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Chart MSGraph.Chart.80*Microsoft Graph Chart/ 0DArialngsp7L40Wo 0"DVerdanasp7L40Wo 0" DWingdingsp7L40Wo 0 a .  @n?" dd@  @@`` D<x<*@21    "$&(*,.0  !#%')+-/12435679=:>?@ac;8</X$""$Ih5yunGWh " 0AA@8Ql ʚ;v8ʚ;g42d2d0ppp@ <4dddd 0L5 <4BdBd. 0L<4!d!d. 0Lg4*d*d0pf pp9___PPT10 6L___PPT9.&!?h$ TALA Annual Conference 6.24.07 Ellen Fader O  =-;+Engaging Your Community in Dia Partnerships,,0A Multnomah County Library Administrator s View of Da de los Nios y Da de los Libros(YZ>Multnomah Background 17 MCL locations serve Portland, Gresham, and rest of county Separate units dedicated to adult and youth outreach 1995 Ellen Fader started as Youth Services Coordinator 1997 MCL awarded first of 2 Library Services and Technology Act grants (LSTA) to start LIBROS  Z  WHY LIBROS?\Library Outreach in Spanish (LIBROS) addresses issues Latino population in county rapidly expanding Cultural and language service barriers Staff lacked language skills Started with one Spanish-speaking Library Outreach Specialist in January 1998 Marcela Villagran proposed MCL s first Da celebration /Z/ Planning our First DaObjective: to celebrate with Spanish-speaking children and their families the magic of books and stories, and to celebrate their culture and language One location -- a diverse, centrally located branch with large and small meeting rooms and enthusiastic staff  First Da Highlights210 a.m.  3 p.m., Friday April 30, 1999 Target audience of 200: preschoolers and their families Marcela invited partners she already served with bilingual or monolingual outreach visits (Head Start; Migrant Even Start; Housing Authority of Portland sites; child care programs; social service agency programs) Advertised through partners newsletters; Spanish newspapers/radio; library fliers and newsletter P  8What we promised: Join us for a traditional celebration of childhood and bilingual literacy honoring the power and magic books bring to children. Sponsors thanked on program: Oregon Public Broadcasting (giveaway books from OPB s Ready to Learn initiative), Don Pedro Mexican Food Restaurant (food for volunteers), El Hispanic News (ads), Safeway (refreshments for families), and Pat Mora (inspiration). ,ZCJ First Da ProgramServed donated apples, cookies and juice Library info table (library card applications & general library info brochure in Spanish; takeaway bookmarks, stickers, and paper book bags to color Local clinics did child health screenings 4 storytimes with easy crafts 1999 ActivitiesPuppet Shows Music Dancers Children s Museum hands-on activity Tables with crafts Storytelling__ Picnic at the library: tablecloths on meeting room floor for groups to eat the lunches they brought Community Fair (WIC, Oregon Public Broadcasting, Head Start & social service agencies) Library tours 1999 WorkersLIBROS Advisory Committee (Library staff & community members who advised on LSTA grant) Staff from Oregon Council for Hispanic Advancement (OCHA) Hispanic clubs from local high schools Volunteers recruited by Volunteer Services or by Marcela for LIBROS Bilingual staff (paid) Wow! Nearly 1,000 people attended the 1999 celebration Multnomah County Library was the first agency in the Northwest to observe Da de los Nios y Da de los Libros. Great publicity by involving our Latina county commissioner What we changed for Da 20004Needed to print program in Spanish and English Needed and got more media sponsors: El Hispanic News returned; we added The Oregonian and KBOO (community radio) Many more wanted to participate; we thanked all on program (high school Spanish classes; restaurants; science museum; zoo; Police Activities League)V5S More 2000 changes Moved to different branch (closer to target audience of migrant families) Branch had 1 large and 2 small meeting rooms (more capacity) Changed to a Thursday (Head Start doesn t meet on Fridays) Longer program: 10 a.m.  8 p.m. Community fair and art workshop went all day Z 2000 HighlightsEHigh school students trained to do library tours (every hour) Community volunteers trained to read stories (noon, and every hour from 4 p.m.) Many students performed/presented: storytelling; dance; puppet shows Professionals: bilingual clown; music; dance; storytelling (author Carmen Bernier-Grand) Over 4,000 attended FPF What happened in 2001Still coordinated centrally by Spanish Outreach Specialist Expanded to 6 libraries Involved many more staff and community resources Reached over 6,300 participants Offered 29 cultural programs Programs during entire month of April  New in 2001vPaper flower and piata making Photography workshop A bilingual play School choir Arts & crafts show College dancers Hooray!!Multnomah County Library wins the 2002 Estela and Raul Mora Award! Marcela Villagran is on FMLA with first child! At REFORMA Board meeting in ýMidwinter/Philadelphia in January 2003, Ellen Fader accepts plaque and stipend! Da 2002Ellen Fader (happily) no longer responsible for LIBROS. 