ࡱ> 5@ 0-bjbj22 +XX%&&&&L'D[HV((~(~(~(~(Y)>)) GGGGGGG$KIRKhH&<Y)Y)&<&<H~(~(HAAA&<6~(~(GA&<GA*AFAFA~(J( @Q5:&\=FAA +H0[HFAL>>LFALFA).Aa2E5)))HH"$@^$2007 ýMidwinter GODORT Schedule January 19-24, 2007, Seattle, WA HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/ala/eventsandconferencesb/midwinter/2007/hotelmap.pdf"Hotel Map WCC = Washington State Convention & Trade CenterAll individuals registered for the HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/ala/eventsandconferencesb/midwinter/2007/home.htm"ýMidwinter Conference are welcome to attend GODORT meetings.Friday January 19, 20071:30 pm-3:30 pmGODORT Steering Committee I Aime Quinn, Chair Members of Steering will report and discuss on actions since the annual conference 2006. Some items to be discussed include discussion indexing DttP, strategic planning initiative, status of federal libraries. Also, there will be a visit from an ýcandidate for Treasurer and an examination of the GODORT budget.WCC 605COL/Legislation Assembly Joint MeetingWCC 3A4:00 pm-5:30 pm GODORT Awards Committee John Phillips, Chair The Awards Committee will meet to select the recipients of the GODORT awards to be given during the summer 2007 ýmeeting. Closed meeting.WCC 301GODORT Bylaws & Organization John Stevenson, Chair The Committee will discuss and prepare any necessary changes in the GODORT PPM and Bylaws for publication on the Web. WCC 212GODORT Membership Committee I Beth Clausen, Chair The Membership Committee will continue to discuss strategies to sell and market GODORT and retain and recruit members. The revision of the brochure will be completed.WCC 204GODORT Conference Committee Barbara Miller, Chair The Conference Committee will be discussing rooms and catering for the annual GODORT reception, sponsors for the reception, and procedures for the GODORT booth at Annual. They will also review problems obtaining block rooms at Midwinter.WCC 309GODORT Nominating Committee I Marianne Mason, Chair The Committee will discuss the slate of officers and, if necessary, methods to encourage additional candidates to complete the ballot. Guests are welcome.WCC 214GODORT Legislation Committee I Mary Mallory and Kevin McClure, Co-Chairs Introductions, approval of Annual 2006 minutes, review of Midwinter 2007 agenda, Wiki discussion, Legislation Committee web site discussion.WCC 310GODORT Program Committee I Bill Sleeman, Chair Review of activities since Annual 2006. Report on the status of programs for Annual 2007. PPM revision to include pre-conference programming. Discuss requests for co-sponsorship and initial review of proposals for Annual 2008.WCC 6056:00 pm 7:30 pmGODORT Happy Hour (Pike Pub and Brewery is at 1415 First Ave, about 7 blocks from the Convention Center.)Pike Pub and BrewerySaturday, January 20, 20078:00 am-10:00 amGODORT State & Local Documents Task Force Paul Arrigo, Coordinator Now is the right time to become involved in the State & Local Documents Task Force. Exciting things are happening.Come to theSLDTF business meeting and help shape our strategic plan. Come with great programming ideas for 2008. We are open to your new and innovative ideas.WCC 606-607DTTP Staff meeting Andrea Sevetson, Convenor Review of 2006 and plans for 2007.WCC 306Washington Office Briefing- 110th CongressWCC 611-61410:30 am-12:30 pmGODORT Update Christof Galli, Coordinator Cheryl Nyberg, reference librarian and the website content manager at the University of Washington Gallagher Law Library in Seattle will speak about the Washington State Digital Archives which opened in 2004 and a law enacted in March 2006 directs the Washington State Library to "ensure permanent public access to public state government publications, regardless of the format." Matt Brosius, OECD, will give a presentation entitled: "Back from the Brink: How OECD Brought its Books back from Oblivion by adding an E!" Judy Russell, GPO/Superintendent of Documents, will talk about GPO's Web harvesting project.WCC 606-60712:30 pm - 1:30 pmGODORT New Members LunchBambuza Vietnamese Bistro1:30 pm-3:30 pmGODORT Federal Documents Task Force John Hernandez, Coordinator