ࡱ>  xbjbjWW 455j| 8;t|,4+vT$x,,,,,,,/1,ppp,,DDDp,Dp,DD*h,pR8,uf?+o,,0,O+H2dH2 ,H2,\"D,,.,ppppH2 :  ALSC PRIORITY GROUP CONSULTANT MANUAL May 2014 The ALSC Board established Priority Groups in 1974. They were based on the eight priorities defined by the Board, drawn from the ALSC objectives as stated in the Bylaws. In 2009, The ALSC Board streamlined the priority groups to seven areas. Each committee, task force, and discussion group is placed within a priority group when it is established. These are listed at the end of this manual along with each Priority Groups charge. Each priority group has an appointed consultant who serves as the liaison between the committees, task forces, and discussion groups and the ALSC Board and staff. The Priority Group Consultants provide their assigned committees, task forces, and discussion groups with information or advice needed to carry out their function statements. The Priority Group Consultant supports the committee and task force chairs and discussion group conveners, and helps find answers to their questions. Also, when an ALSC task force is formed, it is assigned to a specific priority group and is serviced by that groups Priority Group Consultant. Priority Group Consultant, committee and task force chairs, and discussion group leaders review annually the function of each of the committees, task forces, and discussion groups and make any recommendations necessary to meet the responsibilities of the priority group and to facilitate implementation of the ALSC Strategic Plan. Each Priority Group Consultant is also responsible for serving as a liaison with ýcommittees, divisions, round tables, and other ALSC priority groups with common concerns. The Priority Group Consultants responsibilities include: serving as a liaison between the ALSC Board and committee and task force chairs and discussion group conveners, and between the ALSC Office and committee and task force chairs and discussion group conveners; ( reading thoroughly all sections of the Division Leadership Manual  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/governance/dlm" http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/governance/dlm and the ALSC Handbook of Organization  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/governance/hndbk" http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/governance/hndbk and using them as basic references for assisting committee and task force chairs and discussion group conveners; annually studying the function statements of the committees within the priority group, in consultation with committee chairs, found in the ýHandbook of Organization  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/aboutala/governance/handbook" http://www.ala.org/aboutala/governance/handbook and in the ALSC Committee Rosters  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/coms" http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/coms and making recommendations for improvement, updating, or clarification; serving as consultant to his/her priority group committees, task forces, and discussion groups on procedural or substantive matters during conferences and by mail, e-mail, fax, or phone between conferences; meeting with the President, Vice President/President-Elect, and Past-President prior to the Leadership & ALSC meetings at each conference to discuss priorities and concerns; meeting with committee and task force chairs and discussion group conveners within the priority group as part of the Midwinter Conference and Annual Conference Leadership & ALSC Meetings to orient them to their duties, to disseminate Association and Division information to them, and to respond to their concerns; meet virtually with committee and task force chairs and discussion group convenors between Annual Conference and Midwinter Meetings to provide an orientation; ensuring that committee and task force chairs and discussion group conveners are familiar with the importance of and use of the Division Leadership Manual  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/governance/dlm" http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/governance/dlm as a resource for all recommended ALSC committee procedures, including: how to prepare and when to submit quarterly reports found at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/coms/alscforms" http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/coms/alscforms how to budget and fill