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Contacts: Crenetha S. Brunson 202-707-2649 or  HYPERLINK "mailto:crbru@loc.gov" crbru@loc.gov Sara J H Striner 202-707-5957 or  HYPERLINK "mailto:sstr@loc.gov" sstr@loc.gov Richard R. Yarnall 202-707-9474 or  HYPERLINK "mailto:ryar@loc.gov" ryar@loc.gov Government Documents Section Library of Congress M.B42 - LM.B46, Madison Building 101 Independence Avenue, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20540 Metro stop: Capitol South on the Orange/Blue Lines1:30 pm-3:30 pmGODORT Steering Committee I Aime Quinn, Chair In order to better serve the interest of GODORT members, Steering will continue discussions on e-government, virtual membership, GPO's proposed shared regional guidelines, along with updates on financing the Awards, the GODORT Reception, Happy Hour, membership survey, Strategic Planning process, etc WCC 140A1:30pm-3:30pmTour of Senate Library Join REGP for a tour of the inner workings of the Senate Library. Tour is limited to 20 participants. Please RSVP to Rebecca Hyde (rhyde@ucsd.edu) by June 20th if you are interested in attending. Location: Russell Senate Office Building Room SR-B154:00 pm-5:30 pmGODORT Bylaws & Organization John Stevenson, Chair The Committee will be reviewing Bylaws and PPM revisions proposed by GODORT units. PPM changes will be posted following Annual; Bylaws changes will be presented to the membership for a vote at Midwinter.WCC 141GODORT Membership Committee I Beth Clausen, Chair The Committee will discuss the profile of members produced by ýMembership as a starting point to brainstorm efforts to expand, in a targeted way, our membership recruitment efforts. This document will also help formulate the questions for the upcoming member survey. Updates on activities of the last several months will be provided. The updated brochure (which will continue to evolve) will also be discussed.WCC 209BGODORT Conference Committee Barbara Miller, Chair The Committee will finalize plans for the annual reception and discuss any procedural updates for Conference Committee.WCC 303GODORT Nominating Committee I Marianne Mason, Chair New and outgoing Committee members will meet to discuss the years activities including changes in the PPM, recommendations for the coming year, and records transfer.WCC 304GODORT Legislation Committee I Mary Mallory and Kevin McClure, Co-Chairs Introductions; Approval of Midwinter Minutes; Committee wiki discussion (Jesse Silva, et al.); Web site report and discussion (Gretchen Gould, et al.); Review FOIA statement, prepared at Barbara Miller's request; Review PPM revisions and discuss NAAN.WCC 209AGODORT Program Committee I Bill Sleeman, Chair The committee will briefly review the outcome of the 2007 pre-conference and discuss the proposals for 2008.WCC 302GODORT Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee I Initial meeting of group to create a vision & strategic plan for GODORT to direct future efforts to grow the organization.WCC 3016:00 pm 7:30 pmGODORT Happy Hour To be held at Finn and Porter of the Embassy Suites Washington DC, Convention Center, the GODORT Hotel.Finn and Porter (Embassy Suites)Saturday, June 23, 20078:00 am-10:00 amGODORT State & Local Documents Task Force Paul Arrigo, Coordinator Come be a part of something new as SLDTF is analyzing a user needs survey and writing a strategic plan for this task force. Now is your change to become involved in an active taskforce. The first part of the meeting will be a business meeting, the second will be an open forum with Barbara Corson, Program Director for Library Services for the Iowa State Library. She will be speaking about the technical nuts and bolts of the Iowa Publications Online Project. If you want to know how to preserve born digital State Publications, you will want to come to this session.REN - Congressional A/B10:30 am-12:30 pmGODORT Update John Hernandez, Coordinator Please join us for a morning of engaging presentations: Patrice McDermott, Director of Open the Government, will discuss recent trends in public access to Federal government information and highlight her forthcoming book The State of Public Access to Federal Government Information (published by