Topics will include a discussion of the EPA libraries situation, a more detailed discussion with Judy Russell about GPO's web harvesting project, redesign of the FDTF web site, what members want out of FDTF, and potential programs for 2007 & 2008.WCC 304GODORT Legislation Committee II (Joint meeting with COL-GIS) Mary Mallory and Kevin McClure, Co-Chairs Update on Federal, EPA libraries' closings. Discussion: removal of information from EPA web site, SODs 110, 301, 304, GPO vacancies (Public Printer, Superintendent of Documents, US Code Index - elimination of print version, NRC Reading Rooms, Copyright and US government documents, e.g., recent Iraq report, and, e-titles - permanent preservation and availability of bibliographic records.WCC 3A4:00 pm6:00 pmGODORT International Documents Task Force Christof Galli, Coordinator Reports from Committee liaisons; agency liaison reports; vendor/agency reports from World Bank, OECD, Center for Research Libraries, Bernan, Renouf, and others. David Griffiths will lead a discussion about IDTF's efforts to create and implement an outreach strategy to support information specialists in their work with international documents. There will be a discussion of the updates to the United Nations classification scheme.WCC 3ASunday, January 21, 20078:00 am-10:00 amGODORT Development Committee Tim Byrne, Chair The Development Committee will be discussing fund raising for GODORT and the W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship Endowment.WCC 301GODORT Legislation Committee III Mary Mallory and Kevin McClure, Co-Chairs Committee working session, including continuation of discussion on Legislation Committee web site, review and enhancement of draft advocacy plan outline, and other committee assignments.WCC 613GODORT Membership Committee II Beth Clausen, Chair The Membership Committee will work on the survey for current and past members that has been proposed as part of the GODORT Strategic Plan process. May also continue discussions from Friday's meeting if necessary.WCC 302GODORT Publications Committee Dan Barkley, Chair The Committee will be reviewing the GODORT Web Administrator's job description/position, the DTTP indexing/aggregators issue, and hear updates on book projects.WCC 20410:30 am-12:30 pmGODORT Legislation Committee IV (Joint meeting with COL-GIS) Mary Mallory and Kevin McClure, Co-Chairs Working session, finalize any resolutions, letters and other business of the committees. EPA Staff will be present at the first part of the meeting. GAO staff will arrive at 11:30a.m.WCC 204GODORT Rare & Endangered Government Publications Committee Rebecca Hyde, Chair REGP will discuss future steps for the Endangered 1932-1962 Federal Documents project as well as the committee's role regarding digital information. There will also be reports on the Serial Set book project, paper and ink standards, and more.WCC 2AGODORT Cataloging Committee Eva Sorrell, Chair A GPO representative will discuss GPO cataloging issues and statistics. The Committee will discuss the upcoming GPO cataloging guideline changes regarding access level serial records and expanded materials to receive abridged cataloging. The meeting will also include liaison reports and discussion of recent/upcoming changes in cataloging standards.WCC 205COL Subcommittee on Federal Libraries Meeting Officials from the EPA and GAO will be available to discuss the EPA libraries situation.WCC Room 6131:30 pm-3:30 pm GODORT Education Committee Judith Downie, Chair Education Committee will continue the discussion on professional competencies, the status of old 'editions' of the ClearingHouse on the internet,possible expanded meetings to allow for focused discussion groups, and thetalking points for potential partners in the Government Information @yourlibraryproject. We will have reports on the IMLS-funded "Five-State Government Documents Conference"and the ongoing Forum on Education in Librarianship.WCC 203GODORT Government Information Technology Committee (GITCO) Valerie Glenn, Chair GITCO will continue to discuss the Outreach document prepared for the 2006 Annual meeting. Also