out the Special Request for Additional Committee Budget forms; how and when to complete and submit a request for publication; how and when to complete and submit a request to present a conference program; how to request a change in function statement or other organizational changes. These requests go through the Organization and Bylaws Committee first, who present it to the ALSC Board; whom to copy with reports and other communications (in most cases the Priority Group Consultant, ALSC Executive Director, President, Vice-President/President-Elect, and Past-President); Priority Groups II, III and VI need to be reminded about not including confidential information in routine correspondence sent to anyone other than the Committee Chair; how to interpret ALSCs conflict of interest policy; discussion of issues of concern to ALSC and ý(Appendix A: Sample Chair Introduction Letter) attending portions of each committees, task forces, and discussion groups working sessions (unless the sessions are closed) during each conference, giving priority to committees or discussion groups that have requested assistance or are having difficulties; facilitating communication among priority group committees, task forces, and discussion groups if appropriate (e.g. among media evaluation committees; between Managing Childrens Services Committee and Managing Childrens Services Discussion Group); helping committee chairs identify and communicate with committees in other priority groups with common concerns and for cross-committee collaboration as appropriate, (e.g., Odyssey Award Selection and Notable Childrens Recordings Committee; e.g. committees concerned with services to populations with special needs; e.g. Education Committee and Managing Childrens Services Committee); communicating with committee and task force chairs and discussion group conveners by one month before  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/coms/alscforms" quarterly reports are due with a reminder to submit; contacting any committee and task force chairs and discussion group conveners whose quarterly reports have not been received a week after the deadline with a friendly reminder; submitting a  HYPERLINK "http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/Rxr01T8qPWD" PGC quarterly report  and alerting the Executive Committee and other appropriate staff and members about problems of an organizational or procedural nature that affect the work of the committees, task forces, and discussion groups within the Priority Group; copying all correspondence to the President, Vice President/President-Elect, Past-President and ALSC Executive Director; attending as many programs as possible presented by committees, task forces, and discussion groups within the Priority Group; facilitating transition of committee and task force members and chairs and discussion group conveners; assuring that all chairs know how to access the committee and task force  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/coms" rosters on the ALSC website; contacting new committee and task force chairs and discussion group conveners who could not attend the Leadership & ALSC meeting at a conference, but who are expected to assume committee chair responsibilities before the next conference to orient them to their duties; contacting committee and task force chairs who assume their duties between conferences to ensure they know how to access the Division Leadership Manual on the website; and writing letters of appreciation to outgoing chairs on behalf of ALSC. Committee, Task Force, and Discussion Group Listing by Priority Group  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/coms" http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/coms (v) indicates a virtual committee Priority Group I: Child Advocacy Charge: To identify, evaluate and make recommendations on issues, legislation and services concerning children on the local, state and national levels Advocacy & Legislation Early Childhood Programs and Services Every Child Ready to Read Oversight (joint with PLA) Intellectual Freedom Library Service to Special Population Children and their Caregivers Preschool Services Discussion Group Public Awareness School Age Programs and Service Priority Group II: Evaluation of Media Charge: To evaluate, to establish standards for, and to encourage the availability of materials for children *(Andrew) Carnegie Medal/Notable Childrens Videos *Great