ࡱ> hjgM J/bjbjcc >L we we'+ 8SL,"*()))))))$J-0)))f f f F)f )f f V'@(%lx ( ))0"*(x00((0("f  )) d"*0 : ALSC POLICY FOR SERVICE ON THE CHILDRENS LITERATURE LEGACY AWARD SELECTION COMMITTEE ALSC affirms its confidence in the integrity of members who are invited to be nominated or appointed to serve on award committees, and in the integrity of the officers or nominating committees responsible for selecting candidates. Because of the nature of the work of such committees, those who serve on them must be especially sensitive to conflict of interest situations and the appearance of impropriety. The purpose of this policy is to clarify the eligibility and responsibility of candidates asked to serve on such committees. CONFLICT OF INTEREST It is the policy of the Association for Library Service to Children, its Board of Directors and committees to insure that members in all of its activities avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest resulting from their activities as members of committees of the Association.In particular, no person should obtain or appear to obtain special advantages for themselves, their relatives, their employer or their close associates as a result of their services on a committee. A conflict of interest occurs when an individual's personal or private interests may lead an independent observer reasonably to question whether the individual's professional actions or decisions are influenced by considerations of significant personal or private interest, financial or otherwise. CONFIDENTIALITY Committee members need to maintain a high degree of confidentiality regarding the committees discussions, both oral and written. All committee members need to feel free to speak frankly in a closed session, knowing that their comments will not be repeated outside that room, and that they reserve the right to speak on their own behalf outside of that closed session. Committee members are urged to discuss individuals under consideration with others throughout the year to obtain a variety of critical opinions. However, it is important to remember that, in these discussions, committee members may express only their own opinions, and may not quote the opinions of other committee members or indicate in any way which individuals are under consideration. GUIDELINES FOR AWARD COMMITTEES The Association for Library Service to Children grants a number of awards and it is very important that conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest be especially avoided and that confidentiality be maintained in the process of determining who should receive the awards. It is a privilege to serve on an award committee and with that privilege come specific responsibilities to assist the Association for Library Service to Children in preventing conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest in the award process. Each person who is nominated or appointed to serve on an award committee is expected to consider carefully whether any of his or her personal or professional interests, obligations, activities, or associations could reasonably lead to even the appearance of a conflict of interest, or breach of confidentiality, and to discuss any such potential conflicts with the ALSC Executive Director prior to accepting the nomination or appointment. Situations that arise after a committee member has begun to serve should be directed to the ALSC President, Committee Chair, Priority Group Consultant, and Executive Director. The final decision rests with the Executive Committee. Those who accept a nomination or appointment to an award committee should adhere to the following guidelines: 1) Members who have written and/or illustrated childrens books are eligible to serve, and will not be eligible to receive the Legacy Award during their terms of service on the committee. 2) Members may not be employed by a childrens trade book publisher, author, or illustrator. 3) Members should not accept appointment or nomination to an award committee if they have a close family relationship (parent, spouse/partner, son/daughter) or a personal relationship with an author or illustrator which could reasonably be seen by an independent observer to cause a conflict of interest. 4) Members of award committees should not reveal or publicize any confidential information learned through service on the committee; nor should they make such confidential information available to non-committee-members. 5) Members of award committees who run or participate in social networking websites or software, including blogs, Facebook, electronic discussion lists, and the like, should not engage in any discussions about their ALSC award committee work, or about the status of eligible individuals in relationship to these awards during their term of committee service. 6) Members may not serve concurrently on an ALSC award or media evaluation committee and the ALSC Board, another ýunits board, award or media evaluation committee, or ýCouncil. 7) From time to time, the Association for Library Service to Children may take other action or establish such other guidelines as may be necessary in the Associations sole discretion to protect the integrity of the award process. Questions from prospective committee members and candidates should be directed to the Executive Director; situations that arise after a committee member has begun to serve should be directed to the ALSC President, Committee Chair, Priority Group Consultant, and Executive Director. The final decision rests with the Executive Committee. MEETING ATTENDANCE AND ACCESS TO MATERIALS 1) Persons elected or appointed to the Legacy Award Committee should be able to attend all required discussion and decision meetings scheduled for the Annual and Midwinter meetings of ýand follow procedures established by the committee. 2) Persons elected or appointed to the Legacy Award Committee should have ready access to a comprehensive collection of children's books, whether through a local library collection or interlibrary loan, so that they can easily obtain the complete bodies of work of authors and illustrators under consideration. Neither ýnor the committee chair can be expected to provide copies of books for committee members to examine. Although these requirements may limit membership on a committee, wise selection requires complete participation of all members of the committee. FREQUENCY OF SERVICE ON THE LEGACY AWARD COMMITTEE No individual may serve on the Batchelder Award, Caldecott Award, Geisel Award, Newbery Award, Sibert Award, Legacy Award, or Notable Childrens Books Committees more often than once every four years. The four-year period shall begin from the last year of the term of service regardless of length of term. This guideline will not apply to the appointment for Chair. This guideline will not apply to other ALSC committees. Additionally, in the event that an emergency, mid-year replacement appointment must be made, the four-year rule may be suspended, providing the appointing officer