ࡱ> +-* @ 0~ bjbj00 "RR~6666666J  J;======$R a6a66vXXXF66;X;XX66 |"( ;0, 2 JJ6666 6>,X$@aaJJDBJJIRRT Councillor Role and Responsibilities The IRRT Councillor will represent the interests of IRRT on the ýCouncil by taking the following actions: Putting forward issues that the IRRT Board identifies Ensuring that council resolutions use inclusive language representing all ýmembers, including international librarians Advocating for the needs of ýmembers who are international librarians Communicating with IRRT Board Members on key resolutions before a vote is needed The IRRT Councillor is responsible for submitting a report to the IRRT Board on the ýCouncil meetings a month after MidWinter and Annual Conferences. +} ~ hc)hc)hc) hc)5\*+I ~  & Fgdc)gdc)$a$gdc) ~  1h/ =!"#$%D@D NormalCJ_HaJmH nHsH tHDA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List~*+I00x00x 0 0 0 000~ ~ ~ X DCY /Z 4n[ eehh9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsState 4>\eq|+q|dU~I^`o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. L^`LhH. ^`hH. ^`hH. PLP^P`LhH.dU         c)@}}0#^""}}~@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial;SimSun[SO"qhSS__r4}}3QH)?c))IRRT Councillor Role and ResponsibilitiesLibraryLibrary Oh+'0 $0 L X dpx,IRRT Councillor Role and ResponsibilitiesLibrary Normal.dotLibrary1Microsoft Word 10.0@0@@_՜.+,0< hp  0University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign} *IRRT Councillor Role and Responsibilities Title  !#$%&'(),Root Entry F7".Data  1TableWordDocument"SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8"CompObjj  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q