Websites (v) *Notable Childrens Books *Notable Childrens Recordings Priority Group III: Awards and Scholarships Charge: To identify and recognize professional achievement and foster excellence in youth services through scholarships and awards *(May Hill) Arbuthnot Honor Lecture (v) *Distinguished Service Award (v) Grant Administration (v) Scholarships: Melcher and Bound to Stay Bound (v) Priority Group IV: Organizational Support Charge: To review, recommend and prepare policies and budgets to advise on issues affecting the organizational structure of the division Awards Preconference Pilot Task Force (2014-2015) Budget Budget Manual Task Force (2013-2014) Local Arrangements Membership Metamorphosis Team Task Force (assist w/ virtual committees) (2012-2014; extended another two years until 2016) National Institute Planning Task Force (2013-2014) Nominating Online Continuing Education Strategy Task Force (2014-2015) Oral History (v) Organization & Bylaws (Charlemae Rollins) Presidents Program Program Coordinating Website Advisory (v) Priority Group V: Awards Charge: To nominate or select recipients of the awards based on the award criteria *(Mildred L.) Batchelder Award Selection *(Pura) Belpr Award Selection (co-sponsored with REFORMA) (Pura) Belpr Award 20th Anniversary Celebration Task Force (2013-2016) *(Randolph) Caldecott Award Selection *(Theodor Seuss) Geisel Award Selection *(John) Newbery Award Selection *ALSC/Booklist/YALSA Odyssey Award Selection *(Robert F.) Sibert Award Selection *(Laura Ingalls) Wilder Award Selection Frequency of the Wilder Award Task Force (2013-2014) Priority Group VI: Partnerships Charge: To open and maintain lines of communication with other organizations which share common interests. To encourage partnerships with these organizations which serve to promote the delivery of library services to children. To identify, evaluate and recommend ways of working with other organizations and groups concerned with children on local, state and national levels AASL/ALSC/YALSA Interdivisional Committee on School/Public Library Cooperation Liaison to National Organizations Public Library-School Library Partnership Discussion Group Quicklists Consulting (v) Priority Group VII: Professional Development Charge: To identify and investigate issues relating to childrens services and to recommend and initiate action to improve those services *Children and Libraries Editorial Advisory Children and Technology (v) Childrens Book Discussion Group (no convenor- recommend to dissolve) Childrens Collection Management Discussion Group Collections of Childrens Books for Adult Research Discussion Group (no convenor- recommend to dissolve) Education (v) Managing Childrens Services (v) Managing Childrens Services Discussion Group Special Collections and Bechtel Fellowship Storytelling Discussion Group * = Fall appointments for which the committee year begins at the conclusion of the Midwinter meeting. Appendix A: Sample Chair Introduction Letter Dear Committee Chairs, Congratulations on your appointment as Chairs of _____________! I am the Consultant for Priority Group __________, and I want to welcome you to our priority group and let you know I am available to answer any questions you may have throughout this exciting process. Marsha Burgess provided an excellent overview of upcoming issues relating to Midwinter in her __________email, so please bear with me as I reiterate a few of her points. At this point I would agree with Marshas recommendation from your appointment letter to begin to review your committee manual and the ALSC Division Leadership Manual. Some of your committee members may have already been selected and any remaining spots on your committee should be filled soon. In the meantime, you might want to send a letter of welcome as you receive information regarding your committee membership. Bundled registration begins on ____________ (date), so alerting committee members to that upcoming date may help them make their travel arrangements. Hard copies of manuals are no longer mailed to committee members but are available online. Other information you might want to include might be a calendar of upcoming meeting, plus the roster as it becomes complete. Please add my name to the roster as Priority Consultant. For now please send copies of all substantive committee correspondence to ALSC Executive Director Aimee Strittmatter ( HYPERLINK "mailto:astrittmater@ala.org" \t "_blank" astrittmater@ala.org) , ALSC President __________ (email address), ALSC Vice President/President-Elect __________ (email address), Past President _____________ (email address), and me at (email address). In addition to my email address, you can reach me at my home in ________________, at ____________, or my cell phone at ________________. Regarding Midwinter, as Marshas message points out, please plan on attending the Leadership & ALSC Meeting on Saturday morning. Attendance at the incoming Chair Orientation is a relatively recent addition to the responsibilities of the Chair, and at that meeting we will, as a group, go over the process and key issues Chairs often share. I think you will find that this not only gives you a helpful overview, but meeting the other Chairs also helps us support each other through the process. [Award and Media Evaluation Committees only] Im so glad we have the times for your committee meetings. I would appreciate it very much if you would allow me to attend some portion of your meeting for about _____________ minutes so that I may introduce myself to your committee and explain the role of the Priority Consultant. Please let me know what block of time would work for you when you begin planning your agenda. As a former chair of the ______________ Committee, I know how exciting and perhaps daunting the months ahead may seem. I hope my recent service and experience as Chair will help me serve the needs of your committee, and I truly look forward to working with you in the months to come. Sincerely, _____________________________ Appendix B: Quarterly Report Sample Letter Dear Committee and Task Force Chairs, I hope all is well with everyone. I was looking ahead at my calendar, and I realized that with an early January Midwinter, other deadlines can sneak up on us as well. So this is my friendly reminder that as chair you need to submit a quarterly report for the December 15th deadline and for those committees that meet at Midwinter, it is now time to begin developing your agendas. The online reporting form is found online at http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/coms/alscforms. Any confidential information should be emailed separately to me, the President, Vice-President and Executive Director.You will receive an email confirmation along with a copy of your report when you submit your form. Please copy and paste the report as an online document in your committees ýConnect space. Please be sure to mark it public so that any interested members can read about your committees work. [NOTE TO PGC: a task force may not have Connect space. The chair is offered it when appointed, and some do not request it.] As you develop your agenda to send to your committee, please remember that there should be nothing of a confidential naturein the agenda (i.e., no book or dvd titles or author and/or illustrator names). The agenda and cover letter should be sent to your committee, with a cc to me (Priority Group Consultant) and your staff liaison (if applicable).Also please post the agenda on your committee space in ýConnect. Youll be hearing from me again as we get closer. As always, please let me know if I can provide any assistance. Best, Name Priority Group Consultant # Appendix C: Post-Midwinter Meeting/Annual Conference Sample Reminder Letter Dear Committee Chairs, Thank you so much for your work with your committees at Annual and throughout the year (for virtual committees).I had the chance to speak with some of you after your meetings had concluded, and although it seems like everything is on track, please let me know if that is not the case and you have any questions or concerns. Sorry to not let you catch your breath after the conference, but if you have not already done so, please be sure to post your minutes in your ýConnect space as a public document. As a reminder, there should be nothing of a confidential nature in the report. [PGC Note: Virtual committees should be posting agendas and minutes after each online meeting]. If you need help using ýConnect, helpful information on how to navigate connect is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/compubs/alsc20/ALSC_on_ALA_Connect" http://www.ala.org/alsc/compubs/alsc20/ALSC_on_ALA_Connect . If you need further assistance, contact ALSC Membership Manager, Dan Bostrom (dbostrom@ala.org) or call him at (312) 280-2164. Take care, Priority Group Consultant # Appendix D: ALSC Pathfinder  