on the agenda are a possible program and/or preconference for 2008, regarding the education of data users, and an update on a pilot project to migrate data from depository CD-ROMs.WCC 211 4:00 pm-5:30 pmGODORT Web Managers meeting Lesley Pease, convenor Discuss draft of web administrator job description, web manager structure and needs, PPM text, wiki uses, and any short-term improvements.WCC 211Monday, January 22, 20078:00 am-10:00 amGODORT Nominating Committee II Marianne Mason, Chair Discuss final slate of officers and develop a strategy for the election process. Discuss issues that should be presented at Steering II. Guests are welcome. WCC 302 GODORT Program Committee II Bill Sleeman, Chair Discuss program proposals for 2008.WCC 301 Legislation Assembly (Continental breakfast will be served)WCC Room 2B10:30 am-12:30 pm GODORT Membership Meeting Aime Quinn, Chair GODORT members will discuss on actions from the Midwinter meeting including new resolutions from Legislation, updates on the ýEducation Forum, and the strategic planning initiative.WCC 2011:30 pm-3:30 pmGODORT Steering Committee II Aime Quinn, Chair Members of Steering will hear reports and vote on actions from the various committees and Task Forces. Ideas for future programs and pre-conferences will also be discussed.WCC 206 Updated 1/17/07 LDP %GH P Q R j k * 3 4 5 \ d e v / 9 : ynbbynbhWh B5CJaJho6h BCJaJho6h BCJaJho6h BCJhWh B5CJ\aJ#jlxho6h BCJUaJho6h B5CJ\aJho6h B0JCJaJ#jvho6h BCJUaJho6h BCJaJho6h BCJaJjho6h BCJUaJ&%FG qxkdw$$IfTl403X0P44 laf4T $Ifgd B $$Ifa$gd B - $Ifgd Bekdgy$$IfTl43P40P44 laf4T * 2 x $Ifgd B $Ifgd Bukdy$$IfTl43P4  0P44 laf4p T2 3 4 5 \ c `WWNW $Ifgd B $Ifgd Bkdz$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4Tc d e v 0 8 `WWNWWW $Ifgd B $Ifgd Bkdh{$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T8 9 : ; Y o `WWWWWW $Ifgd Bkd0|$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T: ; Y n o  $  HI!67ܩܡtiho6h BCJaJho6h BCJOJQJaJho6h7uCJaJh7uCJaJh7uh7uCJaJh BCJaJh:h:CJaJho6h BCJhWh B5CJaJhCJaJhhCJaJho6h BCJaJho6h B5CJ\aJho6h BCJaJ'  $ `WWNWWW $Ifgd B $Ifgd Bkd|$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T `WWNWEW $Ifgd7u $Ifgd B $Ifgd Bkd}$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T!7`WWNWWW $Ifgd B $Ifgd Bkd~$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T'`WWNWWN $Ifgd B $Ifgd BkdP$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T'+,VWXlmnos÷謷Øyncݬìh6hOCJaJho6h6CJaJh6h65CJaJh6CJaJh6h6CJaJh B5CJ\aJho6h BCJho6h BCJaJhWh B5CJaJho6h B5CJ\aJho6h B5CJ\ho6h BCJaJho6h BCJaJho6h BCJ^JaJ&`WWNWWW $Ifgd B $Ifgd Bkd$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4TXm`WWWNE $IfgdO $Ifgd6 $Ifgd Bkd$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4Tmnopqr`WWWW $Ifgd Bkd$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4Trs0''' $Ifgd Bkd~$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P (0P44 laf4p(T  8Nkd$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T $Ifgd B $Ifgd B  8Z[cdefYelmCQRe}~·۫зzrzghufhufCJaJh\CJaJh\h\CJaJho6h BCJ\h BCJaJhU~h BCJaJho6h BCJho6h B5CJ\ho6h BCJaJho6h B5CJ\aJho6h BCJaJho6h B5CJ\aJhWh B5CJaJho6h BCJaJ'8[cdefNkdo$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T $Ifgd B $Ifgd BDP`WWNWWW $Ifgd B $Ifgd Bkd7$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4TPQRe~`WWNEE $Ifgd B $Ifgd B $Ifgd Bkd$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T`WWNWWW $Ifgd B $Ifgd Bkddž$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T,V!>%BԿߴԎ߂ԎԎyh BCJ\aJhWh BCJ\aJh Bh B5CJ\aJho6h BCJaJho6h BCJ^JaJho6h BCJaJho6h BCJhWh B5CJaJho6h BCJaJho6h B5CJ\aJhufhufCJaJhufCJaJ+,V`WWNWWWW $Ifgd B $Ifgd Bkd$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T">`WWWWWW $Ifgd BkdW$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T`WWWW $Ifgd[@kd$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T%B0''' $Ifgd[@kd$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P  (0P44 laf4p(TBT!WN $Ifgd Bkd,$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T $Ifgd[@!WN $Ifgd Bkd$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T $Ifgd[@ + , ! !!!!!! 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