6 branches now have dedicated bilingual LIBROS paraprofessional staff who provide programming, reference, and outreach services. That leads to the biggest change: Each branch plans own Da  only professional programming and supply ordering are centrally coordinated. HZH Local planningMore responsive to neighborhoods Increased staff development opportunity Increased local ownership  staff, schools, and businesses Work for Spanish Outreach Specialist shifts to coordinating supplies, and liaison with Public Relations, which contracts with professional programmers, designs local fliers, and promotes month-long event TT-Local planning brings lots of decision pointsNeed to have role clarity and decision-making authority clearly delegated Color of logo and paper Systemwide web site and fliers? Local fliers? Templates? Design? Style guides? Translation? Promotion  local or system-wide? <JZZZJMore hard decisions  Who& is main contact for questions & media appearances? documents (photos, videos) each event? previews and selects professional and local talent? solicits community groups participation? Staff bring varied project management, budgeting, and evaluation skillsXHHFeedbackVESL WIC clients confused about one branches Spanish/English flyer promoting Da for all bilingual children Bilingual staff confused: who is really in charge at branches? Now it is 2007LIBROS has expanded to 8 branches LIBROS has new manager Stated Da mission:  & an event directed toward the Latino community of Multnomah County. It is intended to celebrate children and their culture and language, bilingual literacy and the magic of books. 32007 featured literacy focus(<How can we make the event more literacy-based and make it reflect the theme  children and bilingual literacy? We defined  literacy-related activity: One wherein language, words, stories, or letters are primary elements We analyzed all 2006 activities and giveaways for literacy focus  4$Types of literacy-related activities%%(fStorytelling Book-making Writing Reading aloud Singing songs Cutting out letters Using letter stamps RActivities emphasizing dialogue Focus on textual elements Shapes Colors Numbers&<<5(Not literacy-related, but still valuableThese strengthen community and family ties, are fun, enhance cultural literacy, stimulate discussion Making crafts, such as paper flowers Face painting Instrumental music 6eFeF]!FYI: 2007 BudgetProgramming $4,466 Rentals $2,191 Printing $2,225 Other $5,370 Supplies for literacy projects Artist for craft program Total budget $14,252TI8I8 > Summary 2007'Directed toward Spanish-speaking community Provides a majority of programming, crafts, events, and activities that are designed to promote bilingual literacy Adheres to a single system-wide marketing presentation of the celebration as guided by Public Relations with input from LIBROS work group((^  ?2007 specificsContinue to implement new meeting room guidelines Three-hour limit of celebrations (started in 2005) $15,000 programming, print & supply budget for 8 locations Roles & responsibilities clarified with PR & LIBROS @Why is Da so important?(Reflects underlying goals of MCL s strategic plan aimed at people of all ages and backgrounds Community focus  brings people together Volunteer involvement Public (parents, educators, agencies) loves it Staff learns new skills Gets media attention Attracts donors LITERACY! ZPPP;#(`" Find out more/, !"#$% & ' ( ) *+,-./0178;ABD_< ` ffff!` 33` 3fff` 3PPf` fff̙3f` 3f33` ff3fff` fff̙` ̙>?" dZ@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PT    @ ` `4p>> 881148(  3T   "   hBC"DEFJ.. e%/5BEMebebur7p_Uz?dM<H E"5 %% "$@               `" b b@ C# n"l (I   xBSCuDEFSuS @`"b  xBCbDEFbv1b @`"~@  xBC1DEF1 @`"5p  2BCDETF~UUaSHfup`R@@&^F pG` Mr_&x669D>2}uynpbaN@N@BJ 6%:| <@@                            `"Z  L b ) $  # "    B BCDEF00.%mR 9#-< HQXh  &-($!}tkc[!R$J)B.4=*P%g#~#&).bd@`"}  l  B .BCDEF::mpv!4Li}unf\RH=1% !+5?IS[dlt{o_O. ~wmvx@`") /O d  B &BCDEdFn^i s{2Not^<1& .?Op[Sa.^48@`"y[ t  B 6BuCDElFvK$./B>TPfgtuxsklZcJY:N-C$: EOYbimqrK8<@`"9&   B BCMDE4F>  ,< M5% @`"!? 6v Nb  C# *J"O $  NcFBC4DExF ,Hc}+E=lSj 4gWpKQD5?8,)+D2 ,>@@`"  cFB/CDE<FF7e-//-g)G$4"  $@`"= A,  cFBWC(DEHFRWMD :/%  !*4@!J(W&(@`"b b@ # $"G  xBSCuDEFSuS @`"b  xBCbDEFbv1b @`"~@  xBC1DEF1 @`"5b b@ # bS"z  xBSCuDEFSuS @`"b  xBCbDEFbv1b @`"~@  xBC1DEF1 @`"5\ b@  "/o  xBSCuDEFSuS @`"b  xBCbDEFbv1b @`"~@  xBC1DEF1 @`"5V   BCDEFY+ "'*33:tXRoJ=%   (Fen(<Pik{ Bm#)4|9|@wDpI_L_LEZwH3 ~wrmold^T={(cW H=1%  X\@                                          `"W^Rd   & BmCDEdFn% :N,`Gklmic]WQJB:5~5o8`;P8>0+48@`"L v $ !  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