ALSC Committee Work FAQ, or, How Do I Get It Done? All the information below can be found in ALSC governance documentation, such as the website, Division Leadership Manual, and ALSC Handbook. However, we know that some questions come up more often than others, so we hope this FAQ/Pathfinder guide will help as you serve in your capacity as ALSC Division Leaders. GENERAL Q: I have a question. Who do I ask? A: First check the documentation listed above, or your committee manual if your committee has one. If you cant find the answer, its always appropriate to start with your Priority Group Consultant. A full list of PGCs and their committees is available on the online Division Leadership Roster. Q: What if I am the PGC? A: First check the documents listed above, then contact the ALSC President with a copy to the ALSC Executive Director. APPOINTMENTS/ROSTERS Q: Where do I find my committees roster? A: Rosters are located on the ALSC website under About ALSC, then ALSC Committees. Each committee falls under a priority group. Once you click into the priority group, scroll down until you find the link to your committee name. The next page will be your committee page and there will be a link to your roster. You must be logged into the ýwebsite in order to see contact information. Q: I or a committee member would like to make an address change. Who do I contact? A: Individual members need to update the ýmember database themselves by logging into the ýwebsite or calling ýCustomer Service (-800-545-2433, press 5). As a courtesy, the member should also notify his/her chair. A member on an award or media evaluation committee will need to contact his/her chair and also forward the update to  HYPERLINK "mailto:alsc@ala.org" alsc@ala.org, indicating which committee he/she is serving. Q: The roster on the website doesnt look right to me; what should I do? A: Contact the ALSC Executive Director. Q: What if I or a committee member is interested in reappointment, or is not interested? A: It is up to the ALSC Vice President/President Elect (for spring appointments), or the President (for fall) to make these decisions. Please email suggestions to the VP/P-E or President, and cc: the Executive Director. Q: What if Id like to recommend a current member to chair? A: Same as above; email the VP/P-E or President, and cc: the Executive Director. Q: What if I or a committee member needs to resign? A: Same as above; email the VP/P-E or President, and cc: the Executive Director. Q: How do I know when my term finishes or ends, or if Im eligible for reappointment? A: When youre appointed, youre asked to sign a Committee Acceptance Form that indicates your dates of service. Chairs and members are eligible one time for reappointment. Book award and Nominating Committees have special rules; please see the ALSC Bylaws. COMMITTEE WORK Q: How do I report out about my committees work? A: Committee chairs are required to submit a quarterly report to keep leadership in the loop about their work and issues they may be facing. The form is available online under About ALSC, Committees, then forms. Deadlines are posted with the link to the form. Currently the 15th of September, December, February and May. Q: Our committee would like to make a function statement change. How do I go about this? A: Fill out a Form K (found online under About ALSC, Committees, then forms in left hand navigation or in the Division Leadership Manual) and send it to the chairs of ALSCs Organization and Bylaws Committee (contact information can be found on the online ALSC roster). If you need help developing the change, contact your PGC first. Q: How does my committees activity/program/article/survey get promoted? A: Chairs may contact the ALSC Blog manager; submit a paragraph to the newsletter or journal editor; post information on the ALSC-L electronic discussion list as well as external, related kinds of lists; create a committee presence on the ALSC Wiki. Q: What if Im having trouble reaching a committee member? If there is a pattern of not coming to meetings/responding to emails/missing deadlines, etc.? A: It might be more realistic for the chair or member in question to re-think his or her ability to commit fully, and tender a resignation to the ALSC President, cc:ing the Executive Director. We understand day jobs and family responsibilities come before volunteer work and respect members honesty if theyre having trouble meeting commitments. Allowing