting IRRT. Regular contacts with other ýUnits ýMembership Committee ýManager for Membership Development ýInternational Relations Office ýNew Membership Round Table Orientation Session Forms that are used Template welcome-letter to new IRRT members Template letter to dropped IRRT membership Membership form at the IRRT web site: http://www.ala.org/ala/irrt/irrtmembershipinfo/membershipform.htm     PAGE  PAGE 3  +,< + B U s { * }vibbbb^W h-"h!ahS h-"hXh-"h-"56\] h-"\]hS56\]h-"hS56\]h-"hS6>*CJh-"hSnH tH h-" h-"5>*h-"hS5>* h-"hS!h-"hSB*OJQJ^Jphh!B*OJQJ^Jph h-"h-"h!h-">*CJh-"h-"CJ  +, * + B U ,  y  & F & Fgd!^gdX^gdX[$\$gd-"u* R T U + ,     [ w x y WX2EJNs#6:>MN$hS(h-"hS(6>*h-"hS6 h-"hhSh-" h-"hS( h-"hSh!a h-"h!ah'G XNx-I.{/09y & Fgd!gdd8^8gd! & F gd! & F dd[$\$gd! & Fgd!$7iwx,-\{HI-.z{./0789@Twxyܷܿܿܿܿܿܿܿܯ~zhShd h-"hS( h-"hShd56\]h-"hS56\]h!nH tH hSnH tH hh!6hSjh!CJaJ h-"h! h-"hJh'h!h&h h-"h h-"h&h'h6>*0<=C^=g$jkl>?Aj NOP;<ѼѼѼѼѲѼѲh!hS>*h!h&5>*h!h&>* h!>* hS>*hdh&5>*h-"h&>* hA>*h-"hS(>*h-"hS>*h-"hS5\ h-"hS h-"hdhS( h-"hS(hd5y=kl?@OP #JmgdJ & Fgd!gd! & Fgd&gd& & F & F %&    2stuvxy{|~ƿ{tlhlhlhlh^X^ hA0JjhA0JUhHjhHU h"ubhd jh1hH<CJUaJ h"ubh"ubh"ubhdhS h-"hS h-"h&h-"hS5\h-"hJ>* h-"hJhdhS5hdhJ5hdhd5 h!hSh!hd5>*h!hd>*h!hJ>*" uwxz{}~h]h&`#$gdJ h"ubhdhHh!0JmHnHujhA0JUhA hA0J ,1h. 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