the necessary flexibility and a greater pool of experienced candidates. Violation of any of the above guidelines may result in dismissal from the award committee and may preclude service from future award committees. Do you understand and agree to adhere to the guidelines for service on the award committee as outlined herein and agree to adhere to such other guidelines as the Association for Library Service to Children may hand down from time to time? ___ Yes ___No Signed: ______________________________________________________ date Name: ______________________________________________________ Please fill out and return the attached checklist. October 2007. Policy revised, June 2011, January 2016, February 2018, July 2018. Checklist for Prospective Legacy Award Committee Members Please respond to the following questions. A yes answer does not necessarily preclude service on the Legacy Award Committee. These questions are intended to alert prospective committee members to situations that may or may not pose a problem; the answers will enable the Executive Committee to assess individual situations. Have you already agreed to serve on another ýunits board, award or media evaluation committee, or ýCouncil? ____Yes ____No Are you an author and/or illustrator of at least one published book for children? ____Yes ____No Are you currently employed by a U.S. childrens trade book publisher? ____Yes ____No Do you have a close relative (i.e. parent, spouse/partner, son/daughter) who is an author or illustrator who may be eligible? _____Yes ____No Do you have a personal relationship with an author or illustrator who may be eligible which could reasonably be seen by an independent observer to cause a conflict of interest? _____ Yes _____No Do you run or regularly participate in a social networking website or software, including blogs, Facebook, or electronic discussion lists? _____ Yes _____No If you answered yes, please provide the web url: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you participate in Facebook, please refer back to #7 under Guidelines for Award Committees. Do you anticipate having difficulty attending all required meetings in person at Annual and Midwinter conference? _____ Yes _____No Do you anticipate having difficulty accessing a comprehensive collection of children's books? _____ Yes _____No Signed: ______________________________________________________ date Name: ______________________________________________________ If you answered yes to any of the questions, please contact the Executive Director in the ALSC Office before you accept a nomination or appointment to discuss your specific situation. Failure to disclose such activities may lead to immediate dismissal from the committee. October 2007, revised June 2011. April 2018. 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Because of the nature of the work of such committees, those      2 Me0 who serve on them must be especially sensitive to conflict of interest situations and the appearance     G2 M(0 of impropriety. The purpose of this poli  n2 LB0 cy is to clarify the eligibility and responsibility of candidates   >2 M"0 asked to serve on such committees.   2 40     2 M0   --- +2 M0 CONFLICT OF INTEREST       2 0   ---  2 -M0    2 AMk0 It is the policy of the Association for Library Service to Children, its Board of Directors and committees        /2 TM0 to insure that members i   2 TT0 n all of its activities avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflicts   d2 hM;0 of interest resulting from their activities as members of c    72 h0 ommittees of the Association.    2 h0   "2 h0 In particular,   q2 {MD0 no person should obtain or appear to obtain special advantages for t >2 { "0 hemselves, their relatives, their    2 MP0 employer or their close associates as a result of their services on a committee.    2 G0    2 M0    2 P0    2 M]0 A conflict of interest occurs when an individual's personal or private interests may lead an     P2 M.0 independent observer reasonably to question wh  R2 /0 ether the individual's professional actions or   2 Me0 decisions are influenced by considerations of significant personal or private interest, financial or   2 M 0 otherwise.   2 0   --- "2 M0 CONFIDENTIALITY      2 0   --- 2 <MQ0 Committee members need to maintain a high degree of confidentiality regarding the       2 <s0   2 <w 0 committees    2 PMb0 discussions, both oral and written. All committee members need to feel free to speak frankly in a        2 cMb0 closed session, knowing that their comments will not be repeated outside that room, and that they       42 vM0 reserve the right to speak  )2 v0 on their own behalf   :2 v{0 outside of that closed session.  2 vA0    2 Mb0 Committee members are urged to discuss individuals under consideration with others throughout the       2 Mc0 year to obtain a variety of critical opinions. However, it is important to remember that, in these        42 M0 discussions, committee memb    j2 ?0 ers may express only their own opinions, and may not quote the      k2 M@0 opinions of other committee members or indicate in any way which       2 0   2   0 individuals  2 O0   2 R 0 are under  --- "2 M0 consideration. ---  2 0   ------ :2 M0 GUIDELINES FOR AWARD COMMITTEES       ---  2 S0    2 V0     2 %M0    _2 8M80 The Association for Library Service to Children grants a    2 80   J2 8*0 number of awards and it is very important      2 LMf0 that conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest be especially avoided and that   2 _Mc0 confidentiality be maintained in the process of determining who should receive the awards. It is a       2 sM 0 privilege to  2 s0   2 sV0 serve on an award committee and with that privilege come specific responsibilities to       2 Mc0 assist the Association for Library Service to Children in preventing conflicts of interest and the     t2 MF0 appearance of conflicts of interest in the award process. Each person   82 0 who is nominated or appointed    2 Md0 to serve on an award committee is expected to consider carefully whether any of his or her personal      2 Mf0 or professional interests, obligations, activities, or associations could reasonably lead to even the   /2 M0 appearance of a conflict  2 0   2 M0 of interest, or breach of confidentiality, and to discuss any such potential   2 M]0 conflicts with the ALSC Executive Director prior to accepting the nomination or appointment.         2 MU0 Situations that arise after a committee member has begun to serve should be directed     2  0 to the ALSC    "SystemvPvvm"--  00//.. ))i՜.+,0 hp   ýG '  ,ALSC POLICY FOR SERVICE ON AWARD COMMITTEESQALSC POLICY FOR SERVICE ON THE CHILDRENS LITERATURE LEGACY AWARD SELECTION COMMQALSC affirms its confidence in the integrity of members who are invited to be noCONFLICT OF INTEREST CONFIDENTIALITY!GUIDELINES FOR AWARD COMMITTEES 3 MEETING ATTENDANCE AND ACCESS TO MATERIALS3Please fill out and return the attached checklist. 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