someone else to step in if you dont have time helps ALSC continue to move forward, given that so much of our work is done by member volunteers. Q: At the end of my chair term, how do I ensure smooth succession? A: Keep a binder or file of your notes, reports, etc., and pass it on to the incoming chair, either in person at a Division Leadership Meeting if youre both present, or via mail following the conference. Contact information is available on the online ALSC Division Leadership Roster. Its also essential to upload meeting agendas and minutes to your committee space in ýConnect for future committees to access and use to get up to speed. Q: Who should I copy on my correspondence and questions? A:. Your PGC is your first point of contact and if applicable, the staff liaison (the Marketing Specialist for the Membership Committee, for example) should be copied. If there are issues that the PGC is not able to resolve, s/he will forward them to the ALSC President, President-Elect, and Past-President, and Executive Director. If your committee is having substantive discussion over tricky issues, it is o.k. to copy in the leaders mentioned above. Q: My committee has manual updates to suggest. How? A: The chair should collect all suggestions and submit them at one time at the end of the term of service using the Post Conference Report form found in the Division Leadership Manual or on the ALSC website. It is preferable that the changes are made using track changes and explanations/rationale provided in comments to the existing manual for review. Q: My committee doesnt have a manual. What if we want one? A: Contact your PGC, who can advise you and/or forward the request on to the Executive Committee. If deemed necessary, the President may appoint a task force to work on a draft manual. In some cases, sitting committees have created draft manuals, but we recognize this may be impractical. MEETINGS/CONFERENCES Q: How do I request to have a committee issue scheduled on the Board agenda? A: Requests to appear before the Board should be submitted on a Board Action Request form at least one month prior to a conference (available online under About ALSC, Committees, then forms.). Forms received between conferences will be considered on a case-by-case basis for possible online board discussion and vote. Q: How do I set up a meeting at Annual Conference or Midwinter? What if I dont like the available times? A: Most committees meet during the ALSC All-Committee meeting. Only those that require confidentiality (such as Nominating or a book or professional award committee), or an unusually large space (such as the Notable committees, which attract observers) may schedule meetings outside All-Committee. In August/September, the ALSC office contacts all chairs to set up meeting times for the upcoming Midwinter and Annual. Please recognize that ALSC is only a small part of the vast jigsaw puzzle of meeting room arrangements ýmust make. We will try to be as flexible as possible. Q: Can I request Internet access for my committees meeting? A: Due to the high cost (upwards of $800 per day), ALSC is unable to provide computers and Internet access in committee meeting rooms. Q: How do I know when and where were meeting? A: The when is arranged via the ALSC office in September, and well re-check on the Annual meeting times following Midwinter. The where is assigned by ýConference Services, and its often not until late November for Midwinter and early May for Annual Conference. Q: Can I book my meeting in the hotel where Im staying? A: Meeting room locations are set by ýConference Services and requests like this cannot be accommodated. You could consider staying in the hotel where your meeting is assigned, but its probably not a good idea to wait that long to reserve a hotel room. Also, sometimes meetings are placed in the convention center, not a hotel. Q: What if I cant come to/participate in the meeting? What if a committee member cant come/participate? A: For some committees, attendance in person is required, although some function partially or wholly virtually. Absences can be excused, but if absence becomes a pattern, it might be more realistic for the chair or member in question to re-think his or her ability to commit fully, and tender a resignation. For some committees, such as book award and media evaluation committees, full participation is absolutely mandatory to protect the integrity of the