Bernan). Leah Tarbell, Director of Information Access and Managing Editor at the DNI Open Source Center (formerly the Foreign Broadcast Information Service), will discuss public access to open source intelligence material collected by the U.S. government. Noriko Gines, Coordinator of the UN System Electronic Information Acquisition Consortium, Dag Hammarskjld Library, will provide an update on public access to United Nations documentation. Barbara Corson, Program Director for Library Services at the State Library of Iowa, will present Iowa Publications Online, a web-based depository for electronic publications from all Iowa agencies, and how it has expandedpublic access to state government information.REN - Congressional A/B1:30 pm-3:30 pmGODORT International Documents Task Force Christof Galli, Coordinator We will hear updates from committee liaisons and vendor representatives. We will discuss the United Nations depository program with Noriko Gines, Chief, Consortium and Collections Unit & Coordinator, UN System Electronic Information Acquisition Consortium at the Dag Hammarskjld Library. In addition, we will discuss various IDTF initiatives concerning outreach and service to the profession. We will also form a group which will look at the contents of the IDTF Cataloging Toolbox. REG - TiconderogaGODORT Legislation Committee II (Joint meeting with ýCommittee on Legislation - Government Information Subcommittee, Kevin Reynolds, Chair) Mary Mallory and Kevin McClure, Co-Chairs Introductions; E-Government discussion and plan for proposal; "Mirror Site" resolution (Michele McKnelly, Sarah Maximiek); Review and finish Ridley Kessler Memorial Resolution; Updates/Status: CRS reports, FOIA S. 849, America COMPETES Act S. 761, GPO funding, digital harvesting, and U.S. Code funding.REN - Room 34:00 pm6:00 pmGODORT Federal Documents Task Force John Hernandez, Coordinator We will have two guest speakers: Ric Davis, Acting Superintendent of Documents, will give us an update on whats happening at GPO. Pamela Klein, statistician with the U.S. Census Bureau, will give us highlights on the American Community Survey. We will hear reports from committee liaisons, an update on the status of the FDTF Web page, a report on planning for the 2008 pre-conference, and a discussion of the possibilities of virtual membership. Dont miss it!REG - TiconderogaGODORT Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee II Continue to develop gameplan for launching strategic planning initiatives, building on groundwork that was laid at Friday's Strategic Planning I meeting.REG - Valley ForgeSunday, June 24, 20078:00 am-10:00 amGODORT Development Committee Tim Byrne, Chair The committee will be finalizing a letter for soliciting donations to the Rozkuszka Scholarship. There will be discussion of the web based silent auction being held during the conference. Further discussion of future committee activities.MAY - Board RoomGODORT Legislation Committee III Mary Mallory and Kevin McClure, Co-Chairs Report on The Advocacy Institute - Annual Conference 2007, held June 22, 2007, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m., registration), Renaissance Washington Hotel, Grand Ballroom - South, Washington, DC (Kevin McClure); Complete any unfinished business from Legislation Committee I.MAY - South Carolina RoomGODORT Publications Committee Dan Barkley, Chair The first hour of the meeting will be CLOSED in order to conduct interviews with candidates for GODORT Web Manager and Chair of Notable Documents. The second hour will include an update on Andrea Morrison's book, a creation of a working group for the Occasional Papers series and other issues.MAY - Virginia Room10:30 am-12:30 pmGODORT Legislation Committee IV (Joint meeting with ýCommittee on Legislation - Government Information Subcommittee, Kevin Reynolds, Chair) Mary Mallory and Kevin McClure, Co-Chairs Updates continued: EPA libraries/Federal libraries; Presidential Records Act H.R. 1255; Complete pending resolutions and any other work that needs to go to COL; ýcommunication and procedures (COL will be discussing this as well).WCC 156GODORT Rare & Endangered Government Publications Committee Rebecca Hyde, Chair The committee will