process, and even if someone has an excellent reason for missing a meeting, s/he will be expected to resign. This should in no way be considered a criticism of the member or chairs work or dedication. If a chair cant come to a meeting and its an isolated (one-time) problem, the chair should designate a member to carry out the chair duties. Q: Where and when are the committee agendas/minutes posted on the website? A: Agendas and reports are available on each committees ýConnect space. It is the responsibility of the chair to upload the documents before and after each conference and notify his/her committee members of their availability. Q: Can I get reimbursed for mailing/sending/making materials? Does my committee have a budget? A: Committees may request reimbursement of up to $100 for routine photocopying, mailing, internet access in hotel rooms, etc. Award and media evaluation committees may request up to $400, since they may need to ship relatively heavy media. Use the form found in the Division Leadership Manual. See The ALA/ALSC Pipeline section, below, for special funding requests. THE ALA/ALSC PIPELINE Q: How do I propose a program/article? A: Almost any proposal needs a form to be filled out and sent. Publication proposals may be sent to the ALSC Program Officer using the form found in the Division Leadership Manual. Newsletter or journal article proposals should be sent to the publications editor. Program proposals may be sent to the chair of ALSCs Program Coordinating Committee; forms are posted on the ALSC website. Q: Propose a project to ALSC outside the normal outlets for committee work? A: Contact your PGC for assistance in developing a proposal that may be submitted to the Board on a Board Action Form. Q: Seek funding? A: Approximately $1000 per year is available from the ALSC Childrens Library Services Endowment. Submit a proposal to the chair of ALSCs Budget Committee using the form found in the Division Leadership Manual. Please note that requests to support conference programs (speaker honorariums, travel expenses, etc.) are not eligible. Q: Reach out to other divisional committees? A: Contact that committees chair and cc: both of your PGCs, the Executive Director, the staff liaison if any, the ALSC President, and the ALSC Vice President. Q: Reach out to external partner? A: First check with your PGC; external relations are generally handled by the Liaisons with Organizations Serving Children and Youth Committee, or the ALSC Executive Director or President. Q: Do a survey? A: ALSC has a subscription to Survey Monkey that committees may use at no cost. Contact your PGC and the Executive Director and/or your staff liaison. ALSC could not run any of our programs or services without our members input, involvement, and hard work. We very much appreciate your service to the division! Pathfinders ALSC Home Page  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc" http://www.ala.org/alsc How to Reach the ALSC Staff  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/contact" http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/contact The ýPolicy Manual  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/aboutala/governance/policymanual" http://www.ala.org/aboutala/governance/policymanual The ALSC Handbook of Organization  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/governance/hndbk" http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/governance/hndbk The Division Leadership Manual  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/governance/dlm" http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/governance/dlm Award Committee Manuals  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia" http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia (click on the award in question, then the left-hand navigation for Committee Members) ALSC Bylaws Bylaws are found in both the ALSC Handbook and the Division Leadership Manual; use the links listed above. ALSC Policies for Service on Award Committees Each awards policy is found in its manual or on the webpage that lists committee members. ALSC Committee Volunteer Form The ALSC home page at  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc" http://www.ala.org/alsc, under the For Members drop-down menu. ALSC Meeting and Program Schedules at Annual and Midwinter  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alscevents" http://www.ala.org/alscevents Rosters  