discuss continuing projects related to endangered government documents, as well as future directions for the committee. There will be opportunities to volunteer for virtual committee projects. All are welcome to attend and encouraged to participate in discussion!MAY - South Carolina RoomGODORT Cataloging Committee Eva Sorrell, Chair A GPO representative will update us with the latest National Bibliography news. The Committee will hear a brief update on a letter being drafted to the UN discussing problems with the UN classification system and recommendations for changes. Other topics include the draft of chapter 3 of RDA and liaison reports.BEAC - Presidential Library1:30 pm-3:30 pm GODORT Education Committee Judith Downie, Chair Anew feature inaugurates with this meeting--a discussion session, any interested attendees are encouraged to attend. This first discussion focuses on e-government issues, with three speakers providing short overviews to lead into a moderated audience discussion. The second hour will be committee business on the current tasks of government document librarian competencies and thegovernment information @your library campaign.BEAC - BallroomGODORT Government Information Technology Committee (GITCO) Valerie Glenn, Chair Gretchen Gano and Julie Linden will be giving an update on their CD-ROM migration project, and GPO staff from the Office of Innovation & New Technology will be presenting on Release 1.B of GPO's Digital Information System (FDsys).MAY - Rhode Island Room4:00 pm-5:30 pmGODORT Web Managers meeting Lesley Pease, convenor Priorities for new Web Administrator; updates on wiki, web site, and ýCollageMAY - Virginia RoomDTTP Staff meeting Andrea Sevetson, Convenor Review of advertising, subscriptions, and upcoming issues.MAY - South Carolina Room6:30 8:00 pmGODORT Reception and Awards  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/ala/godort/godortcommittees/godortconference/reception.htm" Details, directions, and maps.ýWashington Office Monday, June 25, 20078:00 am-10:00 amGODORT Program Committee II Bill Sleeman, Chair Program Committee meeting II at ýAnnual canceled.MAY - Georgia Room 8:30 am - 9:30 am LexisNexis BreakfastMAY - Grand Ballroom10:30 am-12:30 pm GODORT Program What Difference Does it Make What Congress Published?" American History in the Earliest Congressional Documents MAY - Chinese Room1:30 pm-3:30 pmGODORT Membership Meeting Aime Quinn, Chair More targeted recruitment efforts will be discussed. Input from members and nonmembers of GODORT are welcome. The survey of membership that is part of the GODORT Strategic Plan will be discussed and drafted. During membership we will discuss new resolutions, Council actions, as well as have discussions about the need for further professional development opportunities including discussion groups (Birds of a Feather), additional programs and pre-conferences for Annual Conference, and opportunities for GODORT to speak at State/Local meetings and conferences.WCC 143b4:00 pm 6:00 pmGODORT Steering Committee II Aime Quinn, Chair Reports and action items from the Committees and Task Forces as well as meeting with our Executive Board liaison, Michael Gorman. WCC 209CTuesday, June 26, 20078:00 am-10:00 amGODORT Day on the Hill Organizational MeetingWCC 141 Updated 6/18/2007 SRG   &78;<>@AJWXYZҷyq_yRyhnh B0JCJaJ#j7hnhnCJUaJhnCJaJjhnCJUaJhMhXTaJ h BaJ hnaJhMh 0vaJhMh BaJhMh 0vCJ(aJ(hMh BCJ(aJ(hmCJaJhV CJaJh rh rCJaJh rCJaJho6h BCJaJjhMhMCJUaJ7XY% _xkd8$$IfTl40D 3 )0P44 laf4T $IfgdXT $Ifgd B $Ifgdmm $$Ifa$gd B ; % F  ! % + 6 7 b x y Ʒ{meZK{jh!5CJU\aJho6h!CJaJh!CJaJhWh!5CJ\aJh!5CJ\aJh 0v0JCJaJho6h B0JCJaJ#jr9h 0vhMCJUaJh 0vCJaJjho6h BCJUaJho6h BCJaJho6hCgK5CJ\aJh>5CJ\aJhXT5CJ\aJhCgK5CJ\aJ _ ` a $Ifgd Bekdi:$$IfTl43P40P44 laf4T $$Ifa$gd Ba b y { xox $Ifgd! $Ifgd! $Ifgd Bukd:$$IfTl43P4  0P44 laf4p T {  ۽zodVKV=5h}.3CJaJhWh}.35CJ\aJhd5CJ\aJhWhd5CJ\aJho6h!CJaJho6h)hCJaJh)hCJaJh!CJaJh!h!CJaJ h!h!hn}h!CJOJQJaJ"hV h!5CJOJQJ\aJh!h!5CJ\aJh!h!0J5CJ\aJjh!5CJU\aJ)j;h!h!5CJU\aJ   e `WWN@@@ $7$8$H$Ifgd}.3 $Ifgd B $Ifgd Bkd<$$IfTl4\T |*3 ( P 0P44 laf4T  x y 1 2 E R T U V c d e ȶlȶTlȶ/jH>h5 hCJOJQJU^JaJ$h5 h0JCJOJQJ^JaJ/ju=h5 hCJOJQJU^JaJ 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