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/coms" http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/coms (youll need to log in) Forms Forms needed by committee chairs are available online under About ALSC, Committees, then forms or in the Division Leadership Manual using the link above. ALSC Blog  HYPERLINK "http://www.alsc.ala.org/blog/" http://www.alsc.ala.org/blog/ ALSC Wiki  HYPERLINK "http://wikis.ala.org/alsc" http://wikis.ala.org/alsc ALSC Electronic Discussion Lists  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/compubs/alsc20" http://www.ala.org/alsc/compubs/alsc20 Strategic Plan  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/stratplan" http://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/stratplan     8;BCZ PQRSLNO~HK467UZiwjkt{ABN~ hh*hh.L*h'0J h'h'h'jh'U jh* h'5\ h5\ h*5\h*I     89:;DEFGHI$a$IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ  ^ & F$a$RSzghJKgd & Fh^hgd'h^hgd'h^hgd & F^h^hgd*h`hgd*/:;GwyzBDKNtvK* 3 ; < z { | !!0!I!e!q!s!t!!!!!jh{U h*5 h*h*h{h{0Jjh{U h{5 hh*h.L*h{0J h{h{jh{Uh{h'hh*?CDMNJKLRSOP & F^ & F h8^8gd* & F h8^8gd*^gd* & F h88^8gd*P e!f!""4#5###$$$$%%w&x&&&&&& & Fgd* & Fgd*^ & F!!!!"4#f$g$$$$$$ %#%.%5% ' ''<'>'?'e'f'g''''B(Y(~((((c)))+*5*6*:*׊ttlthc B*phhEIh*B*phhEIhc B*phhc h'3h*5 hK25\ h*5\h.L*h{0J5\h{h{5\ h{5\jh{5U\jh{Uh{ h*h*h*jh{Uh{h{0Jh{h*0J)&& 'g'''A(B(Y(((( )1)B)b)c))))+*?*Y*x*y* h@gd*gd*^gd*^gd*$^a$:*>*x*y***'+(+4+5+X+\+y+}+~++++++++~,,,,,,,j--------- . .J.Z.^._.`.x.y../0/1/G/I/x/y/¯¯쫧옺‹¯hc hc B*H*phhghB*ph h*h*hK2hc hEIhc B*phh*B*phhc B*ph h*>* hkh*h'3h*5h'3h*5>*h*hEIh*B*phhK2B*ph6y**(+5+]+~+++++},~,,,,,,j----- .4.J._.`.y. h@gd*gd*gd*y....1/y////080`0000G2I22233@33334  @gd*$a$gd*0`0gd* h@gd*gd*y/_0`00000I2h2j222 3333?3@3333 4424W444455!555556626W7e7໭컅xmeh?)$OJQJh*h*OJQJh*h*5 h*5hEIh*B*CJphh*h*B*phhghB*phh?)$B*phhkh*6B*]phhkh*B*phhK2B*phh'3h*5h'3h*5>*h*hc B*phh*B*phhEIh*B*ph'4X4445"5P5{555666626I6V788R;Y=u?@BB9BeB dd[$\$gd*gd*  @gd*e7)8+8;;;;<<<q=w====B8B9B:BFBOBeB@C]CxCCCC޻|mama|Qh?)$h?)$5OJQJ_HaJh?)$OJQJ_HaJh*h*OJQJ_HaJh?)$5OJQJ_HaJh*h*5OJQJ_HaJh*5OJQJ_HaJh*h*0JOJQJh*OJQJ!h*h*0JB*OJQJph#jh*h*OJQJUjh*h*OJQJUh?)$OJQJh*h*OJQJeBBB DF&HHHHI'IlJK@MLMjMMMMMN+$x$d %d &d 'd N O P Q a$gdAhJ$a$gdAhJ dd[$\$gdAhJ dd[$\$gd*CCCCC D D&D6D7DgDiDDDDF~GGGGGGHHHHHHHHHIeIŶ⶛қ⛪⎄sdVh*h*5OJQJ_Hh*5CJOJQJ_HaJ h*h*CJOJQJ_HaJh?)$OJQJ_Hh*h*OJQJ_Hh*h*OJQJ_HaJh*OJQJ_HaJh?)$h?)$OJQJ_HaJh?)$5OJQJ_HaJh*h*5OJQJ_HaJh?)$OJQJ_HaJ"h?)$h?)$5H*OJQJ_HaJ eI~IIJ KqKKK1L6L7LCL}LLLLLLLLM M MMMfMiMjMkMMMMMͱۤۘ{h\hAhJCJOJQJaJ%j\h)]hAhJCJOJQJUaJh*5OJQJ_HaJhyph*5OJQJ_HaJh*OJQJ_HaJh5h*OJQJ_Hh.L*h50JOJQJ_Hh5h5OJQJ_Hjh5OJQJU_Hh*h*OJQJ_Hh5h56OJQJ_Hh5OJQJ_H MMNNNNOO%O'O8OOMPOPZP\PfPhPPPPPPPQRRRRRS S)SSSSSSSTQTRTsTtT}}qqjhAhJCJUaJhqvhAhJCJaJhAhJ5CJaJhAhJh9>hAhJ6CJaJhAhJCJaJh9>hAhJCJaJh9>hAhJ5CJaJhUhAhJOJQJhxJhAhJCJaJhAhJCJOJQJaJhZ&.hAhJCJOJQJaJh;xhAhJCJOJQJaJ+NNO%OMPfPPPPRRTT"U{UXVVVWlWWXXXOZZ[[F\xgdAhJgdAhJtTTTTTTTTTT"U$U{U}UXVZVVVVVWWlWnWWWXXXXXYY!Z#ZNZOZQZZZZ[[[[[[F\H\B]D]]]]_ߡߕߊȬhi hAhJCJaJhi hAhJCJH*aJhxJhAhJCJaJhAhJ5CJaJhUhAhJOJQJhAhJOJQJh9>hAhJ5CJaJh9>hAhJCJaJhAhJCJaJjhAhJCJUaJhShAhJ0JCJaJ6F\B]]_`abcdheefffmhhkkYkklmn o.ryrbssxgdAhJgdAhJgdAhJ__``0aaaaaab b bPbbcccdddddgehejeeeffff'g+glhmhohhhhhhhj jkkkYk[k\krkkkkklllmm mVmWmYmnnɾɾhxJhAhJCJaJhxJhAhJ5CJaJh "hAhJCJaJh "hAhJ5CJaJhUhAhJOJQJhAhJCJaJh9>hAhJCJaJh9>hAhJ5CJaJBnnnnn o ooo}o~oIpTp.r0rprqryr{r|rasbsdsss1u3uIuKupuruuuvvvv w>w@wBwwwwwwwzxxxyyy>y?yByDyyyyzzzzzz6{:{T{Y{h{i{j{{{{{ | |hAhJOJQJhUhAhJOJQJhAhJCJaJh9>hAhJCJaJh9>hAhJ5CJaJNs2u3uIupuv@wwwyByyzzzi{j{ ||)|k|||}y}} & FxgdAhJ hgdAhJ$a$gdAhJxgdAhJgdAhJ ||||)|*|O|P|Q|h|i|||||||}}C}D}w}x}}}}}~~0~1~o~p~~~~~~~&'1ۀ܀݀Z[ڹˬˬˬˬˬˬڤڒˬˬ#jrhxJhAhJCJUaJhAhJCJaJhxJhAhJ0JCJaJ#jqhxJhAhJCJUaJjhxJhAhJCJUaJhxJhAhJCJaJhAhJCJOJQJaJhxJhAhJCJOJQJaJ9}~0~~~&Z%+̂ւ#-ri & FxgdAhJgdAhJ & FxgdAhJxgdAhJ Zւׂ!"-.UVWpqȃɃ:;fgijkmnpqstwxh}Njh}NUh*h*CJ#jthxJhAhJCJUaJ#jshxJhAhJCJUaJhAhJCJaJhxJhAhJ0JCJaJjhxJhAhJCJUaJhxJhAhJCJaJ+ijlmoprsuvwx  @*^* 21h:p*/ =!"#$% DyK yK zhttp://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/coms/alscformsyX;H,]ą'cDyK yK http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/Rxr01T8qPWDyX;H,]ą'cDyK yK fhttp://www.ala.org/alsc/aboutalsc/comsyX;H,]ą'cDyK yK 8mailto:astrittmater@ala.orgRnDd-P  C ,ALogoBlackRmd,>&fg/_1;mFmd,>&fg/_1;JFIFHH Photoshop 3.08BIMx(HHR[ (hh t2 HK'dE6Mz 8BIMHH8BIM x8BIM8BIM 8BIM' 8BIMH/fflff/ff2Z5-8BIMp8BIM@@8BIM8BIM p&P1 kJFIFHH&File written by Adobe Photoshop 5.0Adobed            &p"? 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